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The Wasteaways

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The Wasteaways Empty The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:08 pm

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Bum, bum, boom.
The drums were vibrating through my body and I kept at it. The steady beat was loud in my ears. The fans screaming my band's name. The Wasteaways was a rather famous band I was in. We were playing in Toronto. Not only was this only one of the stops on the tour, but I was also away from my boyfriend. 
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Bum, bum, boom.
The song was coming to a close, meaning our set was also coming to a close. The amazing fans were screaming so many things. 
"Nickolas! Sing another song!" Nickolas to the fans, Nick to us. He was the singer. His longish, black hair stuck to his face from sweating. His skinny jeans were purple while his tee was  black. He was the band's "heart throb".
"Billy! I love your bass!" Billy, our bassist smirked and glanced back to me. His piercing green eyes bored into mine for a second and he faced the fans again. His blonde hair was pretty short, his black cargo shorts were probably so hot, his plain white tee was sticking to him from sweat. 
"Conner! Look, look!" A bra was promptly thrown at him and everyone on stage laughed. Conner was mortified. He was the guitar player and his jeans were just regular jeans. I'm pretty sure he was wearing MY shirt. He shook the brown hair out of his face and he was embarrassed. His face was bright red.
"Chris, Chris! I love you! Will you marry me?!" I laughed. I got up and looked to Nickolas. I dragged him by the hand but before I did, I grabbed the cordless mic. I walked to the girl and said,"Here, marry Nickolas. I'm spoken for."
The girl pouted and asked,"What's the skank's name?"
I smirked and said,"HIS name is Zachary." 
Her eyes widened and she muttered,"Sorry."
Nick laughed and took the mic. He said,"Well, Zach is actually a really good guy and Chris needs to turn around. Right now."
I did what he said and screamed. There he was. Zach was standing right before me. I jumped onto him and wrapped my arms and legs around him. He helped keep me up and I asked,"What are you doing here?!" It had been two months since I'd seen him and I missed him terribly." 
He smiled and said,"Nick invited me to be a groupie for the rest of the summer. Sound like a plan? Good." He kissed me and  I melted. 
I missed him so badly. I kissed him back eagerly and then whispered,"I've missed you so much." 
He nodded, breaking the kiss. He cleared his throat when some girl yelled,"Ohmygod! Two guys kissing is so hot! I'm turned on right now!" I smirked and realized I was still in Zach's arms. But I couldn't get down. My jeans felt like they were eight sizes too small. I know he had to have felt my hard on by now. 
He whispered,"Yea, she's not the only one turned on." He winked. I smacked him on the head and got off of him. 
He was amazing. Always.
Nick announced it was time for everyone to leave and while everyone left, we wrapped up the cords and crap. Once the very last person was out, I jumped off the stage and ran towards Zach. I jumped on him again and this time, he spun me around.
"I love you, Chris."
"I love you more, Zachary."
And he kissed me.

I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Morgan Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:25 pm

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:24 am

Once we boarded the big, luxurious tour bus, Zachary and I went to the bunks. There were only four, but I didn't mind. We always slept together. I climbed onto mine, a top, and he followed. I pulled down the curtain that covered the side so no one could see. The other guys used them for when they were jerking off. I hit the light I had put on the side and smiled. Zachary was sitting right in front of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him long and hard. He immediately kissed back and he moaned softly. It had been way to long. 
"Dude, don't go in there for a while. They're probably gonna be having sex. They haven't seen each other in two months." Nickolas. He was talking to either Billy or Conner outside the door.
"Ugh. Gross." Billy. He said louder so he knew we could hear,"Don't be screaming each other's names!" Nick laughed.
I pulled away from Zach for a second to fake moan. I moan-yelled,"Oh, Zach! Right there! Yes, yes, yes!" I heard fake-gagging and I laughed. I looked to Zach and whispered,"Give me a second." I moved the curtain aside and jumped down. I opened the door and said to Billy,"You know I love you guys, right?" I looked to Nick and sighed. He had set this up. I said,"Thank you Nick, I owe you. Now both of you, go to the front of the bus or you might be grossed out. I know what makes him scream."
Zach gasped and yelled,"Hey!" I smiled and shut the door back in their faces. 
I slid my jeans off and pulled the shirt over my head. When Zach looked at me weird, I shrugged and said,"I sleep in my underwear." I motioned to my boxers and climbed back up. I closed the curtain again and said,"Okay, now tell me, what do you want to do?"
Zach smiled mischievously and slid off his shirt too. I knew where this was going. 
When I woke in the morning, I had my boxers on, and so did Zach. We didn't want anyone to see us sleeping naked or anything. I looked at him and smiled. He was so cute when he was sleeping. I kissed him on the lips and his eyes opened. "Go...away..." he mumbled.
"No, wake up." 
"Let me...sleep."
"Baby, I spent two months without you. I wanna do stuff."
"Wait another hour.....or two."
"Please, baby?"
"I'm gonna cry if you don't wake up."
"Then cry on my shoulder and I'll deal with it later."
"I hate you, Zachary."
"I love you too, Chris."
I groaned and looked around for my phone. I found it under my pillow and checked the time. It was only seven in the morning. "Okay, you can sleep one more hour, but then you have to get up." I said, but he was already back to sleep. I sighed and mumbled,"I love you more, Zachary Colin Smithart."
He smiled and mumbled,"I love you most, Christopher Aaron Ulley." 
I smiled and kissed his nose. I whispered,"No, I love you more." I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. He immediately wrapped his arms around mine too. 
"Wake up or I'm pulling you off the bed." Zach groaned and rolled over. I said,"I really will!" He groaned again and I grabbed his arm and leg. I tugged him off the bed but caught him before he could get hurt. 
He yelled,"Hey!" 
"I told you I would. Now get dressed or I'll have to help you." 
Billy groaned and yelled,"I heard that!" 
I smiled. It was going to be fun having him around.

update? I think yes.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:59 am

I sat on the curb in the middle of nowhere with a pack of cigarettes and a six pack of beers. I cracked open a beer and took a big gulp. The air was nipping at my skin and I tightened my jacket around me. I lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. The smoke filled my lungs. I set my beer down for a second to turn up the volume on my iPod. A Day To Remember's "Downfall of Us All" blasted from the headphones. I had sold my soul to the open road, just like the song said. I sighed and took another drag. Closing my eyes and leaning back on the curb, I lost myself in the music. I sang with the song, I tapped my free hand against my thigh. I took periodic drags of my cigarette. I was content and warmed, even if the weather had to be well below freezing. I didn't even notice when a boy sat down beside me. He tapped my shoulder and I yanked a headphone out. He said the stupidest thing ever,"Could you stop singing? That terrible noise is raping my ears and I don't like it." I instantly fell in love. It was like that stupid love at first sight thing, seriously. 
I smirked and took in his beauty. I couldn't see well as it was probably around 2am. I could tell he had that really cute skater hair and it appeared to be blonde. His skin seemed darker, but he wasn't black. His eyes were bright and they seemed to be green. I finally said,"I'll consider it." 
"No, you won't consider it, you'll do it. Why are you out here anyways?"
I sighed and said,"My friends are inside some bar. I didnt wanna go in, so I walked to the gas station, bought some cigs and beer and here I am." I glanced at the blinking sign above my head proclaiming it was a diner. 
"Come inside with me. You seem...interesting." He stood up and held out a hand. "You can even bring the beer. They don't care as long as you buy something from them."
I shrugged and grabbed his hand. Electricity shot through my body. I let go once I had heaved myself of the ground. I walked into the diner then followed him to a booth in the corner. There was a laptop and papers scattered everywhere. The diner only had two other occupants and that was a waitress, who was smacking her gum and reading a magazine, and a cook, who was doing something I couldn't see. It was nice and warm so I shrugged off my jacket. He nodded for me to sit down and I did. I noted that his eyes were in fact green, he had a tan, his hair was in fact blonde, and he was pretty tall. He had full lips and had a rope necklace on. He was cute. "So..." I said.
He stuck out a hand and I shook it. "I'm Zachary." 
"Chris." I pointed to myself. Nikolas, Billy, and Conner were probably stumbling around shit-faced at the moment, but I didn't care. I'd deal with them in a little while. 
He looked me up and down and smirked slightly. "You're cute." 
We talked for probably two hours before my phone started blaring. I glanced at the caller ID and said,"Hey, lemme take this real quick. It's those friends I was talking about, most likely shit-faced." I answered the phone,"Yea?"
Billy said," neeeeeeeeeeeed a riiiiideeeee." Yep, he was shit-faced.
I hung up the phone after telling them to give me twenty minutes and stood up. I slid my jacket on and said,"I need to go now. It was nice meeting you." 
I was walking out when he grabbed my arm and spun me around. He kissed me. He slid me his number and told me to go off to my friends. He told me to call him when I got the chance. He told me that he'd probably never see me again but that he enjoyed the time we spent talking. He pushed me out the door and I made my way to my drunken friends. I would definitely call him.

Nikolas yelled in my ear,"Hello?! Earth to Chris?!" 
I was broken out of the memory of when I first met Zachary a year before. "Yea?"
"We need to rehearse. Now." He said impatiently.
It was true, our next show was in less than four hours. Zach would be backstage watching the performance. I smiled. I nodded my head and said,"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."
He shrugged and muttered,"Whatever." He made his way to the mic.
I closed my eyes and got lost in the music. 

So no one asked for this, but here it is. I doubt anyone will actually read this, but I love you if you did.
Memory. Yes.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 26

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Morgan Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:12 am

Amazing! Im so glad to see someone reaching out and writting about a gay person! Touched my heart! I come from a gay family, but Im not gay. I love this Jenna. More my love. Please? For me because I have read this and its wonderful!!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:12 am


....Love ya
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:35 pm

The thing about me writing about a homosexual couple is that I support homosexuality so I wanted a challenge and wanted to write a story with it. So I decided I'd give it a go.

I WILL TRY MY HARDEST TO CONTINUE THIS ONE TO THE END. I PROMISE I WILL TRY MY HARDEST. I actually like this one, I hated the other. It was so tedious and I had no inspiration. I have some now.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Morgan Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:35 pm

Well Im not saying you support it but being about to write about it means a lot. I support it because of how I was raised. But most writters are ashamed to write something like this because of the critizisum they get.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:14 am

But you will finish this one because you don't want me to kill you :D
I don't want to kill you either so...You will continue this one. :3
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:15 pm

Update goal- Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Don't hold me to this. It may be before or after. I promise the most it will be is Sunday, September 4, 2011. It all depends on how much schoolwork I have.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:56 am

Oh joy :] I can wait for that amount of time x]
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:07 am

The tour bus felt way too small. With an extra person, it just wasn't big enough. I know the other guys felt the same. Nick had called our manager, David. He had told him that our tour bus was way too small. David had told him that he knew and that's why he was gonna let us use a different one. 
That is one thousand percent why we were sitting in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. The bus broke down. Again. It was the fifth time it had broken down in a week's time. Billy and the driver were hovered over it trying to fix it once again, Conner was doing whatever, Nick was on the phone with David telling him about it, and Zach and I were sitting on the side of the road. 
I looked at him and said,"You know, this is kind of like when we first met." 
"It is. Except you aren't singing terribly this time." He smirked.
I got an evil look on and sang loudly and out of tune,"BABY, BABY, BABY, BABY. OH LIKE, BABY, BABY, BABY. NO LIKE, THOUGHT YOU'D ALWAYS BE MINEEEEEEEEEE!" I had gotten up and started dancing badly. 
I heard Nick say,"And that's exactly why I'm the singer and you're behind the drums." 
"Shut up, Captain Fagosaursrex." I snapped back.
"Watch it, homo." He countered.
"You're only saying that because you secretly want this." I ran my hands over my body and shook my butt.
Zach joined in. "Hey, that's mine!" 
Nick laughed and said,"I could have anyone I want, why would I choose you?"
"You did in bed last night."
"No, actually you were too busy fucking Zach." Zach's face went blood red when Nick said it. 
"Hey, he gets embarrassed easily...Keep going." I winked at him.
"'Oh Chris...Chris!!....ohmygod....Mhmmmm...right there baby, right there!!'" Nick said mimicking Zach.
Zach's face turned even deeper red. "I didn't say that!"
"No, but you screamed it."
"I did not!"
I sighed and picked Nick's side. "You did scream my name quite a few times." I winked.
Zach groaned and stated,"I hate both of you guys." 
"I thought you loved me?" I pouted.
He flicked me on the nose and said,"Sometimes." He smiled softly and kissed my bottom lip. I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck. He sucked on my bottom lip gently.
"Gross guys!" Nick said loudly. 
I smirked and pulled away. "Wanna join?" I winked.
He ran over and sat in Zach's lap. "You know it!" He kissed Zach's neck. Zach looked scared and I smirked. I kissed his neck too. I ran my hand up Nick's thigh. 
Zach moaned softly then clamped a hand over his mouth. "Stop it, I'm uncomfortable." 
I sighed and pulled away at the same time Nick did. There were two hickeys on Zach's neck. I laughed and leaned in to kiss both of them gently. I trailed from his neck to his jaw to the corner of his mouth to his lips. I kissed him gently. He responded quickly. I felt someone rubbing my thigh and knew it was Nick. I responded and rubbed his thigh too. 
"What the fuck is this? Boner-fest?" Someone said. I identified the voice quickly, Billy. 
I pulled away and stopped rubbing Nick's thigh. We did all have boners, and it was slightly weird. I just laughed and stood up. "So what's up with our bus situation?" 
Nick sighed and said,"We have to go back to Toronto and get our smaller bus."
"But that's like two days away!" Billy shrieked.
"I know." Nick sighed.
I stepped in and said,"But what about our show?"
"Cancel it or postpone it or something. I don't know." Nick sighed again.
"This is fucking stupid!"
Billy agreed,"It is!"
"Calm down guys," said Nick.
I groaned and went to the bus. Conner was just sitting there. "Hey, what's up?"
"Sitting here," his deep voice said.
"Watch it, Chris."
"Shut up, Conner." I continued further into the back to lay down. 

Happy, bitches? Wink
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 26

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Morgan Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:14 am

Yes I am very happy now :D
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:23 am

this bitch is very,very happy:)
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:29 pm

I don't know when I'll update, I'm hoping for Monday, but I haven't written a word.
So I'm not sure.

Good, you bitches better be happy! (:
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:27 pm

Jesse ran his fingers through his hair and I watched him closely. He was breathtakingly beautiful and he was mine. He saw me watching him and smiled. One hand laced into mine and I couldn't help but smile. That moment could last forever and I'd be totally fine. It was two in the morning and we were laying on his couch. We were in a silence but it wasn't awkward. It was an easy silence. 
"I'm hungry." I said.
He looked at me and shrugged. "Wanna go get something to eat?"
"Yes, please."
We walked out into the warm, summer night. His hand was still laced in mine and he was humming. I recognised the song he was humming-Downfall of Us All by ADTR, it was his favourite. I opened his door for him and he got in. I walked around the front of the car to the driver's side. I pulled out of the parking lot and into the deserted street. Jesse sighed from the passenger side and I asked him what he wanted to eat. 
"Anything, I'm fucking starving."
"Okay, McDonald's it is." I rolled my eyes.
Halfway to McDonald's, Jesse screamed to stop. 

But it was too late.

The headlights of the car coming for the collusion blinded me and the car rammed into the side of the car-Jesse's side. Everything went black.
I woke up groggily to an annoying beeping sound. 'Where the fuck am I?', I thought. I looked around the room and tried to sit out. My entire body ached with every movement. What had happened? I looked to the side of the bed and found the nurse's button. A nurse quickly came in.
She asked,"Can I help you with anything, sir?"
"What happened?" 
She frowned and said uncomfortably,"You were in a car crash."
A car crash? What? I said aloud,"What?"
"A car crash. A car hit the passenger's side." 
It all came back to me. Jesse's screams, the blinding light, everything. I gasped,"What about Jesse?! Is he okay?! Where is he?!?" 
She frowned again. "He, uh, didn't make it." 
My boyfriend of three years had died. I hadn't been paying attention. It was all my fault. I was immediately started sobbing. He was gone. The one and only person who truly loved me had died and it was because of me. The love of my life, gone in a second.

My eyes were filled with tears at the thoughts of Jesse. I had been wearing his necklace everyday since he died. I had gotten his birthdate and death date tattooed over my heart along with his name. I had never removed the watch he had given me for Valentine's day, it said,"I love you always-Jesse." 
Zachary had only ever asked who Jesse was once. I didn't answer. I never talked about Jesse even though I dreamt of him almost every night. I thought of him every single day. 
"He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in 
I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
I couldn't hear that song without crying because it was true, that's why I had started thinking about that exact moment when he died, the song was playing. 
I was laying on the bus and everyone else was doing something else. I was by myself. Well until Conner's voice interrupted my thoughts. 
"Man, this song made you think of Jesse, didn't it?" Conner was the only one who knew who Jesse was. He had been my best friend since we were little, we met Billy and Nick after Jesse died. Conner was pretty close to Jesse too. It wrecked us both. 
I said in a small, weak voice,"Yes."
He shed a tear and climbed up onto my bed. He snuggled up to me, but it wasn't sexual, it was comforting. "I'm so sorry. I love you, he'll always love you. He's looking at you now and missing you to. We'll get through this together."
It had been close to four years since Jesse died but it still felt like yesterday we were cuddling in his bed all day watching movies. 
I nodded and buried my face in Conner's chest. We stayed like that until I fell asleep.

Sad update, I know.
I was listening to Thinking of You and wanted to make Jesse.
I love Conner's character even though I haven't described him all too much.
But it's whatever. Anyways, I think I may start switching characters? Maybe. Like maybe it both Chris's POV and Conner's. Maybe?
What do you guys think?
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:25 pm

I think I did not aprove of it._.I'm sad now.but i think that is a good idea.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:49 pm

I'm sorry that you don't approve of this update, I actually started to cry a little while writing it.
Yea, I think I'll start doing character changes. So, yea.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Morgan Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:02 am

I think there should be a little something between Conner and Chris. But its your story, I like it, sad that part.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:06 am

I'm actually planning on either Zach or Chris cheating. But I have decided which one and who with.
So I'm just gonna let you think about that and let it drive you crazy until you figure it out. ;D
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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:05 am

Zach should and then chris and conner or nick should end up know,just a suggestion.(:
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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:09 am

I'll take that into consideration. (:
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:13 pm

Dooo it,dooo it,Razz
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Jenna Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:41 am


I listened to Chris's breathing on my chest. I knew how badly it still affected him even though it was years ago. Jesse was like my brother, he was much more for Chris. He was so devastated when it happened. I couldn't help but watch him let his life go down the drains. He had started cutting, and he had tried to commit suicide. When he had done that, I decided it was enough. I made him get out and stop being a loner. We met Billy and Nick and we made The Wasteaways. We became pretty famous and Chris seemed to have gotten better. He only rarely broke down. When he did, I made sure I was there for him. 
"What the fuck is going on here?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. Zach. 
I froze. I stuttered,"U-uh-uh...Just...uh. He was having issues so I was comforting him."
"Uh huh. Yea, sure. I can't believe you too! I knew something had to be going on!" He reached up and violently shook Chris. "Wake the fuck up, ass hole!"
He woke up slowly and said,"Wh-what?"
"I know you're cheating on me!"
He sat up quickly and said,"NO IM NOT!"
"Uh huh, sure."
I spoke up and said,"You don't fucking understand him like I do. You weren't there keeping him from killing himself. You don't even know."
"Sure, make excuses." Zach yelled.
Chris was crying. I put my arm around him and whispered,"Shh. It's okay."
"SEE?! Right in front of my damned face! You people are sick!" Zach yelled. 
I let go of Chris and got off the bunk. I said through clenched teeth,"Shut the fuck up so I can explain."
"I don't wanna hear it."
"You have to."
"I don't! Now get out of my face!"
I snapped. I reached up and my fist connected with his jaw. He was on the ground because my unexpected blow knocked him down. I got on top of him and kept punching him. Chris screeched for us to stop but I didn't care. I needed to get this anger out. I punched him again and his mouth was bleeding. He was too shocked to do anything. Once I had my fill, I got off him and sighed. I did it out of pure anger. I don't know what really, really came over me though. Probably the fact that he knew nothing about our relationship. He jumped to extreme conclusions. 
And he was going to pay.


I watched as Conner hit Zach. I couldn't bring myself to stop it all. Zach really did deserve it. Who jumps to conclusions like that? Seriously? Tears escaped from my eyes and my hand gripped Jesse's necklace like I always did when I was upset. It was too much to handle. Zach was bleeding by the time Conner got of of him. 
"What the fuck was that?" a new voice asked, Nick.
Conner spat,"He accused Chris of cheating on him when I was comforting him! Chris was thinking about Jesse and needed me!"
Nick's face darkened and he turned to Zach. "You fucked up. I can't believe you. You don't even understand. Seriously."
"Who is Jesse?! The guy he's cheating on me with?!" Zach shouted angrily. 
I snapped. I shouted,"He was my boyfriend! He died in a car wreck I caused! It's my fault he's dead!"
Zach looked at all three of us dumbfounded and finally uttered one word: "Shit."

I figured this was a good stopping place.
Switched characters in thur.
Lol, why did I just spell "there" like an idiot? Oh well.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The Wasteaways Empty Re: The Wasteaways

Post  Morgan Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:36 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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