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Let's play a game.

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Let's play a game. Empty Let's play a game.

Post  Andyyyy Tue May 10, 2011 5:54 am

My sick imagination + the fact that I've recently watched every "Saw" movie in existence, has motivated me to write this: Yes, a fanfic of saw. If you aren't a fan of the movies, I doubt you'll be a fan of this. What? I like gore. But uh, yeah. :3

The thing most clear in Daisy's mind was the pain. The intense, horrible, torturing pain that was spreading up her leg. Instinctively, her hands fled to the source of it, but unfortunately, she found her hands secured to two poles, via handcuffs.

Daisy had quite an impressive memory, especially when it came to being arrested, or doing something that was considered "wrong", and she had no recollection of being jailed, or even going out last night. In fact, she hadn't done anything wrong at all last night. No, she had just stayed home with the television blaring, staring at it with half-opened eyes.

Daisy bit her lip as she began to regain sight. Her left leg was bleeding profusely, as there was a large knife sticking in it's side. She wasn't in a jail cell at all, but more like some sort of insane dungeon that sick people get a kick out of. Her eyes scanned the room frantically, but for the most part, she couldn't see; especially not in the corners. There was no sign of an escape, and no sign of any other lives, besides maybe a few insects, and some rats.

Almost as suddenly as she had awoken, and quite as shockingly, a television in the right corner of the room lit up. On the screen sat a puppet. An all-too-familiar puppet. In that instant it felt like she couldn't breathe. The machine hadn't even started up yet, but she knew what was coming: death.

Surprisingly enough, she watched the news on a regular basis. As a kid, Daisy had found it monotonous and boring, because the only thing they ever used to show were the same old murders and robberies, but ever since she'd heard about the Jigsaw case, her view on it changed.

It seemed that everyone heard every update about the infamous Jigsaw murders whether they watched the news or not, but sometimes Daisy just liked to be sure of it's validity. Sure, the news could easily lie, too, but they just seemed like a much more reliable source than her facebook news feed, or her drunken, high, friends.

"Hello Daisy, let's play a game." Tears began forming in the corners of her eyes, but Daisy wouldn't let them fall. She knew how this worked. She was being recorded, or at least watched, and she wouldn't show any weakness.

"For years you've sat back and let your friends make decisions for you. You've let them decide who was a real friend, and who you should let go. You've let them lead you onto the path of alcoholism and drug abuse. You've let peer pressure get the better of you, and everything you know. The device you're hooked up to has already started to inflict pain on you. The knife inserted into your leg will travel up your body to your armpit. The same thing will begin to happen on the other side of your body, if you do not complete your test by then. The pain you've inflicted on your insides will be turned into physical pain. The key to your survival lies within you. How much blood will you shed before you stand up to them? Or is your will-power not strong enough? Will you writhe on the ground before you and bleed to death? I must warn you that you should act quick: The device will speed up as time wears on."

Daisy gulped and looked around the room for her test. She knew that it had something to do with her will-power, but what did the guy expect her to do? Kill someone? Daisy shuddered at the thought of one her friends laying on the floor behind the door a few feet away from her, helpless and on the verge of death. She couldn't do that, she just couldn't.

The handcuffs grabbing her wrists unlocked, and though something was still attached to her back and legs, she could walk, however it was stiff and uncomfortable. The door that she had been staring at opened, and she walked towards her first task, having no clue at all what to expect.
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 26
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Post  Abby Tue May 10, 2011 6:02 am

Love it!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Andyyyy Tue May 10, 2011 6:31 am

Thanks! C:
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 26
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Post  Taylor Thu May 12, 2011 5:32 am

Saw's my favorite <3
I absolutely loved the third one. The ending was a total mindfuck! Oh my god. I was sad, though. Amanda was my favorite :c
It's actually not a very good thing to watch when the person you're watching it with has a weak stomach, because every time blood shows up they start hacking. Blegh.

Buttt, this is actually a really good idea. At some parts I found it a bit rushed, but you're writing's always like that at first. I know once you edit it, it will be even more brilliant. Can't wait to read more. OH AND I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. AKJWRHAS.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 27
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