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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.- Empty Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:02 am

Right, so, I need to vent right now, 'cos my brother and sister are really annoying me.
Before I start this, I realize that this is NOTHING compared to everyone else's problems. It just ticks me off.

Okay, so I started dating this guy about a week ago. He's my first boyfriend. My parents, who I thought would be blowing it all out of proportion, say nothing about it. Don't even recognize it. Like it never happened. My brother and sister, however, are the ones blowing it all out of proportion and telling EVERYONE. Seriously, just an hour or two ago, my sister had some friends over for a bit while she was getting ready for work(she was in a car wreck, and has no car anymore, and needs people to take her to work) and she told them ALL about it. People I don't even fucking know. My brother keeps calling me Ethan(that's his name) and almost told my grandmother(who is SO embarrassing it's not even funny) about it. They were even bugging me about it yesterday at our great uncle's funeral. They kept asking me questions, and my sister even got into the whole, "You need to take half before you break up, and half after you break up" thing. Eventually, they started saying that they were LOOKING THROUGH MY PHONE to find more stuff about it and to see if I'd been texting him. Thankfully, I haven't talked to him in a few days. Then, that led to my brother saying that he found "Mtn. Dew bottles"(his code for crack) in the basement under my room,(Just to point out, we don't have a basement, and I don't do crack. *Thumbs up*) with our mother right beside us. He was saying that he "saw bottles and kitty litter and all this stuff in there." Then he's just like, "That is how you make crack, right?" And he asks my mom how you take meth and all this stuff. Off topic, sorry. Anyways, so, later when we were eating after the funeral,(we're still at the church and everything with most of my extremely large family, only counting my dad's side) my brother and my sister were telling some of my relatives from Virginia about it, and saying "It's so cuuuute!" and all this crap. Seriously, I was about to kill/cuss out both of them, but neither of them I would be allowed to get off the hook of, especially since were in a church.
So, yeah. That's my extremely long and boring rant about how much I hate my brother and sister. I know no one's gonna read this, so, whatever. Sorry if you did. But, even though I'm sorry, I love you just the same. :D
'Kay, bye.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.- Empty Re: Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

Post  Taylor Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:10 am

You brother/sister seem immature. Like, my parents used to do this to me when I was six or seven, and I wasn't even dating anyone but my best friend was a guy and they were always like "that's your boyfriend blahblah don't lie!!"
The joke gets old after a while though, they'll stop eventually. I hate when people do that, though. It's so fucking annoying asfajwfasd.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 27
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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.- Empty Re: Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

Post  Jenna Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:39 am

Oh christ, the guy I dated for the longest, four months, my family found out about him after we had been dating for a month. They kept making fun of his name, he's Asian therefore he has an unusual name. It pissed me off. After about three days of them doing it, I went in the living room, where they were, and screamed at them if they did it one more time I was going to kill them. They stopped because they know how I am, Im pretty violent speaking and they don't underestimate that I would do it.

But that's pretty unforunate. Tell them they can suck it or you're gonna start telling YOUR friends all their deepest darkest secrets. Even if you don't know their secrets, pretend you do and keep telling them you're gonna do it. I bet they would stop pretty soon.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.- Empty Re: Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:29 am

Trust me, you don't know my family. They have dirt on me, I have dirt on them. It's pretty much a lose-lose situation. And they are immature. Which is sad considering I'm the youngest and I'm more mature than them. And he used to be, like, my best friend, and he got me a bear for v-day, and my parents were just like, "Awhhh!" -.- I wanted to kill them so bad.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.- Empty Re: Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

Post  Taylor Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:54 am

It'll blow over soon, just ignore them. Pretend like it doesn't bother you. If your reaction isn't interesting, they won't put so much effort into trying to embarrass you about that.
But at least your parents are cool with you dating. My mom saw the guy I like (she doesn't know I like him, though) and she said he looked like a faggot; my aunt said if I ever brought home a guy who looks like that, she'd disown me. And my dad said I shouldn't start dating until I'm eighteen. >.< So.
Plus, I know my aunt would do what your brother/sister are doing. She's so fucking immature it's ridiculous.
alright, now keep going.

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Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.- Empty Re: Asdfaldhgfoahldk. -.-

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:29 am

When I get embarrassed, my face turns RED. I can't help it. So, that one wouldn't work. ;c
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1785
Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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