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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice Empty I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

Post  Morgan Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:01 am

So I have this pre-written up until chapter Six. Six is complete, Im working on Seven now. So if people read this and like it I'll post more.

Chapter One-Silence

Can you hear birds singing, a train approaching, or your favorite song? You're lucky if you can. You can hear the sweet nothings from the soft, delicate lips of the one you love. It might feel like nothing you you but it would me everything to me.
No crickets at night rocking me to sleep. No birds singing me awake. Just....silence. My world is like a silent film; its a guessing game. I can never tell if someone is talking to or about me. I can't hear a car horn when I walk across the street. Phones are useless, I can't hear over the phone. Doorbells aren't affective, mine have to be attached to flashing lights so I know if someone is there.
My life is nothing but a challenge. I have to try five times harder than everyone else. I have to pay attention more in school when the teacher is facing the class, just to barely catch the fast pace sentences fly from her lips to the other students ears.
Being deaf is a struggle. You don't know if the kids in the halls are laughing at you or making rude remarks.
Everyday when you think its going to get better, its gets worse. Everything gets worse. Everything is worse than the day before.

My brother walked into my room. He smiled and sat down on the bed beside me. My hand went to his, knowing he would sign something. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. I could tell what he was sighing while my hand was on his.
"Tay, me and Delilah have news." He signed. Delilah was my twin sister. The only difference is she isn't deaf. "Delilah got accepted to Gavett."
Gavett was a private school that accepted teens with talents. I sent in an application too and hadn't heard back yet.
"And I didn't, did I?" I asked. I only spoke around Adam and Delilah.
"You were accepted also Tay. They loved your drawings. They said that they were amazing and they want you to draw for their school." Adam signed as he looked down at me.
My face lit up and I smiled. "Really? They want me? They want the deaf girl?"
"No, they want Taylor Marie Davenport. They know you are deaf, they understand. They have a group you can join. It's for people who have needs."
"Adam, I don't have needs! I'm deaf, but I don't need special help! I can do things on my own!" I said, my voice shaky. Did people really think I needed special help?
Adam sighed, I felt him do so. "Tay, I'm not saying that you have to be in the group, I'm just telling you it's there if you do want to join."
"You can leave now."
"Fine Tay. Love you." Adam signed before getting up, kissing my head, and walking out of the room. But before he left he turned and waited for me to look at him. When I did he reached his hands out and signed, "What do you want for Christmas?"
"Nothing." I signed back. When he was gone I looked down. "Nothing but to hear." I whispered.

Last edited by NeavehBaby on Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:09 am; edited 2 times in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice Empty Re: I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:12 am

I like it, a lot. It's interesting. There's this girl at my school who is deaf, and she has this lady with her that signs for her in class and at assemblies.
Also, in the first part, there are a few typos in the first half.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice Empty Re: I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

Post  Morgan Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:21 am

I wanted to take a different path with this. SO like she doesn't have someone with her or anything. But a lot happens and honestly chapter four is my favorite but if people like it then I will post more.
I tried to find them but I have a head ache and stuff os I tried to catch them. Sorry /:
Im glad you like it though.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice Empty Re: I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:26 am

Most people who write do not like what they have written. It's okay.
But don't worry, I like it. It's going to be interesting. I like how you had her brother contradict himself and how emotional it is.
And it's okay. I understand. I'm not one of those people who really stresses over those type of things.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice Empty Re: I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

Post  Morgan Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:31 am

Plus Im getting use to a new computer so. Bet yes. Adam isn't in the story till like chapter seven but there are two more people who come in in the neck chapter and don't ever leave! But I really like chapter four, its my favorite and yeahhhhh (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice Empty Re: I Wish to Hear the Passion in Your Voice

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:45 am

It makes sense. I see. Cool. Smile
And alrighty then. Can't wait! You better update in the next five days!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 14004
Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 27
Location : Pennsylvania

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