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Forum noticing help

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Forum noticing help Empty Forum noticing help

Post  Roaringflames Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:51 am

Okay, I started a forum Monday, and I'm needing help getting it noticed. I have sent 2 URL messages to goolgle, asking them to add my forums to their index and one to bing, searched it up on both, nada have it. Now I have a question, how did you all find this forum, I found it by forum traffic by forumotion, what about you all

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Age : 25
Location : throwing kuni knives at people, "GET A JOB!!"

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Forum noticing help Empty Re: Forum noticing help

Post  Andyyyy Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:54 am

I found it in someone's signature on Meez. There was a lot of advertising on that website, that's why it got so popular here, I think. A lot of members sent it to their friends, and so on.
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 26
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