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Exiled from Century

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Exiled from Century Empty Exiled from Century

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:28 pm

Chapter 1

I landed the space ship in a clearing in the middle of what I guessed was a forest on Earth. I got out and took in all the strange surroundings. I hadn't seen this kind of tree before. It was brown and a bit scratchy, with green needles protruding from the tips. On Century, the trees were glass. I loved it there. To me, it was the most beautiful place in the universe. I looked around, noticing that everything was different. The sky was blue, rather than orange. I wriggled my bear toes in some sort of scraggly green stuff that came out of the ground. But it wasn't unpleasant. It was actually sort of... soft. I closed my eyes and took a breath. I had to forget Century. This place was my home now. I started walking, but remembered something. I turned and took the keys to the ship out of my pocket and pressed the InvisiShield button, causing the ship to disappear from sight completely. I then turned around and started walking hoping that I would reach civilization soon.
There were all sorts of creatures, completely different then I had seen before. I sighed and continued walking. In about an hour, I saw a building. It was fairly small, and made out of what appeared to be stone, something my planet had not had for years. I walked up to it, seeing light in each window. I walked around to the front to see a door, made out of the same thing that the trees were. I knocked wondering if I could possibly get directions to town from anyone who possibly lived there. A young woman, who I guessed to be around 23 in human years, around the same age as me in Centurion years, opened the door. "Hello?" she asked, her face confused, yet soft. She looked me up and down, obviously confused at my apparel. "Hello, um, can you give me directions on how to get to town?" I asked, thanking the Elders that we spoke the same language as the humans. Her face softened a bit more, and she smiled. "You're new here aren't you? Well, I can give you a ride to town if you'd like. And if you don't have enough money for a place to stay, you're welcome here." she said. "Oh, thank you." I said, a bit surprised at her offer. "No problem. Come on in. Would you like a cup of tea?" she asked, moving out the way for me to walk in. "Oh, yes please." I said, walking in after her, looking around at everything. "My name is Rose, by the way. Rose Sterling. And, may I ask your name?" she asked me. "Mordecai. Mordecai Castellan." I said, just thinking of a name on the spot. "Nice to meet you, Mordecai." she said with a smile as she put the kettle on. Little did I know, that this wasn't going to be just a short stay with Rose Sterling.

Continue? Yes? No? Maybe?
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  Morgan Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:31 pm

I love the way you write. Id love to see some more. (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:14 pm

WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:41 am

Chaper 2

I woke up the next morning to the smell of tea and fresh air, and the sound of singing. I rolled off the couch and looked around, not seeing Rose anywhere. I walked outside, still not used to the feeling of the green stuff. I would ask Rose about it, but she'd probably laugh and think I was joking.
I walked over to the side of the house to see that she was hanging clothes on a wire. "Good morning, Mordecai!" Rose called when she saw me, a smile on her face. "There's some tea in the kitchen if you want a cup. It should still be hot." she said, walking over. "So, I was going to go into town and get some food from the market. You want to come?" she asked, now standing in front of me. "Oh, um, sure." I said, not exactly sure how else to respond. And I really didn't know what I could do there without Rose, so this was probably the best thing. "Alright. Go get ready and we can go ahead down." she said and I nodded.
We got in what I guessed was the human's form of transportation and drove to town. I don't know what I was expecting, exactly, but I wasn't expecting there to be so many people. Everywhere he looked there were people. "Alright, we're here." she said. I looked around, and there were stands everywhere with some sort of food. "Let's go to the bakery first, I need to get some more bread." she said and we got out of the car and walked past the stands and into a shop. As soon as the door opened, the most delightful smell that I'd ever smelled flooded my nostrils. I stood there and smelled the air, my eyes closed. "Come on, Mordecai." Rose said, and I snapped back into reality.
"Hello, Rose! Who's this you got here? You haven't found a new man already have you?" the teenage girl at the counter teased, causing Rose's cheeks to turn red. "No, not at all! This is Mordecai, he's new in town and I'm giving him a place to stay." she said, her cheeks going back to their normal shade. "Oh, well nice to meet you, sir." the girl said with a wink. Even if I wasn't from that planet, I knew what that meant, and it caused my face to flush. I dropped my head, finding a sudden interest in the shoes that I had found be the edge of the couch with a note telling me that they were mine. "Now, now, Alexandria, don't get the poor boy embarrassed. Just give me two loaves of bread." she said, thankfully coming to my rescue. "Alright." Alexandria said. "Dad!" she called as she walked back to the place where they made the bread. She came back out a few minutes later with two loaves of bread in a paper bag. She told Rose the price and she payed, and we left.
We finished our shopping, and Rose bought me some clothes. I told her she didn't have to, but she insisted.

Right, so I wanna right more, but I just can't think of any more to write at the moment. SO. Tell me what you think? :D
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:52 am

So... Should I continue this or no?
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  Fennec Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:07 am

Oh my Sheldon, hell yes you must.
liek hay gurl

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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:37 am

The ride home was a bit, how would you say... awkward? There was total silence for most of the ride, and Rose finally spoke up. "So, Mordecai. Why don't you tell me about yourself? I mean, you are staying with me, after all." I looked over at her, so nervous that I felt like I was about to jump out of the vehicle. "Well, there's not really much to tell." I decided on. "Well, why don't you tell me about your family? What are they like?" she asked. "They're horrible, cruel people. All of them." I said, without thinking or hesitation. "Oh. So, I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that's a touchy subject." she teased me. "What about friends? Did you leave anyone behind back from wherever you're from?" she asked. "Yeah. A lot of people, actually. But I try not to think about that." I said, looking out the window now. "Touchy subject, too. Okay.." she said, and there was silence until we got back to the house. I got out of the vehicle and walked into the house, holding bags of groceries and clothes.

Okay, can't think of anything else. Sorry. D:
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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Exiled from Century Empty Re: Exiled from Century

Post  Taylor Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:31 am

This is really good. I hope you'll continue? c:
alright, now keep going.

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