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Candle Cove.

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Candle Cove. Empty Candle Cove.

Post  Taylor Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:27 am

I'd like to start off by saying that I haven't edited this at all, so you're most likely going to come across a few mistakes. If you find any, feel free to point them out. Be brutally honest, as well. If you haven't read the creepypasta story "candle cove" yet, you might not really understand that. Click here to read it: Otherwise, enjoy.

The most distinguishing feature he had, was by far, his cape. It was composed of what looked to be pieces of skin from the dead pirates that he had slaughtered in the previous years, but he had added to it since then. You could tell where too, there were carelessly cut clumps of skin in certain places, whereas the rest of the cape was smooth and even. There was also his head which hung limp when he wasn't feeding, and the small top hat he wore on his head. But many would argue it's the way his jaw moved. So unnatural. Side to side, back and forth, but never going up or down, grinding his teeth together.
"Why do you move your jaw like that?" Janice had been the first person to ask him this in almost ten years. And all he could do was grin as he listened to her whimpers in the corner of the cave.
"To grind your skin, my dear." A dark chuckle passed through his lips as she screamed for Percy. The Skin Taker took a one look at her, smirked, and walked off to find Horace. That man always seemed to disappear when he was needed most.

Janice looked around the cave; it was dark, and in the distance she could hear water dripping from the ceiling. She had never been this far into the cave before, not even with Percy or Poppy, not with any of the pirates. She gulped, and listened intently, hearing him walk off. The sound of his boned feet made her feel sick. Did she even have a chance to escape? Maybe, but a slim one at that. Would he hear her standing up? Most likely, but he wouldn't think much of it. But how would she anyways? Her hands were tied in front of her, and so were her ankles. She had had a sock in her mouth, but he had pulled it out a while ago. Her mouth still ached from it.
Janice leaned forward and put both of her shaking palms on the dirty cave floor, it was uncomfortable, but with one push she managed to stand up on her unbalanced feet. Though, now that she was standing, she had to figure out how to move. Because unless she hopped her way out of the cave, not-to-mention the amount of noise it would cause, she'd still be confined to that corner.
Janice felt a few tears roll down her cheek as she screamed again. Maybe she was wrong, maybe Percy would be able to hear her - maybe she was closer to the entrance than she thought.

The Skin Taker had finally found Horace when Janice began the screaming again. Though he enjoyed them, Janice's screams were high-pitched shrieks. They ground on his nerves, she had been doing this last night too. It wasn't until he shoved the sock in her mouth that he had begun to feel better. But it didn't matter now. None of her little pirate friends would hear her screams. And if they did, what was Percy the pussy going to do? He was a horrible goddamn pirate.
"Horace, what the hell are you doing?" The Skin Taker said through gritted teeth. Horace had been outside the cave, and a pile of wood was lying at his feet, along with some seashells and various fish.
"Uh, nothing sir, I just uh.. Took this! Yes, I stole it from some pirates, mhm." He was fiddling his hands together, looking left and right anxiously. This was just how Horace normally was though, so The Skin Taker didn't pay much attention to him.
"Er, alright Horace. Any signs of Ms. Laughingstock?"
"No sir, haven't seen anyone all day!"
"Now Horace," The Skin Taker said, his voice low, "I thought you stole that wood and-"
"Oh, sorry sir, yes, I saw them. That is all. No one else, no one else at all." Horace was now laughing nervously, and looking at the ground.
"Why don't I believe you, Horace?" The Skin Taker questioned, taking a step forward. Horace's eyes grew wide at his approach and stammered,
"I- Sir, I would never lie to you, no no no."
"Stop fidgeting!" The Skin Taker grabbed Horace by the collar and slammed him against the the cave wall. Horace yelped in pain, but The Skin Taker only continued.
"Sorry, sir." Horace whimpered over and over again, until The Skin Taker finally had had enough and dropped Horace to the ground. The Skin Taker's eyes bulging and insane.
"I don't have time for this, just let me know if you see them, alright? Make sure no one gets in this entrance unless I say so." The Skin Taker turned around swiftly and walked back into the cave, leaving Horace behind with the stench of the decaying skin clung to his cape.
Once sure he was gone, Horace bent down and continued working.
"It's better he doesn't know," he mumbled to himself. Horace grabbed the pile of wood and walked off. The possibilty of anyone actually walking into the cave were slim to none, and he needed to finish his project uninterrupted.

After a few minutes of standing there, Janice hopped no more than twice before she landed back on the floor. With a groan, she looked up and noticed a sharp knife at the opposite end of the room. If she could somehow reach it she would-
"Janice, my dear, what are you doing on the floor." The Skin Taker made a "tsk" noise before grabbing her by her collar and placing her back in her original spot. He brought the sock back up to her mouth and smiled at her.
"There you are, much better."
Janice spent only a few moments glaring at him before the glare turned into a look of fear. His face was getting closer and closer to hers, and the smile never faded. This could very well be it. She had seen what he'd done before - to Poppy's brother. She could tell where his skin was on the cape; it was the newest, the lightest, it formed most of the collar. Would she join him up there?
Percy won't let that happen, it won't, he can't!
As if reading her thoughts, the Skin Taker chuckled and backed away. "Don't worry my dear, I'm going to keep you here for a while. That is, unless you misbehave." His eyes flashed with the sick amusement she had seen before, before he continued, "And don't worry about Percy either. He'll never find you - not that he would even try. We both know what a coward that man is."
Janice felt her eyes water up as the Skin Taker just stared at her. Even if she could respond, she didn't know what to say. Percy could be a bit of a coward, but that didn't mean he wouldn't look for her... right?

Percy was in fact not looking for Janice, well, not anymore. He had been for hours, but he had retreated to the safety of Ms. Laughingstock. Percy paced the floor, trying to think of something that he could do. Poppy had tried to tell him that Janice was done for by now, but Percy wouldn't listen. How could he? Janice had been the driving force on most of his excursions. Without her, Percy couldn't even start to imagine what his life would be like. He had to get her back.
Ms. Laughingstock sighed, and set sail. At first Percy was oblivious to it, but after a while the waves became rockier, and he scrambled to the front of the boat and looked down.
"What are you doing?" He demanded, trying to figure out where they were headed.
"You know where she is, Percy."
"So? What does that have to do with anything, she's in the cave, of course but-"
"You have.. to go.. INSIDE!" Ms. Laughingstock picked up speed and smiled a little, the cave wasn't very far from where they had been resting, in fact there were almost there at this point, but no time could be wasted here. It was a matter of life and death.
"But, Ms. Laughingstock what if it's too-"
"Percy, you listen to me, don't you say that. If you give up hope now, there's no chance for Janice. Do you want that? Do you want to look at the Skin Taker next time and see Janice's skin on his cape?"
Percy gulped and shook his head, sitting down now. "No, no I don't, but what am I supposed to do?"
"You're supposed to go in there and do something about it. What that something is, I can't tell you Percy, but trying is essential, and it's the only thing that will save Janice."
Percy nodded and looked up at the sky. The sun was just about to set, and the sky was getting darker. He only had a few matches left, but it would just have to work.

Janice watched as the Skin Taker walked around the room, looking curiously at the items as if it was his first time being in there.
"So tell me, darling, how do you like the place?"
With the sock still firmly placed in her mouth, Janice couldn't reply even if she wanted to. She just stared at the knife longingly. All she needed to do was cute the ropes around her ankles, and she could outrun the Skin Taker. He wasn't as fast as he looked by any means, in fact he was quite slow. The only problem would be getting past Horace, for she didn't even know where he was. But she knew he would do anything for The Skin Taker, and that was what worried her.
The Skin Taker cocked his head to one side with a playful smile, "Now hun, you do know that ignoring me won't get you anywhere. You could at least try to seem interested in the conversation. Ah, unless of course, you'd like to just get this done with quicker? I was hoping to get information out of you first, but if you'd like to die now, that's fine."
Janice shut her eyes tightly, shaking her head. Why had he really kept her here this long? She didn't have information, he knew that. What could he even possibly want to know?
Trying to say that she didn't know anything, it came out as a mumbled "ehunonething"
The Skin Taker laughed and stood up to rip the sock out of her mouth. "Come again?"
"I don't know anything!" She cried, looking up at him with big eyes. It had really come down to this. To the guilt trip, which would never work on this heartless thing.
The Skin Taker shook his head, "Well, if that's the case, I'll be right back. I've got to grab a few tools."
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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Candle Cove. Empty Re: Candle Cove.

Post  Taylor Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:15 am

I wrote more to this, but seeing as no one cared for it, I don't think I'm going to update...
alright, now keep going.

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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
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Candle Cove. Empty Re: Candle Cove.

Post  Morgan Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:39 am

I read it Taylor, I just, ehh, didn't understand it. Because I don't really know what its based on I guess. But I like it.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Candle Cove. Empty Re: Candle Cove.

Post  Taylor Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:31 am

Well there's a link to the explanation, it's really short too lol. But I mean, if no one understands it I'm probably not going to post more lol. all my writing has been getting ignored lately, like there's views but no comments. it just makes me completely un-motivated again. ;-;
alright, now keep going.

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Candle Cove. Empty Re: Candle Cove.

Post  Morgan Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:30 pm

I went to the link and everything. I'm gonna try to re read it today if y head ache ever goes away.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Candle Cove. Empty Re: Candle Cove.

Post  Morgan Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:55 am

Okay Taylor. I listened to the audio of the link and then I found to words and typed up part and read it. Now I understand some more. I get it now! I like what you are doing and after re-reading what you posted it makes more sense now that I have knowledge of what it is about and stuff. Its honestly not really anything I would see myself reading or anything but the way you write and everything, it draws me in. You take a different approach than I do but everyone one writes a different way. Your more into mystery and stuff and I do more romance but you know, its fine. If you ever publish a book, save me and original and sign it and ill pay you tons of money for it! Lol. My friend Julia told me the same thing about a story Ive been writing and in the process of typing onto here. I posted the first chapter yesterday. She told me she is going to by the first book I publish and she wants an original and she wants it signed. I told her I would dedicate the first book to her. She is super excited.
Now that I Understand everything now I have one thing to say to you, (Well besides that above in the story, i found one mistake. It should be 'cut the ropes' not 'cute the ropes' But I have mistakes too so don't worry about it lol) PLEASE CONTINUE OR THIS LITTLE BLONDE HAIRED GREEN WIDE EYED GIRL IS GOING TO CRY! )': So do it for your little blonde hair wide green eyed friend (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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