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Captive - For Abby =)

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Fennec Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:46 am


Fire rained down upon Rowan as she ran through the burning village. Her pale blond hair streamed out behind her and her wide amber eyes were like a frightened deer's. Grunts, shouts, and heavy footsteps getting closer to her. The slave traders. Their leader, a large, burly man with hair that looked as if it had never been combed, was giving orders to the others. She was getting tired. She couldn't run much longer.
She took a deep breath and put on a last burst of speed, just barely evading the ropes and nets thrown at her. She stole away into the woods. Her thoughts turned to Argul. Poor Argul. She could still see the sword being plunged through his midsection, his luminous green eyes widening in surprise. She pushed back the thought and turned to thoughts of the slave traders. She knew these woods better than them. She just needed a safe place to hide... And that's when the ropes wrapped themselves around her ankles like snakes. She screamed and fell to the ground. Strong, meaty hands grabbed her arms and bound them at the wrists, then they tied up her feet.
"This one's a beauty. Our client will most definitely be pleased, boys." It was the leader. He squatted down in front of her and lifted her chin with one finger. Rowan just glared, her eyes colder than arctic ice. The man chuckled. "Bring her to the wagon and throw her in with the others," he said with one more glance at Rowan before he stood up. "Goodbye, gorgeous." He waved teasingly at her as they carried her away.
"Goodbye, ugly," Rowan spat out with a fake cheery smile. The man frowned, made a strange motion with his hands, and something struck the side of her jaw. Then everything went black.
liek hay gurl

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Abby Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:47 am

Wow I've never had anything dedicated to me.... failure <.< I meant me, not you lol.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Fennec Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:54 am

Hhahaha lol you do recognize it, right?
liek hay gurl

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Abby Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:29 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Fennec Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:29 am

is it good?
liek hay gurl

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Fennec Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:35 pm

blehh I gotz more.


Rowan could feel a hard, cold stone surface under her back before she even opened her eyes. Her spine dug painfully into the floor, mostly because her body was being weighted down with heavy iron chains. She was bound to the floor. She looked around. Other girls, all different ages, were also chained to the floor on either side of her. The yonguest was maybe twelve.
liek hay gurl

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Fennec Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:00 am

Oookay, I just revised some of the prologue on my crappy billion year old version of WordPad xD Here ye goes:


Book One: Rowan and Davis


Fire rained down upon Rowan as she ran through her burning village. Her long, white-blond hair streamed out behind her and her wide amber eyes were like a frightened deer's. There was a cacophony of grunts, shouts, and heavy footsteps trailing in her wake. The slave traders. Their leader, a wiry, grimy looking man with tangled, matted hair that looked as if it had never been brushed, was giving orders to the others.
Quit running, Rowan. You can't escape the slave traders. You're already getting tired... The voice of Argul, her closest friend, plagued her mind with his soft, husky reasoning. It was true; her steps were slowing, her strides becoming shorter and fewer. It's alright... Stop running--
"No!" Rowan put on a last burst of speed, dashing through a burning hut. She was very dimly aware of flaming debris falling around her, some of it stinging her arms and legs and face. She just barely made it out through the back entrance and into the woods before the hut collapsed with a crackling roar.
"I know these woods better than them... I just need a good place to hide," she muttered to herself, slowing to a jog. Memories, one by one, came to the forefront of her mind. Picking wildflowers with her little sister, Thalia. Hunting deer with Argul. Discovering the cave that she and Argul used to play hide and seek in... Wait! The cave!
Rowan's feet turned her west, in the direction of the cave. It was almost undetectable from the outside, hidden from humans and animals alike. But there was a stone marker... somewhere--
Rowan screamed as the ropes and nets wrapped themselves around her like deadly snakes, bringing her to her knees. Strong hands tied her wrists and feet together. Then the leader of the slave traders came into view, his ugly face grinning a nearly toothless smile.
"Our client will most definitely be pleased. Good work boys." He knelt down, getting closer to Rowan, and holding her chin firmly. "Can't believe you outran us for a moment. Such a delicate little thing," her said with a chuckle. His breath smelled like rotten fish guts. Rowan fought the urge to gag, and jerked her face away.
As quick as a cobra, Rowan snapped her teeth forward and bit the man's hand.
Hm. Yuck, Rowan thought bitterly. He cried out and backhanded her. Rowan didn't make a sound, even though she was dying the yelp in pain. But she bit her lip and held it in.
The slave trader shook his head and stood up. "Throw her in the wagon with the others," he grumbled. As they started to drag her away, he waved teasingly. "Goodbye, gorgeous," he said in a chirpy voice. Rowan glared.
"Goodbye, ugly," she spat through gritted teeth. He laughed and made an odd gesture with his hands. Rowan was confused for a moment, then something struck her jaw, hard.
And everything went black.
liek hay gurl

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Captive - For Abby =) Empty Re: Captive - For Abby =)

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:21 am

Chapter One: Captive

Rowan could feel a hard, cold stone surface under her back before she even opened her eyes. Her spine dug painfully into the floor, mostly because her body was being weighted down with heavy iron chains. She was chained to the floor. She looked around. Other girls, all different ages, were also chained to the floor on either side of her. The youngest was maybe twelve.
Rowan's heart sunk. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be at home, in her crummy, itchy straw bed, in her now completely obliterated village. She wanted to be riding her stallion, Rave, with Argul. Anywhere but this place.
A sudden white light brightened the room and Rowan squinted. Standing in the doorway at the other side of the room was the silhouette of a very short, curvy woman. She hurried herself into the room, going to each girl and waking them up. "Come on, girlies! Yous better be waking up mighty quick!"
She then proceeded to throw a shapeless brown dress to each girl, unlock them one by one so they could change, then give them directions to their new 'master.' Rowan shuddered. Even thinking the word creeped her out.
liek hay gurl

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Age : 26
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