Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself?

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I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself? Empty I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself?

Post  The Paladog Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:35 am

I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself? Tumblr_lmop8asd7R1qafrh6

Hi there. My general internet alias tends to be "Todd", but "Jessie" is what you'll find some others around here calling me, so we'll stick with that, and I'm bolding anything I find important, because the text looks boring and plain without it. Layla introduced me to the site, because I discovered that she roleplays and hurrah, so do I! Although I tend towards "canon" roleplays (roleplaying as a pre-existing character such as the Doctor from Doctor Who), I have many of my own characters running about my head.

So, for general facts on me, I'm nineteen and will be graduating soon with an Associates, or two-year, degree, then onwards to journalism, teaching, or becoming the Doctor's companion, whichever happens first. :B I figure I'm past the age of getting a Hogwarts letter, but had I attended the noble school, I would be a raging Gryffindor. (I assure you it's completely compliant with my personality, and not just because everyone else is one. Gryffinpuff, in fact.)

I've been roleplaying for... oh, nine years or so? A stupidly long time.

I'll wrap up with that, I suppose. :3 Feel free to post here or message me or whatever, I definitely don't bite and I'm glad to meet you all~
The Paladog
The Paladog

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Join date : 2011-10-21
Age : 31
Location : With a box.

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I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself? Empty Re: I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself?

Post  Morgan Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:39 am

Hello, Im Neaveh. This is me over here --------------------------------->

Yes thats really me. I like to write. I just recently posted a story in the writters corner called Six

I love to roleplay, mainly realistic, and romance. Not big on Harry potter. I adore Disney Princesses. My dream is to marry a guy with the last name white so I can name my daughter Snow Arora White but that won't ever happen. Its nice to meet you. I've been a member of this site since the 2nd day it was up online. I know everything on here and I dont wanna brag but.... Ive posted the most on this site (: 13451 post and counting everyday. Im always online and always try to post everyday.

Nice to meet you.

Love, Neaveh.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself? Empty Re: I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself?

Post  Jenna Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:56 pm

This is far overdue, but here we go:

I'm Jenna, THE FUCKING RULER OF THIS SITE. I curse like a sailor, sorry. I created this website after this one website decided to be really stupid with their roleplaying. I think a lot of people came from that website.
I'm on a lot, but when I'm on, I don't actually post nine times out of ten. I don't role-play much anymore. I've probably made a few people mad because I don't finish the stories Im writing.
Honestly, there aren't many rules to this site, just no spamming or nudity. Cuss as much as you please, as long as it fits in the context. Don't be like,"Becca shit likes fuck to ass eat whore..." get it?


Something totally off subject- I am working on a new story, but to prove I'm actually dedicated, I'm not posting it until I've written about six or seven parts so I'm ahead. Just so I have it ready and can write ahead. Sound good?
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself? Empty Re: I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself?

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:24 pm

Hurm...Looks like this is a way way late welcoming post.
My name is Victoria but please,call me Vicky.
I am an admin along with Jenna and I LOVE HARRY POTTER.If you couldn't tell by my signiture and my username.Feel free to pm me if you have any questions or want to do a rp.I am usually online.Welcome to the site!
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 30
Location : Hogwarts

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I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself? Empty Re: I suppose this is where I come if I want to introduce myself?

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