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Some Constructive Suggestions?

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  OutlawTorn Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:57 pm

I'm in no way knocking the site, you've got something special and unique here, hence my becoming a part of it.

However, and I think we can all agree, no site is perfect. Even the best role play sites grow, evolve, and upgrade as time goes on.

The first thing I noticed, was that there were only several Forums. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, guys, but it's not necessarily a good thing, you know what I mean? And again, I'm not trying to knock the site. Smile I'm only trying to help, give some suggestions to help the staff improve the site a little. Give members more of a selection when it comes to Forum Categories and better organize the Topics for maximum efficiency.

Now, let me expand on that, so you can get a feel for what I mean. Because what I'm suggesting isn't a very big change in terms of your Board layout, or Forums structure. But a mild change in Forum structure that will give your board more appeal to new members, and more organization in general.

SO, I've been on the Play-by-Post scene for about 6-7 years now, and I've visited/joined/been a part of many role play communities. And nearly every big site I've been to followed a similar, but not identical layout in terms of their Forums.

For example:

The first thing I noticed about your fine site, is that your Out Of Character serves as your Off Topic Forum, where members can go to post about things unrelated to Role Playing, which can include a wide variety of topics.

My first suggestion, is to change the OOC Forum to an Off Topic (or Members Lounge) type of Forum where members can post about music, films, television, video games, manga, play Forum Games, vent, share opinions and host discussions, and everything else they have been up until now. Just a general random topic Forum.

Then create a new Forum called the Out Of Character. Because the Term "Out Of Character" refers to discussions and threads pertaining directly to Role Playing, but from an Out of Character perspective. As in Interest Checks, Recruitment and Info threads, plot development & discussions. An OOC Thread serves as an HQ of sorts for an RP and it's players.

Using the OOC, or doing your OOC in your IC threads would be optional of course, as this would be a new concept to some of your members, but I promise you it would catch on and improve your community on the RP, and Off Topic ends. Because keeping your In Character threads strictly In Character, makes for a cleaner read, and a better presentation. That way you can focus all your Development and Out of Character work and discussions in one thread, where new players can read up on info, and post a Character Sheet to join your RP. Having that Hub of OOC content for your project generates a bigger buzz, and ends up creating more activity on the Development end, which is never a bad thing. Razz

You could also create a new Forum for the purpose of giving each new member a designated place they can go after they've checked everything out, gotten comfortable, and want to make first contact. As we've been forced to jam our introductions, if we even decide to introduce ourselves in the OOC.

This gives new members the sense that not only do we want to meet you formally and get to know you, but also the sense that it's expected of new members to say hi, and that we can't wait to meet you, and welcome you to our community. Smile Now it's a chain effect, because Staff and members now have an Introduction-specific Forum where they can focus in on new member activity, and welcoming new members on a steady and regular basis.

I want to also Quickly Suggest the creation of a 1x1 In Character Roleplay Forum. One on Ones are wildly popular, and a favorite among both new and veteran role players all over the web. Having a 1x1 dedicated Forum might better speak to organization.

In fact, I would create an OOC Sub Forum in every IC Roleplay Forum, Including the new 1x1 I suggested.

That way in each separate genre, you have a separate Out Of Character Forum that focuses in on that one style of stories, be it Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Realistic, W/e you use as your categories. I've seen it all from the Fantasy & Sci Fi, to the Beginner-Advanced IC styles.

Personally, I'm a fan of the genre specific layouts. They are the best, although skill level layouts have their benefits, in-that they help combat newb bleed over into veteran or advanced role plays. Keeping everyone comfortable and happy.

That would be the main suggestions I would give right now.

Thank you for your time, and I hope these suggestions are considered, discussed, whether here or privately, with me or among yourselves. Smile

I just wanna add, that altering or adding Forums can seem like a lot of work, moving threads and what-not, but remember that if you lets say created a 1x1 Forum, you'd only have to move active or requested threads to the new Forum, new activity from then on would populate the new Forum, until all remaining threads are inactive, and hence don't require being moved to the appropriate section.

Now this might be confusing to members at first, but it's really not that drastic of a change, given the short and long term benefits these simple Forum changes would make.

I'm full of suggestions and creative ideas, as I've been to so many sites, and designed/ran my own Board with myfreeforums, a powerful free hosting service offering a wide, in-depth variety of functions and options, including template and style editing, allowing me to create my own Board style and layout, my own Awards system complete with medals displayed under members info, and many other neat features I was able to generate using their innovative system.

But for now, these are the main things I see that could go a long way for this awesome little community! ^_^

Thanks again!

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Fennec Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:30 pm


The girl who created this site, Jenna... I know she probably won't appreciate this. And all of us love the site the way it is... You're probably going to get a lot of crap from Jenna.
liek hay gurl

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Taylor Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:19 am

Well first, I didn't read the whole thing because I'm too tired right now too comprehend and take it all in.
But I do somewhat agree about the OOC thing. Like I'm not really bothered by it, but it is definitely more of an open board, since no one ever posts anything pertaining to RPs in there.
As for the one on one thing, I'm not sure Jenna will like that. See the old website that we used to RP on (it's a long story, and I don't want to get into gory details, but let's just say we made this site to get away from it) had this rule where we couldn't do one on one's anymore, and they made us do it through PMs then they decided to make a separate forum and it was just a huge mess.

I'd say if you really want to, message Jenna about this and try to work something out. I don't think she'll give you crap just for respectably stating your opinion. Plus I don't think it's fair to get mad at someone for trying to be helpful, Lizzi, haha.
alright, now keep going.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Morgan Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:07 am

Okay so Im not posting here to come across as a bitch and stuff (To some people I do) but to just be apart of this. My name is Neaveh (Morgan) and Im a Moderator on this site. One of the few who still get online. I read most of this between painting and watching TV and eating so I didn't read it all.
This site has been up for 2 years I think now. We have had people join, be on for a month or so then leave. Most people on here have been here from the start and respect this site. All of it. How its set up and everything. Jenna made this site the best. We respect your opinions but this site has been successful for years now. It hasn't been changed but once when we had another group of role-players come on and start drama, they got their way then left.

This site is a family, we love each other and are always here for each other. I wish for this site never to change.

Im talking to Jenna now and I don't know if she is going to resound but she made a point. Most of us left the old website we came from because it changed to much. We don't want this site to follow suit. I hope you understand.

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Jenna Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:27 am

Alright, I was gonna be nice, but I don't really know how to say this nicely: HOP UP OFF MY DICK.
Lol, anyways.

I fully support the idea of changes and whatnot, but last time I made changes it didn't even get used. See that handy dandy little hetalia area? Yea, it got used like once. This site has been up for almost two years now. Maybe longer. I don't quite remember. What I do remember? Why I made this site. The other website we were using, Meez, made a LOT of changes. They closed all one-on-ones. They forced us to start out all roleplays in the OOC forum which was a hassle. We left because of the changes. I haven't been on recently, but last time I was, it was dead. None of the original members of this site have complained, so why make changes? I'm not trying to come off as rude, but I feel as though unless the original members want changes, then they don't need to be made. One-on-one forums piss me off, quite frankly. It makes me feel like whoever makes them are putting restraints on the people roleplaying. So what if someone wants to do a one-on-one roleplay in the realistic or fantasy section? More power to them. I would dare say at least 90% of the roleplays on this site are one-on-ones, so why make another section for them? That would absolutely murder the realistic and fantasy sections. Also, no one here posts in OOC for roleplays, we post for whatever. I think I have seen like, one actual roleplay in here. So. And the description says all things that don't have to do with roleplaying (or something along those lines) so why change the title to something else? It's entirely functional how it is.

While I appreciate your suggestions, I'd rather not make changes to the site and risk people leaving because of them.

Thanks. xx
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  OutlawTorn Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:30 pm

OutlawTorn wrote:I'm in no way knocking the site, you've got something special and unique here, hence my becoming a part of it.

All I was trying to do was lend my advice and expertise as a member, Mod, Admin, and site designer.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and reply without being rude or disrespectful.

I've been in and around the Forum and phpBB scene, not the Roleplay scene, since the late 90's. I know a bit of what I'm talking about.

Not to be rude, but since we're all being honest, there's a reason you only have 185 members.

I like this place, seems awesome, so I thought I'd step up and try to plant a tiny seed of assistance.

I felt I was respectful and reasonable. The changes I've suggested shouldn't be so earth shattering that your members up and leave... That would be a question of the loyalty, and adaptability of your users... not a question of your site improving or not.

My site had 300+ users in the first year it was up, which we thought was a gigantic failure... because it was.

185 members in 2 years of activity.... But hey, wtf do I know, right?

Ya'll enjoy yourselves. It was short lived, but a pleasure nonetheless.


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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Taylor Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:35 pm

I honestly agree with some of what you're saying lol. I think the changes just aren't exactly necessary though. Don't fix what isn't broken, you know? I kind of like that this is a small little site with not a huge amount of members. It's just nice. But I understand where you're coming from.
alright, now keep going.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Morgan Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:32 pm

You know I tried to be nice and cooperative but really.The girl that made this site just said she doesn't want to change the site. Drop it.
We are not in this site for members. We aren't in it to have this site with a ton of people swamping it. Its only a number. It doesn't matter if it is a few hundred people or a few thousand. Its about people getting along and having fun. This site has been up for a while and to me its perfectly fine. It doesn't have many rules to abide by. It doesn't have ten million things going on. Its a site for us. Its how Jenna had it made. Its how we like it.
This site isn't a failure to me, or anyone else, or I don't think it would be. Im on here everyday, or when I get the chance. Ive met so many nice people on here and they are my family because, I basically don't have a family.
I wish for this site not to change but Jenna is in control of that. I will be happy if she chooses to change it up, or leave it. Its no big deal. No one is trashing this site. No one is complaining.
Just because you had your site and your older and all that doesn't mean anything. Just because this site isn't want YOU want it to be doesn't mean anything. Just because we don't have many people doesn't mean anything. This site is still up! Its still going! Its not a grave yard!
if you don't get that then Im sorry. I tried to be nice and not a huge bitch but really? Im probably the biggest bitch on this site and I really don't care. These people are my family and will back me up and I will back them up, like i am right now for Jenna.
This is a place for me to come and forget everything about my shitty life! Im almost 15 and don't have anything but the people here for me. When you have nothing, you love a site this small where everyone knows everyone. Where we all are here for each other and understand everyone. We respect each other. We comfort everyone when they need it and return the favor. This isn't just a website with strangers, its a website that has made a family. It has given us hope, love, and a place to turn to when we have no where to go. Its a place where I can speak my mind and have no one really at my throat.
Im sorry you don't understand. Im sorry we aren't the site you want us to be. Im sorry that we are us. Im sorry that we don't want to change.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Taylor Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:35 pm

Guys, there's no need to bitch each other out. Please. Let's not turn this into another huge debate like with the Hetalia RPers. He just said his opinions in a very respectable manner and everyone got really upset and there wasn't really a need for that.
alright, now keep going.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Fennec Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:35 pm

I love you for Morgan.
liek hay gurl

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Morgan Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:40 pm

Taylor-I understand what he was doing but...You can't change family. Thats how I view this. You know what I've been through and my thoughts and POV on family and this is the only family I have. And when a Family changes...its falls apart

Lizzi- Thank you. After everything I've been through this is my only way out. Besides talking to my friends Emily and Chris and Jacob. I like this site, a lot and Ive felt as if we aren't talking through text on a screen, but face to face, from our hearts.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Taylor Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:45 pm

It was still unnecessary to respond like that. Think about it like this: What if you were new to this site and made a harmless suggestion and a ton of members attacked you?
I don't know, maybe I'm just over looking something. But if we act so unfriendly towards our new members we won't HAVE any.
alright, now keep going.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  OutlawTorn Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:58 pm

I'm not suggesting you "change you're family.| You're taking the idea of a new Forum or two way too seriously. It's a website... a very small, and unorganized website...

If some changes to make things more manageable and user-friendly will rip your little E-fam to pieces, I'm very sorry you don't have a stronger family.

People can get used to anything, if they love it enough... Every site goes through changes and upgrades... No exceptions, save for this site I guess. And no, not every member likes the changes, you can't make everyone happy. But if the people of the community love the place, and each other, they will learn to deal.

I understand you want things small, that's fine. I'm not suggesting you sell out and become the biggest site online. But when a maximum of 5 different members are on any given day, something's not quite right. Something is not working for people who find your site on google, and check it out.

They probably see 7 poorly managed and set up Forums, VERY little activity, and say "no thanks, I'll further explore my options."

And there will come a day when all of you are grown up, and no longer come here anymore... And this site, this little "family" Jenna's legacy, YOUR legacy will die here...

I take my role play communities and experience seriously too, this is my passion, if you couldn't tell. When I join a site, I make a commitment to it. To be the best, brightest, most helpful and productive member of that community as I can be.

When I joined your little "family" I immediately felt the need to help this site grow, and become a stronger, finer force in the massive world of play-by-post message boards.

I thought I saw potential for a world-class RP community that would one day contend with the best and brightest sites out there...

I guess I was mistaken.

I was using Forums before half of you were born... I was your age when you came into this world, unaware of who or what you were, and why you were here... The day I take shit from a 13, or 14 year old girl, is the day pigs really do fly.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  OutlawTorn Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:11 am

Don't be afraid of change, growth, or the mistakes other sites have made...

Learn from them, better yourselves in spite of them. Or this site will one day fade away, and be largely forgotten... TRUST me...

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  OutlawTorn Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:40 am

Fuck that!!!

If your family was from a third world country living in a mud hut with a straw roof, drinking muddy water, catching disease after disease, would you be alright with that because it's all they knew, because they were happy, afraid of change? Or would you fight to give them a better, safer life??

Extreme example, but the message is crystal clear!

I'm sorry I saw ways you could improve your site for everyone, both new and old. I'm sorry if YOU thought I was being degrading, or insulting.

And I'm sorry I had enough interest, and faith in your family to help it grow! Bring new members to your family, expand it by bringing it up to the BASIC standards even the worst fucking sites have and hold!!

You talk a huge game about family, but because I suggested you add an Introduce Yourself, and fix your OOC, you made me feel very unwelcome here. Like my advice and opinions were worth shit.

What kind of family is that? What kind of family would jump ship because you made a few changes to a ship that was falling apart???

You've made me feel like you have no interest in new members... You clearly don't have room for new blood in your "family..."

I came here because I thought I would be needed here the most. Not because you need help, but because you're a fairly new, fairly small site, that from a first impression, looks like it's JUST getting on it's feet, figuring out WTF is going on...

I apologize for giving a fuck!

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Morgan Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:04 am

You know what, Im done with this. Im done talking about this. Im 100% done. I tried to be nice. I wasn't a complete bitch like I could have been. Im sorry that I. Morgan. Not anyone else. Made you feel unwelcome. Im sorry that I made you feel that way and all that shit. Im DONE. talk about change all you want. See what you can do. I don't give a shit anymore. Do what you want. Beg and plead change here all day and see where it gets you. You don't know me. You don't know my story. You don't know anyone on here. You don't know their story. You surely don't know the story of this site. We will welcome new people but you have to understand we all work together. Not one persons idea or recommendation. You can't come here and say that this and that should be done and think it will be done with out discussing it. You get the bitches like me and you get the other people who are willing. Im willing sometimes, most of the time till you push and push and push. Im not saying for you to leave this site, Im asking that you respect this site, for we did not ask you to join you took that by your will and made an account.

Yes your older, yes maybe you have had more experience and we thank you for your ideas and opinions but it doesn't have to be done. This site is well. And I learned to leave well enough alone. Again, I deeply apologize for my reactions. I apologize for making you pissed or making you want to leave this site. That is not our intentions, to push new people away. I apologize with all of my heart and body and soul.

Jenna put a lot into this site. We are nothing but misfits trying to find our place. Like you said "And this site, this little "family" Jenna's legacy, YOUR legacy will die here..." maybe it will but it will always live in my heart. People here have taken me in when no one else would. They have stopped me from many things. I suffer from depression, suicidal thoughts, and I have very very strong bipolar issues but coming here I forget everything that is wrong with me and feel whole. Like Im wanted. Maybe my legacy will die here. Maybe your right. But at least Ive gotten my story across to people who took the time to click it and read it. At least I'm happy that I'm here. If it wasn't for Jenna, Taylor, Vicky, Lizzi, Alex, Imarri, Abby, Alicia, and everyone I didn't mention I wouldn't be on earth. I wouldn't be here right now saying this. And maybe thats how it should be. But I wouldn't go back and change a thing. I wouldn't change when I got a message on the old site about this one. I wouldn't change that day, clicking it and coming here. I wouldn't change anything.

Honestly changes scares me. You can bash me all you want because of that statement. My biological family changed so much that it got to the point I wasn't wanted. I lost everything. My parents are divorced. My sisters are sluts. I have no where to go. No one to call family except everyone here today. Everyone on this site who knows my name, who knows my story, and knows I will have their back no matter what.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  OutlawTorn Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:13 am

Just as you didn't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck about your problems... I didn't ask, because I don't care

Your family and bipolar issues have fuck all to do with the issues at hand.

I lost my family too... but I don't let that hold me back.

My apartment building burnt to the ground last week, and i lost EVERYTHING... everything I fought for for 27 years... gone! Like a fart in the fuckin' wind...

You see me crying, bitching, being afraid of change on my RP forum?

NO, sweetheart, your issues run deeper than family and bipolar.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Taylor Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:27 am

I'm pretty sure I didn't make you feel unwelcomed, in fact, I didn't say one bad thing about anything you've posted, but it seems that anything friendly I've had to say has been completely ignored, and all my attempts to end this futile argument have been too.
Can we just all STOP because this is so fucking stupid.
alright, now keep going.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Morgan Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:37 am

Taylor-Im backing away from this. IM done. I said my last words. Im deeply sorry.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:11 am

Um might Layla say something?

You cant say you know how it feels for someone else. You lost your things and that affected you in a certain way but not all people are the same. Morgan will react to things differently than you. Im sorry if weve made you feel unwelcome sir. But we like everything just the way it is. We dont want the site to grow. We like it small just like it is. We built this form to be together not us and some strangers. You may like those things but we dont. If we have someone join and continuously get on then we will gladly make them part of the family. But you cant go around bashing everyone. You stated your opinion then we gave ours. You should have respectfully accepted that we didnt want your changes. Theirs no more need to argue sir. And we may be young girls but age doesnt define maturity or intelligence. You underestimate people sir.Just be cause your older doesnt mean you know more. YOU are the oldest person here and i dont know about the others but i find a 26 year old man prowling around our site is a little creepy.

~Jennas Legacy will always live on. With Us.
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Some Constructive Suggestions? Empty Re: Some Constructive Suggestions?

Post  Jenna Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:16 am

So, I was gonna be nice but then I read what you said to Morgan, so.

I am a THIRTEEN year old girl. Not some freaking genius. Everyone on this site is like 13-16. I don't think there's anyone older than that. Actually, there's Vicky, but she's only 17 or 18. The fact that you pretty much bashed Morgan pisses me off. She's one of the sweetest people I've EVER met. And so what if the site dies out? The memories we have from it won't. The friendships we've made won't. And my legacy is gonna die? Cute. Last time I checked I'm only 13 and have a lot of life yet to work on my legacy. If you want to talk about how we've made you feel unwelcome, then there's a fucking delete button for a reason. If not, I would be happy to delete you. Your apartment burned down? That sucks and I'm truly sorry, but you know what? Doesn't mean you can be a dick to us. This is our family, and if you fuck with one of us, then you've fucked with all of us, because honestly, you couldn't of been a bigger dick to Morgan.
And Taylor, I appreciate that you tried to keep the peace, but it just couldn't be kept with this. I apologize that we didn't just ignore this or something, because maybe we should have.

Hi, my name is Jenna, and I love when people say that my legacy will die. This is my fucking world, and I rule everything in it. Enjoy your fucking stay.

Now I'm done. If you have any more to say, say it, but I probably won't reply unless you're a huge dick. If you want to have a civilized conversation, then feel free to message me (which you probably should have done to begin with to bypass all of this mess) but I'm done.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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