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Simply A Summer Romance.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:03 am

'Kay so this new story I'm writing has barely started....

June 3rd-
Why must summer be so boring? Why can't I have a summer romance like everyone else gets? How come the hot guys run in the other direction when they see me? Am I that repulsive? Well I'm sorry if that's what I am. I know I'm not beautiful, but I didn't know that if you have shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a little bit on the small side, you were considered ugly...Actually, I thought that people LIKED that!!! But I guess maybe when I go to my grandparents house in a few days, I'll just go hang out on the beach. Maybe,just maybe, I'll be able to find some hot guy interested in me...Hopefully. Well I'm done.

After a dreadful 7 hour drive, I get to my grandparents house. They better not care what I do because I'm not dealing with it this summer. I walk into their home and yell,"Hey!! Is anyone home?!?" I got no response. I drop my stuff on the floor and walk back outside. Guess I'll hit the beach first. First thing I see is the water. The beautiful blue, sparkling water. Ohmygod that water...Then I see this guy. His brown hair and shirtless body...He's sexy. And now he's looking at me. Crap! Did he see me looking? Now he's walking over...Jesus. I'm terrified. He simply says,"Hey."
I blink at him and asked stupidly,"Are you a local? Can you show me around?" I mentally kicked myself. Why would this hot guy be interested in showing me this town?
He surprises me and says,"Yes." He smiles at me and I'm blown away. He adds,"I'm James by the way."
I smile and look at my feet for a second. I look up again and say,"I'm Chloe."
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Morgan Sun May 01, 2011 9:34 am

I like it. Please continue ?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Sun May 01, 2011 10:43 am

He smiles again, ohmygod his smiles, and says,"Well Chloe, let me show you around then. Why are you here?"
I bite my bottom lip and say,"My grandparents live here."
He raises his eye brows and smirks. He goes,"Ahh. I knew you looked familiar. I know them. Good people." 
I widen my eyes and say,"How do you know them...? I mean this is a small town but still...I could have sworn they never left their house. All Gram does is paint stupid pictures of sunrises and sunsets. Who does she think she is? Bob Ross? And all Grandad does is carve wooden crosses. He acts like he knows everything about God and that crap."
James looks at me and smiles. He says,"Well your grandma has to go buy paint and stuff. I see her about once a week same place, same time. And your grandpa is always down here on the beach. Like I mean ALWAYS. Plus a few times a week, before anyone else is awake, they walk on the beach and talk. The only reason I know that is because every single day, I wake up at 5am and run. It helps clear the mind." Who the hell was this guy? All around nice guy?
I stare at him for a moment and say,"Well I guess they do go out....Well are you gonna show me around or not? Apparently there's this spot on the beach that almost no one goes to? That's where I'll be. If you'll just show me that, I'll be good to go." 
He shrugs and says,"Well let's go then." He starts walking in the way that's hopefully to that spot. I am soon to find out I guess. Damn. It's hot. I shrug off my long black open sweater and reveal my purple tank top. He turns around for a second and say,"Oh damn girl. Are you gonna start stripping?"
I laugh and say,"Only if you're lucky. Continue walking!" I follow him to who knows where. 
After what seems like forever, he stops walking and we're under a pier. I say,"This is it huh? Okay I guess...You can leave now." I sit down in the sand. 
He laughs and says,"Nahh I think I'll stay for a bit. So tell me four things about yourself?"
I smirk and say,"Well let's see...I'm Chloe. I'm a chick. I'm short. I have blonde hair. Four things. What about you?"
He laughs and says,"I didn't mean four obvious things."
I chew on my cheek for a second thinking and say,"Okay fine. I'm an atheist. I'm not a virgin. I've been arrested before. I am 18 years old and just graduated high school. Now you."
He smiles and says,"Atheism and arrested? Damn girl. Okay well here's four obvious things: James, dude, tall, and have brown hair. And four things that arent obvious: I'm also atheist, I've never been arrested, I'm a virgin, and I'm 21. I don't feel like going to college yet. I'm just gonna hang out on the beach for a few years. I'm also a pretty good surfer and I volunteer a lot."
I smirk and say,"Yea, oh-kay." He just smiles. Now I know this is gonna be a long summer.
June 6th-
Okay so, who was this James guy? He's like, goody goody yet an atheist and not going to college? No way. He has to be lying about something...he HAS to! I waaaaaaay believe that he's a virgin and never been arrested but 21 and not going to college? No way. No fucking way! I'm GOING to find out who the fuck he really is. This is gonna be interesting...But maybe, just maybe he could like me? I don't even fucking know. I'm done.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Sun May 01, 2011 9:20 pm

I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon May 02, 2011 12:02 am

I like it >.>...
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Mon May 02, 2011 1:43 am

No one asked you Vicky!!! Gosh! Here's more though....:

I wake up the next day and lay in bed. So many questions about this guy that could be answered. Only one way to figure him out though...But am I ready for this? I'm gonna have to ask Gram and Grandad. But first, I think I should establish one thing: they picked their names. I'm changing their names to Louise and Jim; their real names. I roll out of bed and pull on shorts and a tank top. I walk into the kitchen where I find them. "So Jim and Louise, what do you know about James?" I say.
Jim looks at me and raises his eyebrows. He asks,"Which James? James Kelley or James Pearson?"
Louise shakes her head and says,"I dont care but look, I'm still Gram. He can be Jim. Suits him better anyways."
I shrug and say,"Okay Lou--I mean 'Gram' who is he? I dont know his last name. He has longish brown hair, abs, he's 21 and not going to college, he volunteers a lot..."
Jim makes an "oh him?" face and says,"That's James Kelley. There isn't much to tell you. His parents own a few shops on the pier. By a few I mean most of them. They've got some money. Don't know why he drives that piece of shit car though. Probably because he wanted to buy it himself. His family is just him, his brother, and parents. His brother is probably closer to your age though. He's how old Louise?" 
Gram jumps in and says,"Oh he's 18 just like you, Chloe. William Thomas Kelley...Good boy. He has plans to go to college  and he plays guitar. Probably will get in on a scholarship. James I don't know...They both volunteer a lot at the aquarium. Will and James are really close too."
I widen my eyes. A brother? My age? I have to know what he looks like. Didn't James give me his number? I need to go find it and call. I need to get James and Will to come meet me somewhere...I wonder if their at the aquarium? I ask Gram,"Do you think they're both at the aquarium?" 
Gram shakes her head and says,"Well James is down at the beach. Will is though." Okay I'm gonna go hit the aquarium then the beach? Okay. 
"I'll be back before midnight...Maybe." I say and go into my room. I grab my bag and shove my phone and some money in there. I'll need to stop and get coffee somewhere or I'm gonna die...Maybe. I walk out the front door and walk to the pier. I can hear the ocean and the little kids running around. The laughter, screams, and waves. Could anything be wrong in this town? Anything at all? Yea. Possibly. I walk into a coffee shop and see James. Really? I wanted to go see Will first....Oh well. I order my coffee and start to walk out but James sees me first. Shit. Fuck. Damn. He says,"Hey! Chloe!" He puts his hand on my shoulder. 
I turn around and say,"Oh hey. James right?" I fake smile. 
He nods his head yes and says,"It's almost one in the afternoon and you're just now coming outside? Really? Why?"
I shrug and say,"I'm a late sleeper. But I really need to get going..." To meet your brother, I add mentally. 
He laughs and he says,"Okay I'm sure I'll see you later." Yea...Maybe. I walk out and walk towards the aquarium. I know I'll get there and meet him. When I burst through the door, there's a guy standing up front and he says,"Hello, how can I help you?" 
I say,"Can I umm, talk to Will Kelley?" I mentally cross my fingers.
The guy says,"You're talking to him. Who are you I've never seen you around before." 
I bit my lip and look at him. Longish blonde hair, tall, as far as I can tell muscles, and uhh...It looks like he may be...Hard...I say,"I'm Chloe..."
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon May 02, 2011 2:19 am

I ASKED MY SELF and Yay <3
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:26 pm

So are you ever going to continue this?D=
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:58 am

Actually, I might.
I'm thinking about it right this second.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:58 pm

Here, sorry it isn't much...I got distracted by my friend texting me. (:


Will looks at me and says,"I don't know who Chloe is...Should I?" I bite my lip and try to look him in the eyes. Why cant I just look him in the eyes?! I bring myself to look at his nose and run my fingers through my hair. 
I say,"I'm, uhh, related to Jim and Louise..." Fuck. What was their last name again? "Uhmm...Well your brother... Shit." Where was I going with this?
He nods and smiles. "Oh, you're that hot girl James wouldn't shut up about." He looks me up and down and says,"He wasnt lying." He winks at me.
I blush and say, a little louder than meant, "He was talking about me?"
"Oh yea. He was going on and on. Last night, all I heard was crap like,'She was so freaking hot!' 'I would so tap that!' Rather annoying really.
I blush again and say,"I'm sorry." I bite my lip and look behind him. "You don't have work you should be doing, do you?"
He shakes his head and says,"I'm actually off in like ten minutes. If you wanna stick around, I could give you a tour and then we could go talk somewhere... Get lunch or something."
"Not as a date...right?"
"Only if you want it to be." He winks at me.
I blush and star smiling like crazy. "You don't have a girlfriend?" That was hard to believe. 
"Nope. Single man right here." He smiles and says,"So, tour?"
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Fennec Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:03 am

I love it! It's amazing :3 i just wish my stories could be this good.
liek hay gurl

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:35 pm

It really isn't, but thank you. (:


I look at him for a moment before answering. What about James? They were both equally hot. Will was actually crazy hot, but James was pretty hot too.... I finally say,"Yes. That'd be great."
He smiles and says,"Well come on!" He puts his hand on my lower back and glances at me. I bite my lip but secretly, my heart is racing. He's touching me. A hot guy is touching me. Oh god, why do I sound like I'm six? 
I look up at him, he must be at least six foot tall. "Ok...ay..." What's wrong with me? A guy touches me and my heart goes  crazy? I finally manage,"Yea, let's do it." 
He laughs and says,"You seem.......Jumpy. Do I scare you or something?" He looks around the aquarium and looks at his watch. He asks,"Let's just go get lunch. Okay?"
I look at my feet and say,"...As a date?" I bite my lip and hope  he can't see my blush.
He smiles and says,"Aweh. How cute. You're blushing. What are you, like fifteen?" He removes his hand from my back and puts it on my shoulder.
I say,"DO I LOOK FIFTEEN?! I'm eighteen. I'm sick of people accusing me of being fifteen. Look, I know I'm short, but god damn!" I step away from him and look him directly in the eyes so he knows I'm seriously mad. 
I swear, he giggles. What is he? Eight? He says,"Chloe, I was joking." Then he leans down and, wait for it. WAIT FOR IT... He tickles me. 
I jump back quickly and say,"Don't." He gets a look on his face like he knows he's crossed a line. 
He mutters an apology and then says,"Okay...lunch. You up for it?"
In truth, I know I'm not, but I know I need to get some answers about James. And hell now him. "Yea. Where?"
Will smiles and says,"SURPRISE. Just get in my raping van and I swear, you won't be surprised." 
I laugh and say,"I'm sure I will. Oh wait, we weren't talking about what's in your pants? OH. Maybe I won't then."
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:46 am

Will glares at me for a second and says,"Man, I'm big down there. It's like bigger than anything you have ever seen!"
I start laughing and say,"Okay, okay. No need to lie to me. Let's go get in your rap-....wait, why is it called your raping van?"
He smiles and says,"I guess you're gonna have to find out by yourself." He notices the look on my face and says,"When I got the van, it was white and straight up looked like a van a child molester would drive. I got paint on it and took out the carpet in the back and put in regular carpet that would be in a car. James and all my friends said it was my raping van and that's just what we all call it now." 
I sigh and say,"Oh. We'll let's go. Again, this isn't a date right?"
He smiles and says,"Since you keep asking me if it is one, yea, it is. We're about to go on a date and you already said you would go so you can't back out."
I stutter,"A.....a....da......te.......a date?" I immediately start to freak out. A date?!
He looks me up and down and says,"You don't want it to be? I'm hurt..." He puts his hand on his chest like it broke his heart. 
I say,"No, I've just never been on a date that....that turned out good..." I frown.
He licks his lips and it's quiet between us for a little bit. "I'll make sure this one turns out good. I promise."
I nod and mumble,"Okay."
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:56 am

you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:58 am

Lol, I'll probably write more later.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Fennec Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:55 am

xD It's later. You should write more lol. Because I'm obssessed with this amazing story.
liek hay gurl

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:47 am

More will be up by midnight.
Lol, maybe.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Fennec Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:58 am

Yay! ^_^

I was wondering, could you maybe check out my story, 'This Is Darkness'? I have half of it plastered in a notebook at my friends house and the other half in my brain, and the beginning in the Writers' Corner on the site =) I need another writers opinion.
liek hay gurl

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:16 am

I'm writing as we speak. (:

And I looked at it. It's amazing. :D
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:23 am

Here. I got really into it and I'll probably post more later, but...CLIFFHANGER!!!


He grabs my hand and starts to pull me to his "raping van". I start to panic. My hands start to sweat, my head starts to pound, and I know what comes next. The memory of that night. The pain, the tears, and him. What always comes after the memory? Me passing out. The last thing I hear before I black out is Will's voice. Asking me if I was alright. Then the black overwhelms me. 
I wake up in my grandparents house. I check the clock. It's five in the afternoon. How long had I been passed out? It starts coming back to me like someone has let open the flood gate. Will. Is he who brought me here? I look around my room and see the window is open. Why the hell is the window open? I climb out of bed to go shut the window. When I get closer to my door I hear people talking. Will and Jim. I run into the dresser and screech,"FUCK!" I hear someone in the next room over laugh and someone else get up. 
Gram comes in the room and says,"You're up. But you know we don't appreciate that kind of language around here."
I look at her and nod. I say,"Yes ma'am. Please excuse my language. I ran into the dresser."
She looks past me at the open window and says,"Go shut that now."
I groan and shut it. I say,"That's what I was trying to do in the first place. Why is Will here?"
Gram laughs and calls,"Will!!" She says quieter,"Why don't you ask him yourself." He walks in the room and she walks out.
I put my hands on my hips and say,"What the hell are you doing here?"
He takes a step closer to me and says,"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I mean you did pass out for no reason. Were you thirsty or hungry or something?"
I shake my head and say,"It's way more than that...look, maybe you should go. I really don't need some guy hanging around to 'make sure I'm okay'. Okay? Last time someone did that, it ended badly..."
He looks down at me and says,"What makes you think that something bad is going to happen with me around? Oh, are you trying to get rid of me so you can be with James?"
Fuck I forgot about James. I say,"'s just complicated. Okay?"
He frowns and asks,"Tell me?"
I shudder and say,"You won't... Understand." I start thinking about it again. I mutter,"Not again...fuck." and fall. Darkness claims me again. 
Will is the first person I see when I wake up again. I say,"I keep passing out...because I....ummm...When I was fourteen, I was ra...raped. When I think about it...I just pass out...."
His eyes widen and he chews on his lip. He finally says,"Oh...oh god...I'm sorry..."
I sit up and say,"It isn't your fault. It was this guy I was dating...He was twenty. I didn't want to have sex with him...After a party one night, he was drunk...he just took me down to the lake and raped me...I was screaming but no one heard me...I just...I couldn't stop's always on my's just..." I start to cry. 
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:40 am

o.o what was she doing with a twenty year old boyfriend at that age anyways? should write more.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:52 am

She wanted a twenty year old boyfriend!!
I'll continue writing in a bit.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:31 pm

Here. Be happy for what you get!!

Will moves closer to me and holds me. He says,"It's gonna be okay."
I cry harder and say,"It won't! You don't even know me! It wont be okay!" I try to pull away from him. 
He wraps his arms around me a little tighter and says,"Chloe...I don't know you. I realize this, but that doesn't mean that you can't let me help. I want to help, I wanna do something."
I shake my head and mutter,"You can't. No one can." I try to pull away again. I say,"Come on, let me go." 
He whispers,"Chloe...look at me." I look up at him. He leans his face down and kisses me. Not just a peck, no. A real kiss. A kiss that makes my insides melt. And I kiss him back. When he pulls away I'm dizzy and I have to stay in his arms or I'll fall or something. I can't even breathe right. 
I whisper,"...Don't do that again..." Then he does it again. I pull away and say,"Don't. You're Will, right? And I'm Chloe...right?" Did the kiss really make me forget who I was?! 
He smiles and says,"Yes. I am Will. You are Chloe. We are at your grandparent's house. I just kissed you...And you kissed me back...I think you slipped me a little tongue."
I screech,"I DID NOT!!" And hit his chest. I feel myself start to blush and I get up. I need to get away from him before I really do slip him some tongue. I giggle and say,"Very funny."
He says,"That was more than a kiss, Ms. Chloe. You didn't want to stop. I could feel you resisting!" He laughs and stands up. He says,"I am going to go before I get myself in trouble. But, I'm gonna give you my number and since I know where this is, I am coming by at ten in the morning and I am taking you on that date I was promised."
"I didn't promise you anything!"
"Oh yes you did! And we're doing something you can't do wherever you're from!"
"Fine. But I can't promise I'll be awake at ten." 
He laughs and tosses a piece of paper at me. He says,"Ten o'clock. Be up. Call me later...or something." He walks out the door and I look at the piece of paper. His number. I put it in my phone and then read my three text. My mom sent, Hey  baby, hope ur having fun. Stay a kewl kat! Luv mom! I gag and delete the text. My mother was a terrible speller. One of my friends, Hey, Chloe, you wouldnt guess who I saw today! Ashton fucking Kutcher!!! I almost raped him!! I laugh and delete it too. Last text. From James...Hey, I'm coming by around ten tomorrow. We're gonna go hang out. Oh and, call me later. Please.. Oh lord, I forgot about him.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Fennec Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:55 am

Damnnnnit.... eff the freaking cliffhanger!!!!! o.e you must write more!!!
liek hay gurl

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Simply A Summer Romance. Empty Re: Simply A Summer Romance.

Post  Jenna Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:08 am

Well you're gonna have to wait!!
I'm great and you're jealous.

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