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The New Guy

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The New Guy Empty The New Guy

Post  OutlawTorn Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:44 am

The New Guy 296413_2516368197432_1500048773_2769539_689948529_n

I'm Mike, a 26 year old male from Ontario, Canada. I've been role playing for about 6 years on several different sites on and off. And I started my own site about 3 years ago that fell apart after I left due to a lack of time to train my Admins, who were Global Mods from another site I used to RP on.

I love story telling and writing, it's my passion. I take this stuff really seriously, and like to produce high quality characters, and stories.

I consider myself more talented on the creation end, and have come a long way on my writing, although I could be much better, as those 6 years were on and off. I have no real specialty when it comes to genres, because I enjoy working within', and blending genres as necessary.

For example my first RP created in November of 06 was a turn of the century vampire western set in a fictional world that blended some traditional fantasy elements, in-that the world was primitive, and just beginning to enter a technological age. But mankind's progress has been severely held back due to the rise of the vampire society over the course of thousands of years.

That RP had instant success, and rap for about 10 pages before newbs and over-crowding proved to be it's downfall.

Right now I'm focusing on my Living Dead series, my Final Fantasy Tribute, and a new idea I'm working on in the Sci Fi genre. A story based on set of rookie soldiers from our future sent to an extremely hostile alien planet to fight on the front lines in the finest Squad the United Nations of Earth Galactic Alliance (UNEGA) has to offer.

As much as that might sound like Avatar, or Starship Troopers, It's raw, gritty, and realistic tone and style will set it apart I believe, because neither have really influenced it. Starship Troopers maybe, back in the 90's.

So that project has been eating up some time and effort lately. But my primary focus is Final Fantasy, which is coming tomorrow.

So yea. Pleasure to meet you all, sorry for rambling, lol. Smile


Posts : 11
Join date : 2012-04-06
Age : 39
Location : Canada, eh?

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