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*IgnoreIfWanted*Need To Let out Feeling

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*IgnoreIfWanted*Need To Let out Feeling  Empty *IgnoreIfWanted*Need To Let out Feeling

Post  FlowerHeartt Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:05 am

Lately me and my boyfriend were dating for a month and a half.. then he went to a lockin, and i didnt. When i woke up the next morning i had two text from him, one at 9:00 pm saying that he hopes that i could come to the next one and he loved me. The other was at about eleven and it said that he missed me alot, loved me and couldnt wait to see me again. About five that afternoon he sent me another txt telling me to check my skype(So of course i do) and i had a msg from him. it said that he loved me but he couldnt be with me because we never got to see each other. i was okay with it until a day later. i bawled all day, then he got his friend to ask me out(i said yes LIKE AN IDOIT) but their plan was for me to go out with his friend then he dumped me about two minutes later. My boyfriend then asked me back out. i dont really know why, but i said no. i was hurt, alone and just didnt know what to say. The next day i cried at school, and i was tlking to his cousin(also my friend) and she told me that she would talk to him for me. But during my tennis match(i actually just got dune with it but who cares right?) i got a txt from one of my bestfriends saying that he was dating my friend paige... i was mortified!!! i broke out into tears and ran onto the activity bus. i cried all the way back to my school(30miles). That nighht he told me if i wanted he MIGHT break up with her for me.. but i coudnlt do that to paige so i told him not too. the next day i got another msg saying that paige broke up with him and he wanted me back and he loved me. i had to take him back this time right? i think. we have been dating since the 30th now and i think we were going pretty good until this little *PITCH* had to get into my relationship!!!!! She had asked him out at lunch one day.(he never gave a responce) then later that day she sent me a msg on ichat asking me why i was dating her "Soon-To-Be" boyfriend. *Yes i may be small, i may look weak but Fluckk with me and your momma aint gonna be able to reconize you!* Then after school she Flunking asked him out again!!! omg i was so mad i sent her a like 5page msg. but i know i really dont need to worry bout her couse he dont like her and she looks like a duck anyways(: lol!! but i feel like posted her fb on here... she a hoe she would like it xD but seriously should i?


Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-04-06

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