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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:02 am

Im gonna like post cute pictures/inspiring quotes and such here and if you guys have any you can also. Some of mine might have to do with disney princesses but thats because I'm like obsessed with them. My new Mac laptop has a Snow White decal where she is holding the apple and i looooveee it!!!
Anyway, I guess I'll do that for anybody and anybody and you can request somethings you might want to see.

Here are some I have found that I like.
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Skarmavbild-2011-12-27-kl-22-30-30_181176246_large
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_ls6eha0Oog1qzdq85o1_500_large
(I like this only because it is said in my favorite movie Soul Surfer. I recommend it to anyone and everyone! Gonna watch it tonight with my mom and step mom and it will be their first time seeing it and like my millionth!)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwwvky384x1r4synko1_500_large
(Put this on here for anyone waiting for a sign to know everything is gonna be okay. Ive needed a sign forever and this made me smile.)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwk9ojUdUG1r08qs8o1_400_large
(Always remember each day your a little closer than you were yesterday.)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lszmhkL7QF1r2x30uo1_500_large
(Bethany Hamiltion;my number one inspiration. -Soul Surfer-)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwv1qtjBUO1qcsjiso1_500_large
(I believe, I know I do and it sounds childish I know.)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwv0pk9Apb1qcsjiso1_500_large
(Always remember, your beautiful no matter what people say. I said your beautiful.)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lghpi8rJma1qdnvg8o1_400_large
(Don't ever stop believing, because the moment you do is the moment you lose everything.)
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Forget+the+risk_largeSo yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwmfizCRX31qbpwzeo1_500_large
(If its what you want and not what others want, its worth getting hurt over.)
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:13 am

These are really cute! Smile I see them being my future Facebook statuses. Haha.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:20 am

Good. Im gathering some more. Im getting most of these from Well iIve gotten all of them from there. If there is anything you want to see just ask. Most of these were under inspirational, but if you want to see funny things, band stuff, love, ect. just ask and Ill try to come up with something to please everyone.

Update coming soon. Promise!
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:23 am

I'm going to have to look there too! Smile And I like inspirational and funny.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:30 am

Weheartit is amazing. I like it and use it for role-playing profile pictures.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:32 am

My brother says and does the same thing, but every time I try to make an account it doesn't work!
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:36 am

You can log in with Facebook and use your Facebook account. I lost my password but logged in with Facebook because i don't know what email I used for it. I get nail ideas from there and everything.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:48 am

Oooo. Sounds like a good idea to me. Smile I will have to get one.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:56 am

Update Time!!!

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwykojEvJs1qeqc9fo1_500_large
No matter what, we have been created beautifully, no matter what.

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 402728_332238980120479_100000031389948_1314901_29943330_n_large
If your thinking right now that no one loves you I LOVE YOU! I love each and every person here. You are F.A.M.I.L.Y. To me. Yes Family. More that family really. Thank you.

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwqqa8VnJL1r31jgno1_500_large
Im sorry this just made me laugh, had to post. (:

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwl3f2tq3t1r038syo1_500_large
My question is, would you? I wouldn't. Not one bit of it. I met wonderful people, made new friends, escaped an abusive relationship and got in an amazing one. Im gonna miss you 2011.

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Quote,funny,sleep,drug,sleep,dp,fun-8fdf8cc9a6d745131d66705b3c4b6f80_h_large
This is soooo true!

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwqymtLhhd1qehj79o1_500_large
Any one want 2012 to be better than 2011? Why?

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lwov2ufNTM1qd5ab3o1_500_large
Just remember, something bad happens so something good can come from it. Keep your head held high.

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 284861_103029353131111_100002721397793_11653_5983400_n_large
No matter how much you say 'Oh he/she has changed.' They never have. They are still the same person.

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lw44fwtQs31r03wcgo1_1280_large
Words.To.Follow. If you don't like the way your life is, change it and start living the life you want to!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:41 am

I like this one too! I especially like the rooster one! It made me laugh. And I hope 2012 will be better than 2011. Smile
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:44 am

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 297399_167367326678635_100002161052387_347328_741919511_n_large
Kel loves orange soda!

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lqndg4A88P1r1upqlo1_250_large

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lq5n9e5UAP1r1zsr6o1_500_large

Just a few more Ive found (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Abby Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:30 am

My friend told me this rhyme for laughs a week or two ago and it seems to go with the theme so...

If you can see your age on the clock, trust me girl, you're too young for cock.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:31 am

These make me happy. Smile
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:48 am

Haha @Abby; I saw that too and meant to post it but the URL thingy wasn't working right.
Thank you guys for checking here (: You make my life complete!

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 224413_115798641849875_100002592195458_104637_2970141_n_large
For the ones that didn't get that good morning text this morning. Good morning beautiful! I love you!

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 200499_194680397229728_161908870506881_537225_1313428_n_large
''Good mornin' beautiful. How was your night? Mine was wonderful, with you by my side.'' Yes just a bit of good ole country music. (:

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 2012-happy-new-year-wallpapers-16_large
For any beach lovers and people ready to say "Good bye 2011, hello 2012."

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:09 am

So this Update is labeled Confessions
Its all the confession photos that relate to me and how I feel.

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. B217833544_large_largeSo yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lrtobshVtQ1r0agmso1_500_largeSo yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lid54anN4d1qgqfxho1_500_largeSo yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Z218183493_largeSo yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_ld1p2ePwwy1qbv0oxo1_500_large
Something I hate;I get attached easy...
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lfe179u7Mc1qgo29mo1_500_large_large
The people Im closest to I don't see everyday. I see my boyfriend once a week.So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 6163369333_4e42652c7b_z_large
This is for my Prince Jonathan! I love him and darling Ive fallen hard for you since the day we met 3 short years ago. (:
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 215216_138434622894932_131240576947670_260080_6211423_n_large
Every person Ive ever met I remember. I don't forget easily..
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 27597530_large
I feel like I mean nothing to people and one day I want to know that I mean something, to someone.
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lil0avTMb41qe8n5fo1_400_large
I don't like telling my secrets because I can't trust many people.
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lgkkityYL81qh70zgo1_500_large
My expectations are always low because Im scared to be let down...
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_lgih8uVGbC1qh70zgo1_400_large
I feel like I annoy everyone...I don't mean to..
So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Tumblr_l8dlfyLqOc1qcpe19o1_500_large
Im scared to grow up. the world scares me and I don't want to be alone.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:35 pm

It's okay Neavah, love, those confessions completely depict my life to a tee(? lol). I wonder and think about think those things on average. You're not alone.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:22 pm

And that was only a handful that I found. Im also terrified of death. I don't want to die. I don't want to be 6 feet under and I felt like I was dying last night. I had a horrible pain in my side and a red bump and I couldn't breathe. I was scared.....
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:12 pm

That sounds very scary. I don't know, I sorta have the Mexican view of death/life. I'm not afraid of dying, that's inevitable. But I am afraid of not living. I don't want to live a life full of regret and not achieve much. I don't want to just be one of those people who waste there limited time on this Earth. I want people to remember me for me and the good things I did, not the bad. And I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to achieve this.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:24 pm

Yeah, I guess I feel that way to but literally I pray every night that I wake up in the morning and Im okay.I fell asleep last night at 11:30 and woke up at 3:30 because my dad had fallen and I sleep in my living room and heard him. Then I got up and went to the bathroom and there was a huge red bump thing on my back/side/rib area and I couldn't lay down or stand up. I couldn't lay on my sides, my tummy, my back or anything. I took Motrin and stuff but I was in so much pain. If I stood up I was dizzy and burning up, if I laid down I was shaking and freezing. By the time I fell asleep it was 5 in the morning and I was in so much pain. I think I pasted out, not fell asleep actually.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:38 pm

Yeah, a lot of believers do.I forget to pray in general, as horrible as that sounds. Oh goodness! That's scary. I'm sorry. I would've been freaking out.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:52 pm

Like I don't have health problems, but this year Ive had a lot going on with me. Like I've had bronchitis, strep, ear canal infections, some type of congestive thingy in my chest and now this weird lump. I also had a lump in my hip and everyone said I had mono but Ive only kissed my boyfriend and he is super healthy. All of that and more happened this year. It sucks being sick. I hate it.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:08 am

I use to have a very bad health, but it's getting a lot better. This is my first time being sick,even though it's been for like two or three weeks.
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:04 am

So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. 384387_317733294926020_100000680556885_1037557_586673006_n_large

So, I thought you would like this. Smile
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  Morgan Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:39 am

Haha that is so true. (:
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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

Post  babydoll16508 Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:29 am

Smile that's me and my best friend basically. She helped me babysit last night and we took 'drunk pics' since we were drinking red grape juice in wine glasses.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored. Empty Re: So yeah this is just something for me to do when Im bored.

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