Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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Post  Flowerheart Wed May 02, 2012 5:32 am

Wow; more drama with boys; what more could i want in my life? But i'm just so pissed off right now. The other day i went to this lock-in and was hanging out with some friends and we were playing truth or dare. I kissed my guy friend; We Did Not Make Out Thank You! Then a \bout two hours after that i started dating my ex's friend. He was really sweet, nice and very cute! :3. but we broke up two days later. Because two reasons: i really felt no spark and.. i still like my ex kinda. But now i apparently kissed my friend when we were dating, im a lier and a cheater. Yeah maybe i cheated once, but not on him! i tried to explain to him what happened but like he said: he is gonna believe his friend over me so.? I dont think he really knows that this is putting so much on me. i dont understand. why would i cheat on him? i didn't! but nope, im apparently lying. I would put that im crying while writing this part; but then i'll be "looking for attention". this is why i cant wait to get out of my school. only two months more that i have to suffer in hell. Yeah i care about what he thinks about me; but would i date him again? Most likely not. I may be a lot of things; but a lier is not one of them & i can't stand being called a lier. And on top of all this ishh i can't stop thinking of my ex! i've tried my best to move on, but i just keep thinking about him! i want to pack my bags and just leave; leave the state and just run! I don't even know of a way to make any one believe me. And i have no one to talk to because i have upset all my friends; so at the moment i have no one. If i had one wish right now, i would wish to be in his friend zone. I just need a good friend to talk to and i just waisted a good friendship and relationship. >.> i wish i had a time machine ~Ily&AlwaysWill*J.K.T~


Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-05-02

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