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The Last War.

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The Last War. Empty The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Sun May 15, 2011 11:45 pm

Yes, I am writing a story about a kingdom war. :]
Read it, don't read it, I don't care. If you like it so far, let me know so I can write more.

Chapter One, Part One.

In The Kingdom Of Nozomi....

Rowen crossed his arms as he stood in the study that belonged to Keitaro. He had been called in there earlier, and now, he was just waiting for Keitaro to actually show up. "If anyone is suppose to be late, it's me." Rowen grumbled as he fiddled with his goggles that were sitting upon his head. "Sorry to have kept you waiting." Keitaro stepped into his study. "Right. Now what is it that you want Sire?" Rowen asked. "Our warriors, their weapons, they are no good, they need new ones. Go out to the village, go find a blacksmith that would be willing to come here and create new weapons." Keitaro nodded. "Yes sire. Would you like me to take someone along with me?"

"Take Kurosaki." Keitaro nodded. "I must go and find Cheza."
"Your precious sister? Is she well?" Rowen asked.
"Very." Keitaro nodded.
"That's good. I shall be going Sire. I wouldn't want you to get upset if I sit here and talk about your lucious sister." Rowen joked.
"Watch it Rowen."
As Rowen walked, looking for Kurosaki, he spotted Cheza. "Ah, my flower maiden." He smiled, walking towards her. "Rowen, you are too sweet, even for me." Cheza smiled. She had been in the rose garden, as always. "And you, smell too sweet, even for those roses." He nodded.
"If my brother heard you saying such things-"
"He'd already have his foot in my ass by now, trust me. Anyway, Have you seen Kurosaki? I need to take him with me."
"Hmm, I think I seen him, in the main room, helping decorate for the big feast we are having tomorrow night." Cheza nodded.
"Thank you, my flower maiden." Rowen smiled as he bowed, and walked away, towards the main room.

"Kurosaki." Rowen called.
"Who calls my name, surely it isn't thy prince." Kurosaki smirked as he set a vase on atable.
"It isn't, but it is someone who needs you to come with them."
"And who might that be?" Kurosaki asked.
"Me. Now come, we have to find a blacksmith."
"Oh, okay." Kurosaki as he pushed his hair out of his face. "Let us go."
The two left the kingdom, making their way to the village, to find a blacksmith. "Kurosaki, What do you think of Thy flower maiden?" Rowen asked, as they walked.
"Princess Cheza? Why do you ask?" Kurosaki looked at Rowen.
"Because, she's beautiful, the one I want."
"What?! You know that type of thing is forbidden. How long have you felt that way?"
"Since I was brought into this kingdom."
"Does Cheza know about this?"
"Let's not talk about this anymore."
Rowen looked around. "This village is very well packed." He nodded as he looked at the people, going in and out of shops and bakerys.
Kurosaki looked through the crowd, spitting three people, who didn't look like any normal villagers. "Rowen, who are they?"
"Huh?" He asked.
"Them, who are they?" Kurosaki pointed at the three.
Rowen shrugged as he pulled his goggles down over his eyes. "Hmmm, give me a minute to speculate who they are." Rowen waited, and when finished, his eyes widened. "It's Valentine, Julian, and Elliot." Rowen nodded.
"Who're they?"
"You don't know? Valentine is the ruler of the neighbooring kingdom, and those two are his brothers, they are the warriors."
"The only ones?"
"Yes. They don't need too many warriors, since they aren't human."
"They aren't human?"
"Shhhh, they're walking over to us."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 2:08 am

I like it. Razz more?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 6:34 am

Yes, joo get moar!


Chapter one, part two.

Are you sure?" Julian asked Valentine.
"Quite certain." Valentine nodded as he pushed his lavender locks over his shoulder. "They are from the other kingdom. They have the stench of a royal bastard all over them." Valentine smirked as he stopped in front of the two. "Hello." He grinned.

"State your business." Rowen looked at the three.

"It's against the law to walk up to two rather good-looking men?"(Valentine is not gay >_< Well, He's bisexual....I think.) Valentine asked.

"That's disgusting, what do you want?" Kurosaki hissed.

"Nothing but your names." He nodded.
"Why are we wasting our time?" Elliot asked.
"Now, now, little brother, no need to get impatient. I want their names."

"For what?" Rowen asked.

"Oh, you need not give me your name, but, by your scent, I can tell your name, Rowen." Valentine smirked. "You smell, interesting."

Rowen shook his head, as he pushed passed the three. "Come on Kuro." Rowen stated. Kurosaki nodded as he followed, not even bothering to look behind them.

"Brothers, We will be going to war." Valentine nodded.

"Why?" Julian asked.
"Because, I want that kingdom, and that man to be mine." Valentine crossed his arms.
"Selfish much?" Elliot asked.
"Let's Retire to our Kingdom, brothers." Valentine nodded as he led the way home.

In the Bloodshed Kingdom.........

"Welcome home master." Trinity smiled sweetly, walking over to Julian. "Thank you." Julian nodded as he walked passed Trinity and up the stairs. Trinity turned to follow, since she was always commanded to go, where ever Julian did, except for when they left the kingdom.

Serenity looked over at Elliot and shuddered. "Welcome home master." She bowed her head. "Shut up." He scoffed and grabbed Serenity by the forearm, pulling her up the stairs and into his room. "Don't speak to me, unless I speak to you. Okay?" He hissed as he shut his door behind me. "Yes, I'm-"
"Did I ask you to speak?" Elliot slapped Serenity across the face. "Answer me."
"No, master, You didn't." Serenity gently rubbed her cheek. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Be wise. It'll save your life next time."

"My dear Chasity, what have I told you to say, whenever I get home from traveling?" Valentine asked. Chasity crossed her arms and turned around. "Screw you." She hissed. Valentine chuckled softly, slowly stepping towards you. "Surely I haven't tortured you enough, or maybe I have, maybe you're just finding ways to upset me, so that I can do these things." He smirked as he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her b ack towards him. "Now what, did I tell you to say?"

"I'm not saying it." Chasity shook her head.
"Fine. We too shall retire to my room, to play a little game. A new game." Valentine began walking towards the stairs and up to his room, still holding on to her hair. He walked into his room, throwing her onto his bed.

The walls of his room, were painted blood red. He had golden dressers, nightstands, and a golden backboard on his bed.

Valentine stood at his dresser, looking through his drawers. "Now, as for our game," He pursed his lips pulling out a knife. "I want to see how long you'll last, before you finally do what I tell you to." He stated as he walked over to the bed, sitting next to her. "Call me master." He demanded.

"No." Chasity shook her head.
"Very well then." Valentine roughly grabbed Her forearm, placing the knife gently on it. "Last chance."
"I'm not calling you master." She stated.
Valentine shrgged as he applied pressure to her skin, sliding the knife slowly down her arm. She pid her lip, until she bled. "I'm not calling you master."

Valentine smirked as he watched the blood ooze from her cut. "We can go on all day." He grinned as he lightly licked the blood from the cut. "Sooner or later, I'll make you call me master." He nodded.
"Screw you, I am not calling you master." Chasity's voice was shaky.
"Give up, you know you want to." Valentine stated as he placed his knife on the nape of her neck. "Call me master." He spoke grimly. "No." Chasity spat.
"Very well then." Valentine stated as he dug the knife into her neck. "You'll call me master."
Chasity let out a small yelp before falling faint, the pain was just too much. Valentine rolled his eyes and he left the room. "Julian." He called.

Julian stepped out of his room. "Yes, brother?"
"Get your slave to patch up mine. She needs, help."
"Yes, brother." Julian nodded. "Serenity, Valentine needs you." Julian stated. "Yes." She nodded as she followed Valentine into the room. "What do yo uneed me to-" Serenity looked at her unconcsious body, with the knife still where it was, to keep her from bleeding un controllably. "What happened?" Serenity asked. "She was being disobidient."
"Oh.." Her voice trialed off. "I need, alcohol, cotton balls and Gauze."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 6:54 am

Valentine has purple hair :DDD I'm in a hyper mood (so at the moment i find pretty much anything funny) But anyway back to amazing hair colors you know that guy for Eragon? The Shade? Well in the book they said he had maroon eyes and CRIMSON HAIR and I was like HOT, but then in the movie he was all chalky and ugly... yeah. :(
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 7:01 am

I'm in a writing mood. I'll just keep writing till I get bored.
There is one more character that has purple eyes.


Chapter One, Part 3.

Valentine pointed to where the first aid's kit would be, and left Serenity to care for her sister. Minutes went by before Serenity walked back into the room, sitting beside Chasity. "You're such a stupid girl." Serenity sighed as she slowly pull the knife from her neck.

"I'm not stupid." Chasity grunted, slowly opening her eyes.
"Yes, you are stupid."
"How am I stupid?"
"You're disobeying your own master. Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Serenity asked as she dabbed her neck with the alcohol.
"It's okay."
"You sitll didn't answer my question."

"I'm not trying to get myself killed." CHasity winced. "It's just that we had a great life before they took us away from home." Chasity nodded, but squealed at the pain.

Serenity wrapped her up with the gauze, Shaking her head. "And you're suppose to be the oldest. More like the dumbest." She scoffed, taking the alcohal and cotton balls, and leaving the room. "Sir, Chasity is all fixed up. She's also awake." Serenity nodded, seeing Valentine.

"Thank you, Serenity. I wish you sister would be more like you, rather than being a disobedient bi.tch." He crossed his arms as he walked into the room. Serenity nodded as she walked down the stairs seeing Julius reading a book. He looked so, perfect, so flawless. It made Serenity shiver.
"Is there something you need?" Julius asked.
"No, nothing at all."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm very sure master." Serenity nodded as she set the alcohol and cotton balls in the bathroom. When she turned she seen Julius standing in the doorway. "Is there anything you need, master?" Serenity asked.
"No, I need nothing."
"Okay. Is there anything you need of me?"
"No. You look tired, why not get some sleep."
"What? No, I couldn't."
"Go and sleep in my room, It's alright, I never need you for anything. So go."

Serenity nodded as she turned to walk upstairs. "He never needs me. I want him to." She sighed as she entered his room, and layed on his bed. Soon falling asleep.

Julian slid his hands in his pockets as she strolled up the steps walking into his room. He closed his door behind him, and he sat on the edge of his bed, looking, watching Serenity. SHe looked, so helpless, so harmless. She should have been in this kingdom anyway. She was so obidient, only because she was terrified of him. Julian shook his head, slowly brushing his fingers through her hair. "You, are so frail." Julian whispered as he leaned down, to kiss her cheek. "I'll protect you, even if you're unaware of it."


In the Kingdom of Nozomi...


"Damn Tyrants." Rowen hissed.
"Calm down. They aren't a threat." Kurosaki shook his head.
"Not yet they arent!" Rowen took a deep breath as they entered the kingdom.
"Sire!" Rowen stepped into the courtyards. "We came across King Valentine, the ruler of the neigboring kingdom."

"What happened?" Keitaro asked, almost surprised. "Well, nothing really, but, We shouldn't let our gaurds down, who knows what they may be up to." ROwen nodded. "Ah, you are correct."


The next day came quickly. "Johannes, Kaede, come." Keitaro spoke as he entered the courtyards, spotting the two training. "Yes, Prince Keitaro?" They both spoke in unison. "Our big Feast is tonight. I will need the two of you to gaurd the gates." He nodded. "Yes, sire." Kaede nodded. "We will not let you down." Keitaro smiled as he turned to walk back inside, seeing Iris. "Iris, where is your sister?" Keitaro asked. "Um, She's helping decorate. Do you need her?" Iris asked. "No, I just usually see the two of you together, that's all."

Kanone pushed his long lavender locks over his shoulder as he stood along the rooftops of the Nozomi Kingdom. "A big feast huh? How about a big war?" He smirked as he leaped from the rooftops, landing gracefully outside of the kingdom. He stood up straight, walking through the village, heading towards the Bloodshed kingdom, to relay a little 'message'. Kanone smirked as he reached the kingdom.
"State your business." Elliot had been standing upon the kingdom walls.
"I'm here to relay a message from the Nozomi kingdom. It's quite important."
"State your name."
"Kanone Shotel."
"Very well then." Elliot rolled his eyes as the kingdom gates slowly opened, letting him in.
"Brother, we have a messanger."
"What is the message?" Valentine asked. "Well the Nozomi has declared a war agaisnt you all. They want to fight tomorrow morning."

"What? Why would they want to fight us? We are no threat...anymore." Valentine asked pushing his hair out of his face. "Well, I don't know. Something about you guys being nothing but bloodthirsty mutts. I say, you guys get the upperhand and attack them first."

"What do you mean?" Valentine asked, quite interested. "Well, tonight, they are having a feast, and you guys should attack, while they least expect it." Kanone nodded.
"Hmmm, you may be up to something. TOnight, we fight!" Valentine smirked.

"Excellent." Kanone nodded. "I shall be going now."


"What is wrong with Rowen?" Cheza asked, slowly walking up to Rowen. "Nothing, my fair flower maiden."
"Are you sure, Rowen?"
"No, It just feels like something bad is going to happen tonight." Rowen crossed his arms.

"Nothing will happen, Rowen, Just enjoy yourself. The feast is in less than an hour. Nothing will happen."
Rowen smiled. "You truly are, beautiful."
"Rowen, please, don't make me blush."
"I can't help it. You are truly irresistable." Rowen smiled as he softly caressed her cheek. Cheza smiled as she looked over at Kurosaki. "ROwen, Kurosaki needs you."

Rowen nodded. "My love, I shall be back." He spoke as he walked over to Kurosaki. "Yes?"
"The guests are arriving. Prince Keitaro says to be the lookout for any intruders."

"Ah, right." Rowen nodded as he turned, and headed outside, to get to the rooftops.


Valentine walked along the courtyards smirking. "Elliot, Julian, we'll be leaving now." He nodded.

"It's been a long time since we've gotten to fight." Elliot nodded.

"Can't wait." Julian shook his head.

"Well, We shall head out."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 7:11 am

At least you have a writing mood, I can't write for my life. Did you have the skeleton of this story when you stared? Or did you just start writing? If you just started writing, I am jealous.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 7:17 am

I had the idea of writing a story, but this came to mind, so I just started writing.
No skeleton needed. xD The ideas flow out of me like vomit. O.O


Chapter One, Part One Final.

Valentine smirked at Kanone dissapeared. "Let us go. I'm sure we have to remain unspotted, so we'll have to tread softly."

"Suprise attack? Damn this will be fun." Elliot nodded at Julian. "Do we take our slaves with us? Just in case there are other humans they can fight with as well?" Elliot asked.

"No." Valentine shook his head. "They'll end up dead. They are slaves, not warriors. There is a difference."

"Well put a weapon in their hand and there won't be a difference." Elliot stated.

"They'll still end up dead. Idiot." Julian crossed his arms. "We should really head out."

Valentine nodded as he leaped over the kingdom walls, dissappearing into the trees. The others following as well.

In the kingdom of Nozomi....

"State your name." Johannes and Kaede spoke in unison.

"Kanone Shotel."
"State your business."
"I'm just a guest." He nodded, pushing his locks over his shoulder.
"Very well then." Kaede stated. "But we'll be watching you." She nodded as she let him in.

"From the gates? I think not." Kanone smirked as he walked into the castle. He looked around, spotting a familiar face. "Could that be?" He asked himself, seeing the dark skinnned man, that resembled his friend Kurosaki.

Kanone felt someone looking at him, so he turned from talking to the other servants, to looking at the purple haired man. "Kanone?"

"How long has it been?"
"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who left."
"Man, it's a long story, what are you doing here? Did that Bastard man send you here?" Kurosaki asked.
"Who? The Chief?"
"Yes the Cheif."
"Ha, that man is dead."
"He's dead. I killed him. That bastard think he can own anyone." Kanone stated.
"That's why I left."
"That's why I killed him. Kurosaki I thought you were dead? Instead you're working as a lowlife servant? Come on now, we're better than that." Kanone shamefully shook his head. "Kanone, I went somewhere where I would feel welcome, and this place was it. Don't like it? I don't care." Kurosaki stated.
"WHat are you doing here anyway?" Kanone asked.
"Just observing."

"Cheza, my love, you look just as beautiful tonight, as you would any other night." Rowen smiled as looked at her.

"Oh, Rowen. Even though it is forbidden for us to be together, you still love me, why is that?" Cheza asked.

"Because, no rule, no person, could ever keep me from loving you."

"Aren't you suppose to be watching over the kingdom?"

"Cheza my love, I a certain, nothing will happen."


Valentine and the three stopped once they reached the kingdom, making sure not to be spotted by the gaurds. "Are we ready?"

"I'm sure we were born ready." Elliot stated.
"We need to make it passed the gaurds." Julian nodded.

"We need to get to the rooftops." Valentine nodded as looked up.

"Easy said, easy done." Elliot nodded as he leaped, landing lightly on the rooftops, waiting for the others.

"Damn it Elliot." Valentine stated as he followed, as well as Julian.

Julian spotted a gaurd on the rooftops. "Really?" He asked slowly walking over to him. Julian chuckled as he roughly pushed the gaurd over the edge, watching him fall. "Man, suicide is not the way."

"Julian quit fooling around. We must get going. We have to get inside." Valentine stated.


Johannes quickly looked over when he heard something like bone cracking from slamming against the ground. "What was that?" He asked as he jogged over to the fallen gaurd. "Intruders."

"What's going on?" Kaede asked Johannes.

"Don't let anyone else in! We've got intruders. We have to let the Prince know!" Johannes stated as he jogged inside. "Sire!"

"What is it?" Keitaro asked.

"We have intruders. Kaede and I have no idea how they've gotten passed us."

"What?! Intruders?" Keitaro asked. "Get my sword, we're going to war. Everyone, get to a safe place. If possible, leave this kingdom. Now."

"Intruder, is such a, negative word." Valentine smirked as he slowly walked to the main room, from the hallway, his brothers following behind him. "We prefer to be called, univited guests."

"What's the difference?" Keitaro hissed.

"We don't sound as negative." Valentine gently set his hands on his hips, looking at Keitaro. "You look even better in person."

"You're sick." Rowen stepped in.

"He's the man from earlier." Elliot pointed out.

"Ah, you are right."
Kanone cracked a smile. "What are you smiling about?" Kurosaki asked. "Nothing." Kanone shook his head. "You know about this don't you?"

"Maybe a little."

"How could you?" Kurosaki asked.


Valentine slowly approached Rowen, who had been standing with Cheza. "This lovely woman, must be the princess." Valentine smiled as he caressed her cheek.

"Don't touch me!" Cheza yelled slapping his hand away.

"Why you little-"

"Back away from her." Rowen hissed. He pushed Valentine away.

Valentine clenched his fist. "This war, begins now."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 7:25 am

Lucky... WAIT! Vomit? 0.o Well then... i still wish i could write. my stupid english teacher is super strict.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 7:47 am

:O Ew, english.
I don't have an english class yet.


Chapter Two, Part One.

"I don't like war, or fighting, but I'll do whatever it takes to save this kingdom from mutts like you!" Keitaro stated as he pulled his sword from his holder. "Even if I die, this kingdom will go on."

"Yeah right. When I slowly torture you, and everyone else in this kingdom, I will burn this place down to the ground." Valentine smirked.

"Cheza, you must go." Rowen stated.

"No, I'm going to stay, and I'm going to fight. I'll be able to help." Cheza stated. "Have you forgotten that I have magic?"

"Just be careful, alright?"

Valentine smirked as he took a deep breath. "I want you." Valentine pointed at Keitaro.

"I want you dead!" Keitaro stated as he charged at Valentine. "SO many people, with so many wants." Valentine rolled his eyes as he simply pulled the sword away from Keitaro, throwing it across the room. "Still want me dead?"


Cheza stood beside Rowen, as Elliot came towards them. "I want the two of you." He smirked. "I could use another slave, plus, you'd look way better than the one I already have." Elliot said to Cheza. "Shut up, you're not getting my Flower maiden." Rowen hissed.

"Whatever." Elliot rolled his eyes as he slowly walked towards Rowen. "Let's fight over her then."

"No one is fighting over me! Leave Rowen alone." Cheza roughly waved her hand, sending a rough wind towards Elliot, causing him to stumble. "No one will be fighting over me. No one."

"Ah, you've got attitude. It pisses me off." Elliot chuckled softly.


Johannes and Kaede ran up to Julian. "Kurosaki, get the others out of here!" Kaede said to Kurosaki, watching him evacuate all the guests.

"Johannes, we've been waiting for a long time for this." Kaede nodded.
"So long." He nodded.

Julian smirked as he crossed his arms. "Let's do this."

Kaede ran her fingers up her thigh, making her tatoo come alive. "Let the dragon wake!" She shouted looking dead at Julian. "Give up while you can."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:00 am

You don't have it yet? High school confuses me :'(
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:06 am

I may have it next year.

xDD I have gotten tired of writing.
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:07 am

:O Oh no I will have no one to talk to now.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:09 am

I shall only stay, for you.

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:18 am

:D Yay! I'm special... ed
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:19 am

xD I may write more to the story, but as of right now, I don't feel like it.
Wanna do a one on one?
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:21 am

Surez got any plots?
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:21 am

I've had an idea.
I never made it into a plot though.
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:22 am

Okay what is it?
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:26 am

Well, Have you ever seen Artificial Intelligence?
It's really interesting.
If not ,I have another idea. It involves torture and somewhat romance.
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:29 am

Nope, sorry. Wait is it a movie or something, probably because you said seen, so still no.

Your other plot? lol
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:34 am

xD Tis okay.

Well it's a zombie apocalypse, and there are only a few survivors. There is a guy, going around getting blood samples from each survivor, for whatever reason. He comes across one survivor, and he seems to have some twisted thoughts xD about taking her along with him to torture goes from there....

>_> This was a dream that I had.
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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:36 am

Interesting dream... I once had one that my dad opened a restaurant in Mexico and I was working in the kitchen with my friends, and some Mexicans captured us. It was scary, considering I was like 8. But yeah, and you get to post the thread, o lucky you.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:38 am

Once I had a dream about zombies....then Reptar appeared.


One character each, or two?
This roleplay seems as if it would work better with one person each.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Abby Mon May 16, 2011 8:40 am

I was thinking 1 person 2.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Last War. Empty Re: The Last War.

Post  Kobe. Mon May 16, 2011 8:42 am

That confused me for a sec. xD
Kay. I'll be the guy, you'll be the girl.
Anime right?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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