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a poll of some sorts.

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a poll of some sorts. Empty a poll of some sorts.

Post  Taylor Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:10 am

Recently I've gotten into a huge argument by some crazy radical group on tumblr, so I just want to know your opinions, and it would perhaps be nice to know why you feel that way, but either way, just a yes or no will suffice.
So, my question is; Does saying words such as (and I don't mean to offend anyone, so don't take these words personally) 'nigger' or 'faggot' make someone a Homophobe or Racist, OR does hating an ethnic group/homosexuals make you one?

If you want to know what the actual argument was about, I'd be more than happy to explain it. But basically people think it's okay to tell a sweet girl to kill herself because she had the n word in her URL, and that so obviously makes her racist (sarcasm).

& I don't mean using those words to intentionally hurt someone. Because face it, at one point in our life we have all said an offensive word, but we didn't necessarily mean for it to be offensive. So, what are your opinions on the matter?
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Post  Abby Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:32 am

If you insult a different race, in this instance by using the n word, then yeah. I'd classify you as racist, that doesn't mean how ever that you are racist. Technically racism is thinking lower of one race. If you insult another race, that just makes you pretty damn indignant. But it doesn't automatically mean you think lower of another race. It does, however, lead everyone to believe that you are racist.
As for saying faggot, well if anyone says it, then then can just go die in a hole. My personal thoughts cloud this exact subject, so I won't be much help there. :/
Oh and at the bottom you said people don't use offensive words to offend people. I can't find any other reason available to use offensive words, so I'll have to disagree with you there.
Damn, just realized that pretty much all of this is in 2nd person... Oh well.
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Post  Taylor Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:37 am

What I meant was, sometimes my friends and I will be joking around, and we'll just call each other faggots or niggers, and I mean we have black people and gay people in our group of friends and no one takes it offensively (i'm Pansexual myself, and I use the word faggot all the time), we're just joking around. If there's no hatred behind the meaning of the word for you, then I don't think you can really use it offensively on purpose.
Sometimes words just slip too. Like if you're angry, you'll say like.. fuck, or something. Sometimes my friends will say nigger.
I'm not saying I do this, because I honestly rarely use these words (besides faggot, like I said, but it's never directed towards an actual gay person), but like I said when I do I use them in a joking manner with my friends, and I surely am not going to call a stranger any of these words.

When it truly comes down to it, and I know this is not true for all people, but I feel like young white girls overreact and take more offense to these words than actual ethnic groups do. I also think that people overreact to the n word in particular, because you never hear people complain about racism towards any other group, really, but it is DEFINITELY existing and happening.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  Abby Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:45 am

Oh, well if your joking then it's completely different. I feel dumb as shit now....
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Post  Jenna Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:34 am

Okay, I hope no one takes this offensively, but I do use words like 'nigga' and 'faggot'. I don't use them against people though. When I'm mad at people I call them faggots. And I call my friends my niggas. I asked a black person (African American I mean, I hope no one takes offense.) if it's taken racist for 'nigga' and they said no that it was racist if you said 'nigger'.
It makes you a homophobe or racist if you just show hate to them like all the time.
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a poll of some sorts. Empty Re: a poll of some sorts.

Post  Taylor Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:41 am

Well thank you both for actually responding :3 I didn't really think anyone would to be honest. But yeah, I agree with you Jenna.
alright, now keep going.

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a poll of some sorts. Empty Re: a poll of some sorts.

Post  Morgan Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:48 am

I mean I don't know about the Nigger part but I personally get defensive when people say stuff about being gay and stuff because I was raised by a gay mother who I love deeply. I mean I guess its all in how the person is. In different eyes and minds it can be taken differently. I mean I have black friends who I know don't mind being called a nigger and my friend Trevon will even call me his little nigger even thought Im white. So I guess its all in the person? Im sorry if I didn't help but if its over something stupid then, people can just get over it and suck it up.

Sorry if that made no sense....It did to me...I like to please everyone a lot... >.<
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a poll of some sorts. Empty Re: a poll of some sorts.

Post  Morgan Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:53 am

And i meant to put Nigga not Nigger. My new MacBook corrects everything!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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