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Dear Cam. . .

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Dear Cam. . . Empty Dear Cam. . .

Post  Morgan Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:56 am

Dear Reader . . .
This is letters written to my friend Cam. Some he had written back to before he passed away. He as killed a horrible way, a fourwheeler accident. The letters show my depression afterwards, my struggle, and my love.
Ill alway love you Cam. Always.
These arent dated because we didnt date anything. All this is real letters.
Cammy! <3
Cam you wont believe it! I was picked. Picked to be the lead role in the school play! Im so scared but you said I could do it and you where right!! I want you to be there to see me. I want you to be there watching me and being there to give me my hug after I finished.

My mom said she wait to see you. Its funny, she says we are meant for each other. I dont see it. Yes your amazing and I love you but I don't know if you like me the same way. I think my mom might just be crazy!Well Cam I have to go. Write back soon!

Love You!,
Your CuddleyBuggy!

I'd love to come see you proform! Im glad you got the part. I told you, you could do it. Your mom isnt crazy. I know you like me and I like you. Our age differance is sorta in the way. Your eleven, I'm thirteen but yes I like you. Maybe we can hang out sometime. Ride the fourwheeler, ya know, if your not scared! Get some sleep, rest up, and Ill be there to see you proform!

Love you more little one,
Cammy The Rino-Rammy

And this was the last letter he wrote me. A few days after my proformance he was riding his fourwheeler in the woods. He flipped it and it landed on top of him. No one was around and he was found later that day, already dead.

I didn't go to the funeral. I just couldn't. I was to crushed. My heart was tore to shreads.

Cammy, why'd you have to go? Why did you have to leave me? I can't do this! I loved you, or I thought I loved you. I thought you love me too and next this I know. . . your dead. Why Cam. . .? I miss you so much. I tired and weak and not hungry. Mom and Dad think Ive gone insane. I don't talk anymore and my body constantly shakes. I need help Cam. I need you.
The girl who gave you her heart,
Your Sweety Pie.

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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