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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Morgan Fri May 06, 2011 8:16 am

Soooo! I'm just bored out of my mind and need something to occupy me for a little bit. I thought I would come here and just Blog since my camera broke and I can't Vlog on my other websites. Ugh >.< This is a place for me to come and you guys to come and read anything. I will be telling you somethings about myself, I will answer any questions you guys want to answer. Post your questions Below or if you don't feel comfy with that PM it to me with the title 'Blog Question'. I will be asking questions, posting possibly short blurbs from my day, little bits of unfinished stories ecterta! I hope you enjoy and please read and give me your questions/ comments (:
This is part of my day, names changed, and basically put into story form--

"So as Charliee was walking down the hall she tripped and landed infront of his locker! Isn't that romantic!" Kayliee cheered standing by my locker. I turned to say something as I closed my locker shut.

"Kayliee!" I said my voice cracking in pain. I sounded horrible, like Rebecca Black horrible! I had recently lost my voice.

All Kayliee could do was snicker. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to history. "Now Neah! You know its true! It's romantic! Two people who need to be together are getting closer and closer together! Our friend Neah!!" She giggled.

I shook my head not wanting to speak again. "But, Kay. You know who he is. Jordan was QB durring football and is now on the baseball team! Hes a complete jock! She's a know...nerd!" I said as clearly as a half voice person could be.

Kayliee seemed to not know what I had said. "Jordan and Charliee. Its sounds so cute!!" She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Kayliee walked with my untill we reached the classroom. Everyone watched. I had recentlly hugged my bestfriend. His girlfriend didn't like that. I bllushed a shade of red and ducked my head. When people would as me questions I would let out unadiuble sqeaks and mouse like noises. Everyone stopped and starred. My wonderfull day...


My Questions to you!!! Yes you!

#1)Whats Your Hobbies?
#2)Who's The Most Important Person In Your Life Right This Moment?
#3)Anything You Would Like Me To Include?
#4)Can You Desicirbe YourSelf In 3 Words? (If So Do It)
#5)Whats The Stupidest Thing Either You Or Your Friend has Said That You Will Never Forget?


A Little Bit 'Bout The Blonde!!

~Im 14
~I have blonde hair (:
~ Im short
~I wear glasses
~Im creative
~I love to take pictures
~I love to draw.
~Singing and dancing is my passion even though I am no good
~Im now addicted to this site and comehere somedays just to talk to Alex and Silas (My new bestfriend(S) )



Alex-Thanks for everything! I love you!!

Silas-Thanks for the talks at night when Im upset. Even though we don't know eachother you and Alex are now like my brothers. (:
tommyslilgirl-Girl! I didn't know if you wanted me to say your real name on here so thats why I used your username (: Im here for you and I know your here for me. Thank you sooo much!!! Dont forget we are lesbian lovers in the bathroom, oh and I still have to call mike and yell at him oer the phone when my voice returns!! Love you darling (:

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  tommyslilgirl Fri May 06, 2011 8:35 am

awww Nevaeh;D love ya girly! yes omg that would be awesome hes just a butt hole anyway. I firgure we might as well let him be. If i could change what he said i wouldnt but im not going to change my self to try and win him back.

Last edited by tommyslilgirl on Fri May 06, 2011 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2011-04-19

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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Morgan Fri May 06, 2011 8:36 am

Ahh!!! Edit your post please and dont say Morgan. Morgan isnt here right now this is Neaveh. Gosh get it right!!! (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Andyyyy Mon May 09, 2011 5:36 am

Well, this sounds interesting, aha. c:

Um, so I'll answer your questions then. xD

1 - I don't really have hobbies. I usually just sit around all day doing homework. I guess listening to music would be one of them? And role playing maybe. I write a lot. But I usually hate everything that I produce. I don't know. xD Does going to concerts count as one?

2 - The most important person in my life is (ironically enough, because of the name of the girl in your story) it's Charlie. Only, he's a guy. xD But yeah, he's my boyfriend, and he's everything I could ask for. <3

3 - Anything you want to, I guess. I mean, it's your blog. Just post what you want to, right? c:

4 - I don't think I can. I kind of don't know who I am, right now. I've been trying to figure it out, though.

5 - Stupid as in it irritated me, or stupid as in completely random and just so dumb it was funny? Irritated was probably something to do with how great drugs were & how I should try them. I really don't know what the so stupid it's funny thing would be, there's too many. aha. xD
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 26
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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Morgan Thu May 12, 2011 3:19 am

Thanks to the people who took time to read this!!
I dont really have much to say but! My question is----
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Andyyyy Thu May 12, 2011 5:22 am

I think I know what they are. I'm not sure though. Are they like those stupid ninja stars made out of paper? Because every single guy in my school knows how to make those, I swear. They always hit me with them! o;
you've got the hang of it.

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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Morgan Thu May 12, 2011 5:33 am

No. They are these little fellows.

A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHmB01XDPkRi4b7bUG7T9qPcCZWA9arwW3q0wffZ-kQqOMOC1G

A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfQVLIgnq_B5MehpbYQTn6l5KreNnYlp2INqTy7OT1NFdkeIogGw

A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0EfrL3xk1vP2KfWAYmTjc2DP7avvUVUc8iMZTOpB_-sYEVmjrRA
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Andyyyy Thu May 12, 2011 5:37 am

Ah, I see. Those look much cooler than the stars I'm talking about. xD
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 26
Location : new yawwwk

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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Morgan Thu May 12, 2011 5:40 am

They are really fun and easy to make. I made 52 in school today and another 67 in an hour after school.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Abby Thu May 12, 2011 9:03 am

:D cool, but sadly I have not heard of them before this.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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A Blonde's Blog. (Basically) Empty Re: A Blonde's Blog. (Basically)

Post  Andyyyy Sat May 14, 2011 6:46 am

o; they sound cool. i might look them up and try to find out how to make them! but, I'll probably get lazy. ahaa.
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 26
Location : new yawwwk

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