Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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Post  Morgan Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:37 pm

Six follows six teens/young adults through lives hardships. Each day its a little harder. Each day it adds to the struggle. Do you think you could deal with it?


Its the call you never want to get.
"I'm sorry but your sick..."
I thought doctors where to keep us healthy.
"Its not curable..."
I thought doctors where to cure us.
"Its cancer..."

My heart sank. How? How could I have cancer? I am only fifteen. I'm to young to have cancer. Why me? What did I do?
I sat down on my bed and cried. I looked at the time. 3:24, the time my life changed forever. I looked at my phone, a smart-phone. I sent my mom a text explaining everything. I cried. My tears fell on my screen and soon the screen was covered in my liquid sorrow.
I laid down on my bed and grasped the pillow like it was my life line,like it was to save me. I knew I could never be saved.

3:24, my whole life changed, for the worse...

My life has never been the best, but no one has a perfect life. I know mine hasn't been perfect, no where near perfect. I don't have parents, I don't have a house. My house in a dark alley, the cold ground, the harsh weather every night. My body shaking and rattling in the cold, my body sweating its self to stay cool in the heat.
I've witnessed murders. I've seen robbers running from the cops. I've done and seen things you never would want to. My bedroom, the alley, infested with rats the size of footballs.
I'm only seventeen.
My house burned to the ground a year ago, my family burned inside. I wasn't there. I was at a party. Came back to flames and the faint screams of my loved ones. I had enough money to get tattoos. One for my mom, on for my dad, and one for my two brothers. We were triples.
My whole life gone and tossed around, all starting with one flame. One flame leads to two, two multiply to four, and soon the house was engulfed.
Never become seventeen and alone.

I sat in my padded room. They thought I was dangerous. I had been placed here after my mom caught me playing with blades and fire. I'm not that crazy. I just love to have fun. Flames amuse me. The light, they flicker. I see things in the flames. They speak to me. I talk to them.
This place is no fun. No good food and no cute guys. I can only talk to certain people because I'm just that crazy. Yes, life in a mental hospital is not as fun as it looks.
Get me out of here.

The light, oh how it makes my head throb. The light, it burns. I was a drinker, a smoker, a stoner you could say. I'm legal, but I wanna get on the right track. I tried rehab before, this is my second time.
Being told that you have to give up, cold turkey, sucked. You can't do anything that helped you deal with stress. The doctors made give up everything. They don't let me leave the building. The watch us twenty four seven. I'm in the rehab where you stay in a different place, not your home. Your cut off from the world. You give up everything just to be clean. I hate it.
Hate it with a passion.

She died. She was so young. I loved her. She had my baby-girl.
Violet. Violet is my daughter. I'd do anything for her. She is two now. And two years ago was when I lost my one and only love. She was killed in an accident. I work two jobs and don't get home till late. I have bills and food and clothes to buy. I'm barely getting by. I don't eat most nights, I make sure Violet has everything she needs. I don't care about me. Its all about my lovely Violet, I can't lose her, not after losing her mother.

Why does it matter who you love? We are all ale to love right? Why is one way right, the other way wrong? I'm in love with my boyfriend Daniel. I've been beat and jumped for loving.
I've been a victim to bullying, a victim to violence. Its not right. Homophobia is only in one species, all the other except it. Why do most humans no except it? The bible clearly says 'love who you wanna love.'
Homosexuality is nothing to fear, nothing that is to be looked at as wrong.
At least I'm not killing people, at least I'm not stealing. I could be doing worse things then being gay.
These are word I encounter everyday. Make the words go away.


This is just a beinging. Its the intro to each person kinda saying what they are going through. Each day I'm gonna try to reply if anyone reads. Each day I might pick one out of the six people and write about them. Tell me what you think. Thank you. (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
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Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:28 am

hmmm i actually want to see how this will play out :3
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 26
Location : The Planet Gallifrey

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Post  Andyyyy Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:41 pm

Seems really interesting. I'd love to see more! c:
you've got the hang of it.

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Post  Morgan Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:08 am

For the next day after I got the news I laid in bed sobbing, thinking that it was all just a dream. I pulled out my phone and called my boyfriend, James. I couldn't say anything, my words wouldn't work.
"I'll be right there baby. Just lay down, I'll be there soon. I love you." James whispered before hanging up. I dropped my phone down by my side. Before I knew it he was here. I heard my mom let him in. He didn't even say hi. "I Have to see Sam, something is wrong." He said before running up to my room. He walked in and laid beside me pulling me into a tight hug.

I just held onto him. "James.." I whispered looking up at him. "Cancer.." I said softly.
He looked at me like I was crazy, refusing to here or listen to the words I had said. "What? No, no Sam. Not you. Your healthy!" He said brushing my hair behind my ear.
"I was health, James. I have cancer.." I said as a tear ran down my face.

James leaned forward, his lips touching mine. He pulled back but left his forehead touching mine. "I'll be here no matter what I'll be here." He whispered. "I love you. I'll be at your side twenty four seven."

"Thank you James. I love you too.." I said kissing him back. He was all that mattered. If I died, I would die happy with James, knowing he never gave up on me.

I was starving, my body is eating its self away. I'm weak. I can see my bones.

I walked down the street, people passing by me just stared, giving me dirty looks. I hated this. I was human why did they look at me like I was a mutant? I know I looked dirty, but I just need help. I need a home.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a alley. "Amia." he said. His voice sounding so familliar. I looked up. "Bryan?" I asked looking at his face. He was my bestfriend since forever.
He nodded. "Amia what happened? Why are you living like this?" He asked. "Come on lets get you to my place. You can stay there for a while." He whispered taking my hand in his as we started walking.

He walked so much faster than me. He could. "Oops, sorry." He said when he realized that he was basically pulling me. He slowed to my pace. "Better?" he asked. I nodded and walked along. He was helping me. How sweet. I could have a home, for a day or so. I would have warmth and a bed, blankets, maybe some clean clothes.

I smiled, a smile I had never shown in months.

The doctors took me to my new cell. I don't know why, my other one was just fine. It was padded, I couldn't do anything wrong. In my new cell they had a T.V. It played a flame of a candle. Thats all that there was on the screen, one flame. The doctors left. I sat down on the padded stoll and watched the flame.

There right infront of my eyes the flame played a film, a film of my life. Not the good things, all the bad things. The bad roads I took. I screamed and held my head in my hands. "Make it stop!" I yelled trying to look away. I couldn't. I couldn't look away.

It played over and over. The choice I made to join a gang. We found a little girl on the side of the road, trying to get home. She was scared. We took her, told her we would take her home. We lied. We took her to the alley. Big Al ripped the clothes from her body and raped her. They made me watch. She screamed, Big Al hit her and told her to shut up. When he was done he held her down, sent us to build a fire. Big Al made me carry her when the fire was big and ready. She wiggled in my grasp and screamed. I covered her mouth. I didn't want to. Big Al made me. I tossed her body into the fire. One last yell, and her body was burned till there was no more.

I wouldn't stop. I kept screaming, begging for forgiveness. I knew it would never happen. The doctors ran in and tased me, getting me calm and out cold. This was a test, that was a testing room...

I sat in my room missing her. My little sister. She was the reason why I was here. She got me the help. Alli is only fifteen and knew I neeeded help more than I knew. I needed to tell her I missed her. We can't call, text, e-mail. We can only rght letters.

Alli Grace,
Hey baby sis, its me Johnny. Please don't tell me you went and done forgot about me. I miss you. This place sucks. Tell ma' and pa' I said hello, and give Emma-May a kiss for me. Make sure you do as ma' and pa' say. Don't be like me and not listen. Feed Rosie and Clyde for me while I'm gone. I don't know how I'll ever repay you, I guess getting clean will work. I know thats what you want. The old Johnny back. I'm trying Alli Grace, I really am. It's hard.

If you ever become like me I'm gon' have to light your little butt on fire ya' hear? Listen to ma' and pa', play with Emma-May. Have fun while you can, enjoy high school. Tell me how your doing in the FFA. Tell Mrs. Carlton I miss her too and that your gonna be a better student than your brother, if possible. Well write me soon dear baby sis.

-With all love,
Johnny Henrey Thicket.

Alli Grace and Emma-May are the only siblings I have. I'd do anything for them, thats why I'm here. They are my hope, my inspiration, my role models.

My babygirl Violet is only three years old. I work night shifts and my mom stays with her at night. I spend all day with her. "Violet sweety!" I said as I walked into her room kissing her forehead and tickeling her. Her eyes fluttered open and she giggled.
"Daddy!!" She giggled wrapping her arms around me. I stood up holding her. I spun around with her in my arms. "Hi Daddy!" She giggled kissing my cheek.
"Hey baby girl. I fixed pancakes." I said taking her downstairs.

I placed her in her seat and fixed her plate. She folded her little hands, closed her eyes, and bowed her head. "Dear God. Please tell my mommy I lubbs her. Tell her Daddy lubbs her too. Send her kisses from us. Amen!" She said before eating.

I wanted to cry. I walked over and kissed the top of her head. "Mommy is always watching and she sends you kisses every minute of every day." I whispered.

"Alex, we have to get this done." Daniel said kissing my cheek. I looked at him. "Oh sorry babe, I was just thinking." I said. He was over at my place to work on a project for school. "We have another week to do this. I think we should just hang out." I said laying back on my bed.

Daniel rolled his eyes and closed his book and laid it on the floor before laying beside me. He rested his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. "I hear your heart." Daniel said smiling.
"Its your heart. You have it." I said softly. "Your in control of when it beats and when it stops."
"If I'm in control, it will never stop beating." he streached up and kissed my chin smiling.

"I love you Daniel Micheal NIchoals."
"I love you too Alexander Lee Roland Richardson."

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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