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EarthQuake of August 23rd 2011

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EarthQuake of August 23rd 2011 Empty EarthQuake of August 23rd 2011

Post  Morgan Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:57 pm

Dear Friends,

Depending on where you live you might have felt the quake that hit the eastcoast on Tuesday August 23rd 2011. The epicenter of the 5.8 magnitude quake was in Mineral Virginia. Mineral is part of Louisa County. Louisa High School may never be use-able ever again. Same with one of their elementary schools. I was at my house when it hit. Its something we never expected here in Virginia. The earthquake was registered all the way up in Canada. Now students will be attending school from 8AM-5PM every other day. Monday, Wendsday, and Friday the highschool students will have school at the middle school. Middle school students will go to school Tuesday, Thursday, and SATURDAY! Thomas Jefferson Elementary school students will be attending another Elementary school close to their school. Everything here will never be the same.I will add pictures below.



EarthQuake of August 23rd 2011 A239-725x482

Bricks have cracked and Shifted at the highschool.

EarthQuake of August 23rd 2011 6080165122_633f31aab7

EarthQuake of August 23rd 2011 R0824-louisa-a1

Ceiling Tiles have fallen from the quake.

Just Remember! The highschool may crumble but its just an empty building! The heart of Louisa County Highschool is in the STUDENTS, TEACHERS, and FAUCLTY!! GO LIONS!!

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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