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Have some fucking respect.

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Have some fucking respect. Empty Have some fucking respect.

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:35 am

Okay, so those of you who have RPed with me for a long time and have gotten to know me know that I don't get pissed off very easily. But tonight really set me off.
Today was great, and it was pretty much like a normal day. But this one thing that happened tonight totally pissed me off.
So, I'm at my friend's house because our spring break started today. Well, there was a fight at school today between one of my okay friends and some bitch that gets a new boyfriend every week. Well, another one of my friends(who I VERY highly dislike now) started getting into it and pissing pretty much everyone off. Well, she starts talking to my friend on chat(the one who's house I'm at right now) and they start arguing. And this is what pissed me off:
She(the girl who is pissing everyone off) brings up something that was so disrespectful and had NOTHING to do with her. I'm not going to say what it was because I know my friend doesn't want me to go around telling everyone what it is. Or anyone for that matter. And I'm a HUGE person on respect. If you're disrespectful to someone, I don't give a shit WHO, I automatically dislike you. Respect is a very big thing for me. So I just got so pissed off and started cussing all over the place, and I've not cussed as much as I used to here recently. The only reason I am in this post is because I'm still kind of pissed off about it.
Anyways, enough ranting.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1785
Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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Have some fucking respect. Empty Re: Have some fucking respect.

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:26 pm

I understand. I get that way too. I can't stand how people can be so disrespectful and rude. Misplaced rudeness, which is most rudeness to me, pisses me off. ALOT. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say shit, especially if the person's never done a thing to you!
Okay, I'm done. I'm just saying that I can relate, and hey! At least you now know that she's not worth being friends with.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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Have some fucking respect. Empty Re: Have some fucking respect.

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:08 am

Exactly! And I don't know what the hell is wrong with her here lately. She used to be really cool, but all of the sudden she just turned into a total bitch. I don't even know.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1785
Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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Have some fucking respect. Empty Re: Have some fucking respect.

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