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Just a bad bad day...

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Just a bad bad day... Empty Just a bad bad day...

Post  Morgan Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:20 am

Have you ever woken up one day and realized that its not going to be a good day? And the more the day goes on, it get worse and worse. That was today for me. All I could do was cry.
The guy Ive been in a realationship with for over a year now keeps getting mad at me for not texting him 24/7. He wont let me tell anyone that we are dating. He called me today and was drilling me with questions. "Why havent you been texting me?" "Why are you always so 'hush hush' and secretive?" (Which Im not. I tell him everything. He is Hush Hush about EVERYTHING!) "Do you even love me?" "Do you want to be with me?" Stuff like that. I told him how I felt about trying everything I could for him. Doing everything he wanted me to trying to keep him happy even if that ment giving everything up. His responce, "Whatever. I got to go." At this point I as in tears and felt like their was no one to turn to. he texted me and asked why I was crying. I told him that I try 150% tomake sure he is okay and that he is happy and everything and he lept saying "It doesnt seem like you want to be in this realationship. You keep saying you dont want to be with me (I never ever said that.) and yoiu accuse me of cheating. (No I dont accuse him. He did cheat but admitted it.)" Between text messages I realized it was storming and since I was home alone I had to bring the clean clothes in from the clothes line. I brought everything inside and walked outside, turned my head upward, let the rain fall and cried. I stood their crying for about ten minutes before I realized I was crying and I felt a lot better but still hurt.
I know no one will read this but I just needed to vent and sometimes, it easier to talk to strangers then people you know. You dont have to worry about them judging you.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Just a bad bad day... Empty Re: Just a bad bad day...

Post  Taylor Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:35 am

I've had a lot of those days.
But I'm sorry, he sounds kind of... impossible, if you know what I mean... I don't know. I never was good with advice about boys. In fact, I'm not good with advice in general, because I think I've got to get my life straightened out before I can help anyone else but. I'm sorry. I hope things work out with you two. He sounds kinda like a douche, but maybe that's just me. I shouldn't say that anyways, because I don't know him but. Why won't he let you tell anyone you're dating? That's kinda weird...
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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