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Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:57 am

New forums, lots of unread posts.. Let's just say I'm lazy though and won't read any of it haha. I also see that a few of you (okay well only two), are doing like these confession things?
And I think it's really cool, and you guys are awesome for doing that, so I'm going to do one too if you all don't mind.

First off, my name isn't Andy. I'm sure most of you know that, because I believe I've said it before, but my name is really Skye. In my info it says I'm sixteen, but that's a total lie. I just turned fourteen today. I try to have a positive attitude towards things because I used to be very negative, and I was upset for the longest time and couldn't understand why. I'm in love with my boyfriend Charlie, whom I've been dating for 8 months, and I really hope we're together for a long time. I'm an outgoing person, and I'll talk to almost anyone, so long as they start the conversation. Many people get the idea that I'm unfriendly because I don't make new friends with anyone, but it's only because no one attempts to talk to me. I'm straight edge, but I don't judge people on whether they chose to do drugs/alcohol, like everybody thinks. Yeah, I'm proud that I'm toxic-free, but it's alright if you aren't. Just like I'm Agnostic, but I don't mind if you aren't. It's just an opinion, and everyone's got one. I don't understand why people are so fussy with that type of thing. My hair is naturally a dirty (but still really light) blonde, and I die it a red-brown every few months. I love pop punk, hardcore, and some metal/metalcore.

I used to be a huge scene kid, and I actually don't regret it for the reasons you might think I do. I don't think that the style I had was hideous, but I only listened to the music to fit in with the crowd, and only dressed that way to be cool. So here are some pictures from those good ol' days:
Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Tumblr_lkaf8y1wbn1qf4bk7o1_500_large

Here's me now:
Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Tumblr_lq7hanKba21qd1auo
Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Tumblr_lq0050NvxO1qd1auo
Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Tumblr_lponcbqRCQ1qd1auo

& here is me & my boyfriend <3:
Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Tumblr_ltjnzxZZPT1qh38l0

sorry for spamming you all with my face, but I'm also really indecisive. haha.
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Morgan Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:02 am

You're so pretty and I love your hair! I love the name Skye, its very pretty and seems to fit you perfect but I like the name Andy too. You and your boyfriend are adorable! My boyfriend is shorter than me. I wish my hair was like yours. AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:05 am

Thank you so much! You're very pretty too.
And I don't dislike my name really, but I just prefer Andy. I don't know what it is about the name but I just love it. I really want to name my daughter Andy, if I ever have one.
& Thank you! I actually think it's kinda cute (though pretty awkward, I guess hah) when the guys are shorter. I really don't know why, but my friend was dating someone significantly shorter than her, and I always thought they were the cutest couple ever.
& thank you again!
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Morgan Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:08 am

I can never tell with my computer, Ill fix it if its messed up but this is my boyfriend. I have no pictures of us together though. we arent picture people...

Last edited by NeavehBaby on Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:13 am

Aw, he looks like a little kid haha. I can't tell for sure, of course, but it seems like you two would be a cute couple!
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Morgan Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:16 am

Everyone says we are (: it will be 5 months on the 14th.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:20 am

Aw, well just in case I forget, or I'm not on that day, congrats on that! It seems like no teen relationships, especially younger teens, last very long. But I hope you guys are happy, and that you do last!
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Morgan Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:31 am

Thank you. I've been having family issues and Been wanting to run away but he has calmed me down a lot. I told him in five years if we are still together me and him are leaving. I would leave in four years but I promised I wouldn't leave without him. He is a year younger than me so when he is 18 and I'm 19 and we have both graduated we are leaving Virgina.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:25 am

I used to be in the same position as you, with family issues. Honestly, I'm not going to promise you it'll get better or anything, because I don't know the extremity of it or anything like that, but for me it did get loads better. I always have to deal with my mom and my grandparents fighting though, & it kinda makes me upset because it reminds me of the fights I used to have with them and they were just so stupid...
But I think that's really sweet, and I hope everything works out.
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Morgan Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:58 am

Just my parents are divorced and stuff and I get treated like the red headed step child at home and I hate it. Holidays are always the worse though. But I've been trying to get through it to the best that I can.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:07 am

Yeah, my parents were never married. My dad is still a part of my life though. He lives in FL, I live in NY. so sometimes during the holidays I visit him. & I won't lie, my brother gets most of the attention in my house, but I don't mind it that much. I'd kinda hate for my mom to be breathing down my back all the time, especially since I'm very honest with her now. But staying strong would definitely be the best thing to do. You'll get out of there eventually.
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Morgan Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:11 am

Yeah. Ive been depressed and my parents don't even care. But I mean it's life right? I have people on here that help me through times and I have my boyfriend whom love bunches. That's all I need. I have family, just not the people who are "family"
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:14 am

Yeah, that's true. When I was really upset my parents didn't care, but if I'll be honest I was good at hiding my emotion, so maybe that was it? But you are right. As long as you have someone who you can consider family, you don't need an actual one! :3
you've got the hang of it.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Taylor Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:42 pm

Andy (I'm ignoring that whole, my name is actually skye thing, because I've called you Andy so long and it's still your username <3) you and Charlie are so cute omg. I want a relationship like you guys. But I'm judging that statement by your tumblr posts so maybe I'm wrong.. Haha. Either way, I love you, and you need to get online now okay~
alright, now keep going.

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Seems like I've missed out on a lot... Empty Re: Seems like I've missed out on a lot...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:43 am

Awh, thank you hun. I mean we don't have a perfect relationship, Charlie is wonderful and he's an amazing boyfriend, but I think I'm a horrible girlfriend in comparison, he would never say that but I don't know. You'll find someone one day, don't worry C: Should I message you, or is it something personal? o;
you've got the hang of it.

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