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one on one with Noah! :)

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:04 am

Greetings, and welcome to the site, Noah! Smile
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:22 am

Thanks ^^,

I try , I really Do Razz

Hopefully I turn out to be good eh?


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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:35 am

epic, but the siggy is a bit big lol
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:42 am

So, I'm assuming you know how to role play the right way, right Noah?
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:52 am

hmmm,, Well I'm familiar with NOT god-modding, um my sister showed me a few posts, you sort of state everything from a mental flashback point of view?

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:56 am

It's called writing in the third person
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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:04 am

My characters:

one on one with Noah! :) Demon

one on one with Noah! :) EresAnimeGuyWinged1
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Role Play : In Man We Trust

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:44 am

In Man We Trust

Ever had that feeling of being so insignificant, that whether you fall from this cliff or not, the cosmos keeps ticking?.... Imagine feeling the exact opposite.. when the dominion of Heaven and Hell is in contest, All pay the price...

Its the Year 2200, Civilization continues to escalate it's wars and troubles, 2012 brought catastrophe , bringing the greater nations to their knees where they fractured. Natural disasters, Neo -lithic Plagues appear everyday, The cosmos is stained red by the noval Sun.. and the Moon spreads its presence over the night sky almost 24/7. And these problems are just on earth....

{Hell-Inner Sanctum of Lucifer's Pit- Throne room}

Lucifer mindlessly continues his cursing of humanity, begging for acceptance and wreaking the power of Reckoning upon the civilization that refuses him. In the shadows, a figure surrounded by a whispering Shroud mutters alien words as he scrawls on his manacles in demonic script... He looks up and grins amidst what looks like a 1000 faces, as the manacles dissolve into smoke.....

{ Heaven- Gabriels Chamber- the Balconies of the Trumpeter}

A figure clothed in silken slacks, looks at the world through his inner eye. his fingers toying with a Box labeled with a pentagram and a Star of David. In it lies the Trumpet, The caller of the end, or the beginning. Yahweh, God in Heaven, had entrusted this artifact to his great justice, Gabriel. I grow tired of this existence Such Thoughts of Sin.....And yet, his finger slowly open the box, and remove a trumpet crafted of what seems light and ash wood itself the delicate filigree in iron, drawn from the hands of the Son.. Gabriel Lifted his lips to the trumpet, Aimed at his target, and gave a hollow Tone of Nothing at him....

Character Bio:

Carrion- Species: Fallen Angle- Demeanor- Noble, a patriot , merciful, cold, yet compassionate,

Wrongly Cast from heaven, Carrion is an angle is apostasy, his feathers charred black from his Fall, his nails burnt to diamond density, and his skin, moving is whispy and broken Hebrew, He wears the gray charred remains of his robes, peeks of corrupted Holy Metal peeking through where his armor remains. His eyes, once blue, carry a amber hue from his burning, and they constantly give the effect of staring into the soul, the eyes of a Judge.

Asphodel- Species: Formerly Human, now Caught between death and life, a spectre, no a blight of the cosmos. Demeanor: Cheerful, wise , yet she knows the deadly stakes she faces, she is a shrewd yet, overly kind and emotional being. She also has a emotionless, icy feel as well.

A guardian of the people from the newly corrupted and peasant - like Bulgaria, she roams the streets in her blue and silver garb, Rapier and sorcery at hand should the Night come knocking. In a fight with a lycan of unknown power, she falls by the claw and fades to black. Upon waking, she finds herself, faint, unable to grasps reality without extreme effort of will. Upon finding herself trapped in her own, coffin, her realization sparks a rage of emotion that freezes the delicate stone until it shatters. Unleashing her upon the world.Her sorcery base din the world of th edead, and her icy demeanor,

Bael,- species, Formerly Human, revived and cooperatively possessed by Legion- Demaenor, rough, rowdy, a real "tough"guy Hes got a good hard thats been brought down by the world, his temper is the thing of legends, since it spawns his "darker side". His weapons can vary from fist to thorns,chains to whips, spike,s to demonic and twisted armor. Firey to the core, he can command flames that would threaten the sun itself. In life, he went by Hellfire, for he fought in underground competitions, eventually he fought a disguised demon, and Lost.

[i]The stage is set, The cast has come, The fire rages, the Lights war Wages, thus begins the War, victor take all, if there is no winner, the Universe itself..... will Fall.

I hope you Like it Lizzy !! ^^

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:45 am

oopsie, I just saw your character posts ^^ we can do some tweaking if you like ^^

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:51 am

I... hate... you.
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:51 am

waaaah Why you hate me Sad

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:54 am

Because you're a better freaking writer than I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:56 am

its not that great, I just spat out abunch of adjectives n used bad grammer to twists my sentences .

Beside sthat was just Mental diahreah


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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:03 am

well... i still hate you because you made it sound completely freaking real....
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:08 am

awww dont hate me, Make it better ^^ I want your input, i saw you wanted some slightly different characters- as is, dark angels are rare in this world... and the dark angle is one thats grown in my mind the most.. But i think I can incorporate your Light looking character in for Asphodel if you want

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:09 am

scratch that, i suppose we could switch the possesed to a chick and Spectre to a guy if u want

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:14 am

you know what? We're doing a diff plot. this is way too complicated. you're looking too much into it.
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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:33 am

here is a rough idea of what the characters look like:
Here is asphodel, (think a little more gray and cold weather oriented

Look this one up^^ again it's too big

Here is kind of what i imagine the Possessed to look like:

maybe a bit grungier

one on one with Noah! :) Viewthread

and here is an idea when he gets really PISSED (imagine flames)

last but not least my fallen- hes cool, hes reserved, a gentleman and philosopher:

maybe this:

one on one with Noah! :) F_DarkAngel1m_d4939dc[img][/img]

or this?

one on one with Noah! :) Dsc1719

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:34 am

ok change of plot it is...

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:40 am

no idea but keep it simple, okay noah? I almost need to go take an aspirin....
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:41 am

Its Not THAT complex, i just put a but load of useless details in

take out the adjectives and imagery, then read it

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:09 am

alright.. how much do u want it simplified? ( it might take a while)

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Re: one on one with Noah! :)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:51 am

a lot lol
liek hay gurl

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Role Play : In Man We Trust

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:01 am

In Man We Trust

Ever had that feeling of being so insignificant, that whether you fall from this cliff or not, the cosmos keeps ticking?.... Imagine feeling the exact opposite.. when the dominion of Heaven and Hell is in contest, All pay the price...

Its the Year 2200, Civilization continues to escalate it's wars and troubles, 2012 brought catastrophe , bringing the greater nations to their knees where they fractured. Natural disasters, Neo -lithic Plagues appear everyday, The cosmos is stained red by the noval Sun.. and the Moon spreads its presence over the night sky almost 24/7. And these problems are just on earth....

{Hell-Inner Sanctum of Lucifer's Pit- Throne room}

Lucifer mindlessly continues his cursing of humanity, begging for acceptance and wreaking the power of Reckoning upon the civilization that refuses him. In the shadows, a figure surrounded by a whispering Shroud mutters alien words as he scrawls on his manacles in demonic script... He looks up and grins amidst what looks like a 1000 faces, as the manacles dissolve into smoke.....

{ Heaven- Gabriels Chamber- the Balconies of the Trumpeter}

A figure clothed in silken slacks, looks at the world through his inner eye. his fingers toying with a Box labeled with a pentagram and a Star of David. In it lies the Trumpet, The caller of the end, or the beginning. The God in Heaven, had entrusted this artifact to this great justice, Gabriel. I grow tired of this existence Such Thoughts of Sin.....And yet, his finger slowly open the box, and remove a trumpet crafted of what seems light and ash wood itself the delicate filigree in iron, drawn from the hands of the Son.. Gabriel Lifted his lips to the trumpet, Aimed at his target, and gave a hollow Tone of Nothing at him....

ok, Just a quick breakdown of whats going on above:

In Hell, The Demon legion, who holds 1000 captive souls, just escaped his bondage to Lucifer

Gabriel, under false ideas planted by an unknown being, has issues the Call of Judgement Using the Trumpet, and then blamed it on another angel, who is hence forth cast down to be a Fallen.

Earth is just plain messed up with wars, rebellions, disasters all the , creatures both demonic and Fae alike are hidden all over the globe, wakened by the conflicting energies of Heaven and Earth.

I have some slightly less complex character bios coming up next

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one on one with Noah! :) Empty Character Bios

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:29 am

I have a few main characters set up:

There are three heroes, a background figure, and the narrative of Lucifer's mind, and the Narrative of Gabriel's mind.

My background figure is Legion, who is responsible for the dark and seemingly, death defying powers in of the Possessed character, Trace

Legion has an alterior motive to wreak havoc to Lucifer's minions , and thats what he wishes to accomplish through Trace. He sometimes directs Trace in his fights and decisions, While he is bound to Trace, He doesn't control him fully, Trace, if he willed it, could use Legion's powers without his permission.
Tracel's character is a 29 year old tough, street-raised fighter. He is thug and grunge all the way to the bone. Sarcasm, superstition and bitterness rule his life. He is hotheaded, tough and clever. Standard street rat material, he eventually picks a fight against the wrong person. In a fight with a Golem Possession, Trace comes face to face with a very weak, yet effective demon. Upon Trace's death, Legion steps in and offers him a deal subconsciously, Work for me, swear unto me that all demon-hood will fall to your hand.. and I will give you the power and life to do so....
Realizing he is dead, Trace accepts instantly under the taunting voice of Legion. Legion and his 1000 possess Trace, granting him 1000 supernatural deaths, and the various powers granted by a higher demon(Legion).

Rowan Asphodel is a native of the superstitious and broken countries of Translyvania, Romania and Bulgaria. As a natural born enchantress, her skills are honed with the greatest forms of martial art. With her choice weapon the Rapier and the staff, she walks the deserted streets of her rugged town as a White guard, one of the choice few who can fight against the Supernatural and come out victor. A bit of a haughty diva, she gives the impression of icy apathy, but wields a heart on her sleeve with killer precision.

Upon her fight with a Lycan, whose power was even greater than she knew what to do. In a kamikaze rescue, she maims the lycan, only to my crushed mortally. Somehow pinned between life and death, her spectral form is much more attuned to her emotions and power. she takes no quarter from evil, and gives the solid end of her quarter staff in return.

Carrion is the angel framed by Gabriel, and in such he is a Fallen, noble, gallant and dark of mind, he walks the earth for centuries before the story begins. A master of almost any weapon, when taking to the air he is a formidable oponent, even without his arcane control over the shadows, air and light. hailed a s a legend, he is well known among the demonic and angelic community, where his name strike fear and intrigue to all. One of the only Fallen to ever defy Lucifer, his power is wild and untamed, as well as unknown by all. avian in his characteristics, his eye shave an amber hue and his wings are like a ravens, and his fleshed is patterned by flowing tattoos of text in all the languages of Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

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