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Valentines... Empty Valentines...

Post  Morgan Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:30 am

Valentines ended up really good this year! I had no valentine and asked my best friend and we wrote each other letters and they were so much a like. We are basically sisters and she has been over every week end for almost 2 months, so she should just move in with me. Anyway, people gave me stuff and then I was hyper on chocolate my friends shared with me. Then the guy of my dreams asked me to be his valentine and the to be his girlfriend.!!! I was sooooo happy I cried my friggin eyes out!
How was your valentines day?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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Valentines... Empty Re: Valentines...

Post  babydoll16508 Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:39 am

Mine was great! I'm a strong independent black women and don't need no man!!! Wink But seriously, it was great. Besides my third period teacher being a dick the first half of class, my day was pretty great! My friends gave me stuff and my dad sent me something that came during the second half of third period which brightened up the rest of the day. Smile You don't need to have a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever to have a good Valentine's day in my opinion.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 27
Location : Pennsylvania

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Valentines... Empty Re: Valentines...

Post  Taylor Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:55 am

Wow, glad your day went well! Congratulations on your new relationship, then haha.
Mine... eh, I don't want to say it was horrible, but... It was bad.

No one got me anything, even though I made cards and gave candy out to everyone that I know basically. I spent most of the day alone in my room while all of my friends were hanging out with each other and their boyfriends at the mall. They didn't even invite me because they knew they'd ignore me, so.. I guess in a way that's good? Lol.
I kind of realized yesterday that I like someone else, and I made him a Valentine's card and he's like Wow, this is the best card ever, and then he called me bro.
And gave roses to some random chick.

I'm too bitter for these holidays, all the couples and the huge stuffed animals that I saw in the halls made me want to cry and gag.

alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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Valentines... Empty Re: Valentines...

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:01 am

Oh I see, well, me and that boy broke up two weeks ago and I got together with someone else and I don't know how I feel about him. Like I don't think I like him as much as I thought I did. Now every time I see my friend Trevon, my heart skips and Jumps and stuff like that and I don't know how I feel about Trevon, or how he feels about me. Im so confused and have no idea what to do....
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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