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The Purple Bruise

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The Purple Bruise Empty The Purple Bruise

Post  Morgan Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:59 am

The Purple Bruise
Chapter One

Maybe I was safer somewhere else. Maybe home wasn't home. As I use to say, home is a place of happiness not fear. Was I really trying to convince myself after many years living in that house that it wasn't safe? Was it because it wasn't just my bruises and pain but my sister's too?

I'm use to the beatings, yelling, and emotional pain. I've dealt with it since I was four. My sister, Jessica is seven, seven and dealing with the pain of abuse.

For me its simple to hide the hurt. The bruises hid beneath clothes or make-up, busted lips easily passed for over chapped lips, black eyes; just make-up for drama class. Jess wasn't as good as me. I would help her hide it before school. Every morning I told her, "No matter what people say, don't tell them about Daddy. I'll get us help. If anyone asked what happened you know what to say." Jess trusted me, her older sister, the only person to help her and help myself.

At night me and Jess slept in my room. Hers has been torn apart and is unlivable. Jess would sleep close to me, for comfort and to feel loved.

Me and Jessica live at home with our abusive father. He murdered our mom and told us not to spill the beans. I know where my mom's body is, but cant tell the authorities. This was hell. We never know whats going to happen. We could be next, but I wont let him get to Jess. I'll do anything to keep her safe. Anything.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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The Purple Bruise Empty Re: The Purple Bruise

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:04 am

It's too soon to tell if I like it or not, to be honest. The generic plot is good, depending on where you go with it, if you know what I mean.
But yeah, you've got a lot of opportunities, and that's always good, because it includes an aspect of mystery; I'd love to see more, though.
you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 336
Join date : 2010-11-29
Age : 27
Location : Californian Desert

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The Purple Bruise Empty Re: The Purple Bruise

Post  Morgan Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:06 am

I got the idea from a few things.

  1. I was abused when I was younger
  2. A friend that I go to school with is being abused by her moms boyfriend(We are getting her help)
  3. I had a dream about this
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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The Purple Bruise Empty Re: The Purple Bruise

Post  Morgan Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:24 am

Chapter Two

I stood by my locker, the door open just enough for me to see the mirror to tell if the make-up was right. I grabbed my things and turned to my friend Taylor, I called her Tay. She was talking non-stop about something that I didn't care about. I sighed and nodded and let out a, "Really? Is that right?" every now and then.

"Really Erin! You're not listening to me! This is important," Kayla said as we walked down the hall to Mr. Johnson's class. He taught English, my favorite subject.

"Yes I am Tay, your talking about how John blew you off yesterday. You told me yesterday on the phone," I said moving my hair behind my ears. I had long black straight hair with bangs, Taylor's hair, a soft brown and curly. I always envied her. She had brown hair and blue eyes. My carmel eyes where different, and everyone thought it was weird.

Taylor and I walked into the class and took our normal seats in the back. "Well I know but that's not my point," Taylor said. She seemed to go on and on. I learned now just to block her out. I sat down and shuffled my books and binders around to fit in my desk.

As I moved my things my purses fell off my desk. Everything spilled out. My glasses I wore sometimes when my contacts started hurting my eyes, my make-up, but worst of all my pain killers. The ones I took when my bruises and bones would ache.

Taylor moved down helping me pick everything up. She grabbed a bottle and tried to read the label; I had torn most of it off. "Erin, what do you use these for?" She asked. She was too damn nosey.

I took them from her head and shoved everything into my purse. "Head ache meds Tay. That's all." I moved too my desk again and tried not to talk to Tay. Today wasn't starting out how I planned.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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The Purple Bruise Empty Re: The Purple Bruise

Post  Morgan Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:38 am

Chapter Three

My day was full of questions from Tay. Why did I have the meds? What were they for? Why did I have so many? Why was the label torn? I ignored all the questions and went to math, the only class I didn't have with Tay. Mrs. Shipp taught the class. She was an okay teacher but didn't like me.

I sighed and asked to use the bathroom. She gave me the wooden hall pass and sent me on my way. I grabbed my purse and headed down the hall. I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I dug in my purse for my make-up and fixed where my bruises where starting to shine through. I moved my hair out of my face and looked at my eyes. They where their normal color but my eyes looked weak and tired.

I found my eye liner and mascara and tried to make my eyes look as normal as possible. It was getting there, still a little weak looking. I couldn't stand school today, it wasn't going like a normal day. My phone lit up. I looked at it. Glen-wood Elementary, Jessica's school. I walked into the handicap stall and answered.


"Hi is this Erin?" I recolonized the voice, the office receptionist at the elementary school I went too.

"Yes this is Ms. Lynn," I said "Whats going on?"

"Jessica started crying in class. She is down here with me now. She kept yelling 'No stop,' when a child would touch her. She said it hurt. Any ideas why she is say this?" She asked

Crap! Jess don't tell! I said to myself. "She fell this weekend when we were riding bikes. She has a few bruises and doesn't like pain. Do you mind keeping her down there with you, just until I have lunch? I'll be down there soon," I said

"Sure thing Erin, see you soon," Ms. Lee said hanging up.

Great, something else I have to look forward to today. I put my phone back in my purse and walked out of the bathroom and back to class. Ugh I hate my life!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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