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Shall I continue or go die in a hole?

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Shall I continue or go die in a hole? Empty Shall I continue or go die in a hole?

Post  Sprx_GotFlame Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:35 pm

Well... Here's all I've got so far. If I shall continue, It's gonna take me a while to update. Short updates bug me.



The drum of the rain beating the metal roof of the taxi matched the racing heart inside my chest. I wasn't exactly sure it was truly my heart anymore. After the accident I had changed. Become someone else. That's what everyone was telling me, anyway. But what do they know? Another one of my headaches interrupted my thoughts, forcing my thinking to an abrupt halt. Lightning lit up the heavens seconds after thunder rumbled throughout it; the storm‘s way of declaring it‘s presence. I had expected it but my body still reacted with a sharp jolt. The sounds outside reminded me too much of cars smashing together. I turned up the volume on my Ipod for the tenth time that night. The music was loud enough to drown out the thunderstorm passing over, but it was too loud for my throbbing head to handle. I didn't care, though. Anything was better than remembering the last moment I saw my parents breathing. They say I was the lucky one. I made it out alive. Of course, I didn't escape uninjured; a few fractured ribs and a broken arm, along with countless scars.

I am headed out to my brother's house. I wouldn't exactly call him my brother these days. He abandoned us when we needed him most. I hated him for that, still do. Last time I saw him, I was getting on the bus for my first day of the seventh grade. He had just turned nineteen when he left. I'm just about eighteen now; seventeen and nine months if you want to be exact. So, I guess that would make him twenty-six.

"Miss," The Cabbie's voice broke me away from my thoughts, "Welcome to Afton." I lifted my head so I could look out the window better, watching the town unravel before me. Sadly, it was raining too hard to see anything other then the blurred lights of the street lamps, along with several neon-colored store signs. The Cabbie pulled into the parking lot of an auto repair shop, the breaks easily stopping the car.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked him quizzically. In reply, a crumbled piece of paper was thrown at me with the name of an auto repair shop, along with an address, written on it in slightly-faded pencil. "Okay then." I mutter, unbuckling the seatbelt and opening my door. Not bothering to pull up my hood, I stepped out of the bright yellow checkered car. Hey, a little water never hurt anyone.

"Goodnight, Miss." The Cabbie said as he handed me my bags. He offered to get me an umbrella, but I refused. I never bothered with those things; they just filled up your hands and attracted lightning to you. Personally, getting struck by lightning was not on my agenda. By the time that I had got to the door and someone finally answered it, rain was streaking down my face and my hair was plastered to my skull.

To say I wasn’t expecting this would be an understatement. As I stared up at a man that I knew to not be my brother, all I could manage to do was stand there looking like an idiot. I didn’t know how much time had passed before I had finally stammered out the words,
“Who are you?”

The unfamiliar man in front of me grinned, ignoring my question, “Come inside. You must be chilled to the bone. Look at you; you’re sopping wet and it‘s freezing out there.” He informed me, as if I couldn‘t figure that out myself, “Ace wouldn’t be happy if when he finally gets his sister she gets sick.”

“Tch. No way in hell am I going in there.” I informed him firmly, taking a step away from the door and shaking my head. What could I say? I had some trust issues and I had never seen this man in my life. Plus, he looked like he could snap me in half.

The man just sighed tiredly, as if he had expected this, “Just come inside. Nothing’s going to happen to you. You’re safe here.”
My eyes rolled almost automatically, “You know, that’s what most serial killers say before they kill you.”
“It’s also what normal people say.”
“How am I supposed to know if you’re normal or not?”
“Just trust me. It’s safe in here. Do you really think your brother would send you somewhere that isn’t safe?” He asked, throwing in an eye roll of his own.
“I really don’t know what my brother would do. I don’t know him anymore. The last time I saw him was over seven years ago. As for the trusting you part? No.” I said simply before turning, and walking away, just leaving my suit cases there.

Behind me there was the sounds of something being moved, probably my suitcases, closely followed by a door clicking shut. With this last sound, I found myself yanking my jacket tighter around me, my legs propelling me forward into a sprint before I fell into a daze.

By the time I finally snapped out of my thoughts and into reality, I was in the middle of a forest, the trees sheltering most of the rain, only a few stray drops finding their way down to me.

Of course I end up in the woods.

As a child growing up, I had always found the woods to be a place of security. In reality, that thought was far from the truth. The woods were filled with all sorts of deadly and harmful things. Reminding myself of these truths made me tense with fear; I had practically just walked right into a death trap, and I didn’t even realize it. To my left, a loud snap! filled my ears, causing my fear to rise so that I was on the brink of panic. Of course, panicking would do me no good. Knowing this was probably all that kept me from falling right over the edge and succumbing to the fear. Who ever, or what ever, was out there seemed to know that their cover was blown. They snapped another branch and I knew I had to get away from there. Not in thirty seconds or a minute. Now.

I started by doing the most logical thing; I took a step back, then another, and another, until I was headed backwards out of the woods at a moderate pace. The snapping seemed to be following me, but not closely. It seemed safe enough to turn around so that’s what I did; I turned and ran until I had gotten farther away from the noise. Of course, I realized I had been headed in the wrong direction. Whatever had been making the noise must have noticed also, because it was back, louder this time. It almost seemed angry. By now, I was breathing heavily, my eyes jumping around to every sound that was made, everything that caught my eye. Which was exactly why I nearly had a heart attack when I felt two strong arms wrap around me, lifting me off the ground.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

“Stay.” Seth -as I had learned his name was- ordered as if I were just some common mutt, placing me back down onto the ground inside of the auto repair shop. He had hunted me down in the woods and carried me all the way back here, ranting about how stupid my actions were. He had also given me three rules to live by while I was here; don't go out after dark, keep the doors locked at all times, and never, ever, go in the woods. Of course, being me, the entire time he was giving me this lecture, I was kicking and hitting him. To say I didn’t enjoy being manhandled like that would be an understatement.

He left the room, leaving me there dripping wet by the door. I would have considered running again if he hadn’t locked the door with a key that he had just taken with him. So there I was, alone with only my thoughts for company. I preferred that over normal human company, anyway. Seth had returned all too soon, his presence ten times worse then his absence.

A towel was thrown in my face, “Here. Dry yourself off. There’s a bathroom upstairs. First door on the right. Apparently you’ll be staying in the loft. That would be the third door on the left, and up the stairs. I already put your things up there while you were running about where you shouldn’t have.” With a small sigh, he continued, “Just don’t get yourself into anymore trouble. Ace should be back soon enough.”

With a muffled noise of protest, I headed up the staircase, not bothering to turn on a light. As I had suspected, the floor above the repair shop was something equivalent to a small city apartment.

“One… Two… Ah, three.” I spoke softly to myself, bypassing the idea of a bathroom and wanting to check out where I would be living for the next who-knows-how-long. It was pretty nice; dark wood encased room, several rugs sprawled out across the floor, nice furniture. Even the bedding was appropriate for my taste. Seems as if Alex had remembered a lot about me. That, or he just had a lucky guess. The walls were quite bare, though. I planned on changing that; a few posters could easily fix that problem. Once I had finished evaluating the room, I noticed my suitcases pushed up into the corner.

By the time I had changed out of my wet clothes and into dry ones, there were voices coming from the apartment below me.

“Seth!” A voice barked, “Why are you all wet?”
Seth responded innocently, “It’s raining outside. Couldn’t you tell?”
Before the first voice could respond, a third voice broke out with a sharp growl, “Shut up, the both of you. Where is she?” That simple question sent chills down my spine; that all-too-familiar voice belonged to my brother. I heard Seth respond in a small voice, as if he feared something, that was too hushed for me to understand. Footsteps approached the door to the loft seconds before the door opened. Whoever was coming, probably my brother, closed the door behind them and started up the stairs.

Sitting on the bed, fidgeting with the leather cuff on my left wrist; this was how my brother had found me. We stayed still for a long time, just watching each other until I broke the silence.

“Alex.” With a sharp nod of my head, I acknowledged him, inviting him to say something. The silence was eating at me; if he didn’t say anything soon, he wouldn’t get another chance.

“How nice to see you again, Skylar.” He said politely, which was a shock in itself; The man I was looking at could have gotten an award for his arrogance alone.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked with a small shake of my head. It wasn’t like him to help others. He made that clear when he left.
“I couldn’t just leave you with no where to go. Plus, you‘re my sister. I want you here. I‘ve missed you.”
“I had places I could go to. Places I would much rather be. Wow, you sure showed that by not even being her when I came, instead leaving your friend to drag me here.”
“I had business to attend to.”
“What kind of business?”
“My kind. All you need to know about it is that it pays for everything.”
“No. I need to know what it is.”
“Too bad.” He said firmly before turning and descending the stairs. When he opened the door to leave, a red and grey blur bolted up the stairs, leaping onto the bed next to me. I found myself face-to-face with a beautifully colored Border collie Shepherd mix.

Before the door shut, I heard four more words come from my brother’s mouth, “His name is Raiku.”

So... Yeah. There you go.

Last edited by Sprx_GotFlame on Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2946
Join date : 2011-10-04
Age : 27
Location : The Tar Heel State.

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Shall I continue or go die in a hole? Empty Re: Shall I continue or go die in a hole?

Post  Morgan Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:53 am

I really like it and NO YOU SHOULD NOT GO DIE IN A HOLE! Im glad to see someone else posting here because if you look I have posted here a lot. Not a lot of people look here and if they do, dont reply. I try to if I read something.

I honestly really like this and would love to see how you take it and make it develope. You could go many ways in my POV but its all in what the writer wants. I'll try to keep checking back and will be waiting for the next update. I would really love to see more.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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Shall I continue or go die in a hole? Empty Re: Shall I continue or go die in a hole?

Post  Sprx_GotFlame Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:50 am

Ahw! People do care!
Haha, yeah. I've seen a lot of your storys on here.
I'm attempt to write some more when my brain starts working. I think it's having a power outage.
Oh, and before anyone gets confused, I should probably point out that 'Ace' and 'Alex' are they same person. Ace just hates his name, so that's what he decded he would be called. Only Skylar know's his name is Alex. For now... >=]

Now that I've ranted about my character... XD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2946
Join date : 2011-10-04
Age : 27
Location : The Tar Heel State.

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Shall I continue or go die in a hole? Empty Re: Shall I continue or go die in a hole?

Post  Morgan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:32 am

I would really love to see some more. I will keep checking back for more replies and will try to read them when they are posted.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
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Shall I continue or go die in a hole? Empty Re: Shall I continue or go die in a hole?

Post  Sprx_GotFlame Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:41 am

Okay, Here's the second have of Chapter 1.
I don't like it as much as the first half, but that's just life.
It can't all be perfect.
Tell me what you think! Smile

I woke up to the sound of Raiku standing over me, hackles raised and lips pulled back into a snarl, his body vibrating with the effort. Standing at the top of the steps was Seth, glaring daggers at Raiku. As odd as it might sound, I was more freaked out by Seth standing there then the snarling dog standing over me. Eyeing Seth, I carefully inched up into a sitting position on the bed. Raiku’s snarling intensified as he turned on me putting a fairly large paw on my chest, effectively shoving me back down flat on the bed. A second deep snarl broke out in the room, this time coming from Seth.

“Get off of her.” He growled at the dog, stepping over to the bed I was laying on. In an instant, he had the dog pinned down on the bed next to me. Seth turned his head to me, “Get out of the room.” He ordered, his voice coming out in a growl. Normally, I wouldn’t move. But, it was far too early in the morning for me to be performing at my usual level of defiance. I quickly rolled off the bed and walked back downstairs, not bothering to grab any other clothes to change into. I was still wearing my pajamas; a tank top and shorts.

The lovely thing I call my brother had left me a note taped to the refrigerator; In the garage. Come down after you eat. With a roll of my eyes, I snatched up the paper and crumbled into a ball before throwing it into the trashcan. Sorry, brother dearest, but you can’t tell me what to do. Technically he can. But who says I have to listen? My mind battled itself as I rummaged through the fridge, looking for something breakfast-worthy among the mounds of leftover take-out boxes. A plate of pancakes was shoved in my face, making me jump back a good foot or so.

“Here. I doubt you’ll be able to find anything edible in the mess.” Seth informed me, as if I couldn’t figure that out for myself. I mumbled out a thanks and took the plate from him. After getting myself comfortable at the table, I began eating the stack of pancakes. My grandparents had always called them ‘Hot Cakes’. When I was younger, I thought it was such a silly thing; I would giggle every time they said it. No fail. Of course, I was just a very giggly kid. I couldn’t help it. Anyway, back to my original story. It makes much more sense to me now, no longer being that annoyingly giggly seven year old. Hot cakes are just what they are. Well, unless they’re cold. Then they’re cold cakes. I’m getting off topic again…

The second I had taken my last bite, Seth spoke up from behind me, “Now, go downstairs to the--” Sounds of snarling and crashing cut him off. “Okay, I take that back. Stay here.” He ordered in a voice that held authority in it before disappearing behind a door. Now, being me, I just had to ignore his order. So that’s what I did. I stood up and placed my plate in the sink before opening the same door Seth had disappeared behind and walking towards the sounds of fighting dogs that had yet to cease.

I had caught a glimpse of two huge dogs in what looked to be a to-the-death match before a hand clamped over my face, effectively covering up my mouth and eyes.

There I was, once again on my bed, with Seth nearby. Only difference, there was no snarling dog, and Seth was hovering over me, yelling and lecturing me about coming downstairs, and not listening, and blah, blah, blah. I zoned out after a while, but was soon brought back to reality when Seth flicked me on the nose, as if he were disciplining a disobedient dog.

“Stop doing that.” He ordered for the umpteenth time since my arrival.
“Stop doing what?”
“You know what.”
“If I knew do you really think I was be asking you that?”
“Maybe if you were paying attention you would know.”
“Is that was you’re all pissy about? That I just so happen to zone-out while you’re give me another lecture? Have you ever considered that I just don’t care?”
“Well, you should care.” He huffed, pushing himself back up until he was standing.
“And why is that? Hmm? Why should I care?” The words slid out of my mouth as I stood up, the conversation feeling all too familiar.
“Because caring can be the difference between life and death.”
“Yeah, when it matters! Walking down the stairs like I was told to do is not life and death.”
“It could have been! Look, we’re trying to help you here. Believe it or not. And that is a nearly impossible task when you insist on being so bloody stubborn!”
“Yes. Because all of this,” I motioned around us, my voice dripping with sarcasm, “is such a help. I’m so grateful I got stuck in a house with a bunch of secretive control freaks.” Now, if I was smarter, I would have taken back those words after seeing the instant effect it had on Seth. But, no. I’m not smart. I’m just… Me. And, being me, I happen to be very stubborn. I refuse to take anything back, no matter the consequence. So, there I was, standing barely a foot away from a seething Seth. Much too close for my liking. He took a step forward and, as small as the step was, it closed the gap between us entirely. Normally, I wouldn’t have taken a step back. I wouldn’t have budged. But, he had gotten too close, and he was pushing me off balance. He took another step forward, forcing me back again. This went on until I bumped into the wall, realizing the danger all too late. He towered over me, making me feel small. Unimportant. Weak. I hated it. My body tensed, urging me to run. If only I could get past him… He slammed his palms onto the wall next to my shoulders, blocking me in as if I had said my very thoughts out loud. Had I?

“Would you rather be out on the streets? We took you in. We’re helping you and you have the audacity to say that?” He snarled down at me, his lips pulled back giving him that crazed animalistic look. My eyes were locked with his, his gaze boring deep inside of me, daring me to drop my eyes. That was it. He wanted me to give in and submit. To back down. Take back my words. To actually listen. No. That wasn’t going to happen. No matter how much authority and dominance he carried, I wouldn’t submit. Never.

“You’re too stubborn for your own good. You know that?” His voice continued in a deep growl, an almost soothing sound. It almost relaxed me. It was almost hypnotic. The kind of sound that goes deep inside and takes control of you. It dawned on me then. That’s what he was doing. When his first tactic didn’t work, he was going to try to trick me into submitting. That… That… Ugh! In that moment, I decided I had to get away. I knew what I had to do, so why not do it? I tilted my head back, baring my throat. Hey, he seemed animalistic enough, so it ought to work. He instantly took the bait, although he proved to me smart enough to not remove his hands from the wall, he moved his head just into my range, going for my throat in an increasingly animalistic form of gaining dominance. The second I felt his breath on my throat, I slammed my fist into the bottom of his jaw, throwing his head back.

During those few seconds he took trying to recover, I slipped away and bolted from the room, nearly jumping down all the steps at once. And I would have, too, if he hadn‘t caught me. I would have done a lot of things if he hadn’t caught me. But, as my luck would have it, he did catch me. I fell onto the ground, barely catching myself before I was rolled onto my back, coming face-to-face with quite a chilling sight. The innocent blue eyes that the boy once had were replaced with a predatory yellow color. My shoulders were pushed into the ground, once again finding myself underneath this man-beast.

“You shouldn’t run. It awakens the--” The growling man was cut off by my loft door behind slammed open,
“ SETH! GET OFF OF HER!” For once in my life, I was actually glad to hear my brother‘s voice. He ran up the stairs and yanked Seth off of my without a seconds hesitation, dragging the man downstairs and leaving me laying on the ground, utterly confused. What had I just been brought into?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2011-10-04
Age : 27
Location : The Tar Heel State.

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