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Days With Sauske :3

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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Days With Sauske :3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Fri May 18, 2012 7:29 am

So since we cant decide were just going to do all of them starting with Lunar :3

Aria (Sky)
Days With Sauske :3 2b627e7c2e5abeb6ed1835bdf7dacd7a

Alex (Venon)
Days With Sauske :3 Manga_4b99322b68e8f

Jasey Rae (Elias)
Days With Sauske :3 Anime_Girl_by_sunyeon_snsd

Tabari Rin (Main)
Days With Sauske :3 Yoite_by_circus_usagi

James (Terrance)
Days With Sauske :3 Tamaki_by_Arya_Aiedail
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2672
Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 26
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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Fri May 18, 2012 8:18 am

Jinx. (Sky)
Days With Sauske :3 Neko_boy_and_moving_neko_boy_by_kurenayyuki-d412l58

Vane. (Elias)
Days With Sauske :3 Anime_guy_by_Jacob88

Luna. (Terrance)
Days With Sauske :3 Anime-Girls-anime-girls-14837078-598-450

Pierce. (Veron)
Days With Sauske :3 2e194e15

Sauske. (Main)
Days With Sauske :3 Animegirl-blackhair-sara
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1785
Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun May 20, 2012 12:20 am

You start setting Main character in the library and finds the book. :DD
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2672
Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 26
Location : The Planet Gallifrey

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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun May 20, 2012 6:17 am

Tabari Rin:Main

Tabari Rin woke up in the library. Hed been reading The gunslinger. He looked around the quiet room the lights were dimmer than usual. He picked his book up off the table in front of him and closed it gentle. Page 394. He placed it back on its hidden spot in the shelf where only he could find it. Hed dreamed of that book again. The pale blue cover, completely blank. Were its pages as blank as its cover? He went back to the table to grab his bag. a lamp flickered on one of the tables not too far away.In the light of the lamp he could make out the book. The same one that haunted his dreams. Could a book really be that terrifying? He picked up its almost velvet blue cover and started to flip the pages. He could feel the slight gust of wind as he was sucked inside. Inside the blank pages of the little velvet book.

WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun May 20, 2012 6:38 am

Sauske had been at the library, as usual, reading Wings. She'd fallen asleep, and just now woke up from that dream again. She wondered how much longer she'd have to endure it. The lights were very dim, almost out. Have they closed? she thought, wondering how long she'd been asleep. There was a lamp nearby that was flickering, like the light bulb was about to go out. She shrugged it off and put her book back on the shelf, hidden from view so that no one else could get to it. She grabbed her bag and turned towards the door, but in the corner of her eye, she saw it. She could recognize that emerald green cover anywhere. The book that filled her sleep and her thoughts. She hurried over to it and opened it, not even thinking. And all in one moment, there was a breeze and she was sucked right up into the pages of the emerald green book.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun May 20, 2012 6:56 am

Tabari Rin:Main (World Two)

Tabari Rin only had a second to look around before he was knocked over by a small girl. She was very petite in size and it puzzled him on how a tiny girl like her could knock him over so easily.Hed dropped the book and it had skidded a few feet away. He reached out to it but the girl had snatched it up and took off. "Hey you thats-" his sentance was cut off as he was pushed out of the way by two more girls. He jumped up and started after them. He wasnt very fast though.

Alex:Venon (World One)
Alex ran through the streets a cheshire grin spread from ear to ear. Such a feeling of being alive. Yes indeed he was a thief but what really mattered was that he would get to eat tonight. He was far ahead of those two knuckle headed bounty hunters James and Vane. He didnt have to worry. He glanced forward but not in time to stop himself from tripping over a girl. She was so familiar. "Princess?" he stood stunned before jumping back into action. He scooped up all the things hed dropped as well as a little emerald book.

Jasey Rae:Elias (World Two)

"Dammit Luna." Jasey Rae growled as she bolted after Pierce. She looked back to see a young boy with black hair trailing after them. "Run faster! We cant loose him!" she growled using all of her trained bounty hunter speed to push herself forward. She didnt even wince as briars from the thicket whipped at her face. All she was focussed on was catching Pierce.

James:Terrance (World One)

James stumbled a bit as they chased after Alex. He was another one of those stupid thieving cats. Though he couldnt really talk about thieves now could he? It didnt matter, he just had to keep focused. "Vane you run ahead i need to fall back. theres a girl following us!" he called barely slowing his paced as they reached the bridge.

Aria:Sky (World Two)

Aria sat in the floor of the ware house. She patted her ears into a small boys hat and tucked her long silver tail into her pants. Itd been too long since Pierce had come back and that meant that she had to gather up all evidence and switch to the hiding place in the woods. Shed done this twice already. She knew pierce was okay. They never caught her for long.
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon May 21, 2012 2:02 am

Sauske: Main (World One)

Sauske ran faster than she had ever run in her life. She knew that that book was probably her only way to get back home, and if he took it, then she was stuck there forever. Her chest started to burn from running, her breathing heavy. She made a mental note to get out more when, and if, she got back home. Given, she'd probably never be in this situation again, but it would be nice to not be this out of shape.

Pierce: Venon (World Two)

Pierce ran fast, hearing the heavy footsteps of the bounty hunters behind her. She also heard they faint yells of the boy that she had knocked over. She wondered why he was following her, too. It was probably that stupid book. She figured it probably wasn't too important, and that he'd just get tired and go home later. Though, he did look a bit strange...

Vane: Elias (World One)

"Whatever, just catch back up later!" Vane yelled back behind him to James, after deciding it probably wouldn't be a good idea to ignore him. He then focused all his energy on catching Alex for good. He seemed to be a bit distracted tonight, so he was a bit slower. He would have wondered why, but he could care less. The sooner they caught Alex, the sooner they could get out of that town and catch a bigger thief.

Luna: Terrance (World Two)

"I'm gonna fall back, there's someone following us!" Luna called up to Jasey. She slowed her pace slightly and waited for the boy to catch up. "Why are you following us?" she asked, confusion covering her face. "She didn't steal anything from you, did she?"

Jinx: Sky (World One)

Jinx was sitting in the hideout, waiting for Alex to get back. He usually didn't take this long, but he wasn't really worried. If he got caught, it wouldn't be for long. He sighed and stood, grabbing his hat and tucking his tail in his skinny jeans. He figured he might as well start packing what little they had now, since they would have to more than likely leave as soon as he got back.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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Days With Sauske :3 Empty Re: Days With Sauske :3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon May 21, 2012 2:30 am

Tabari Rin:Main (World Two)

"My book! She- She took my book!" Tabari Rin gasped breathing heavily. "I need it to get home!" he tried to keep up with the girl but he was starting to slack behind. He charged after the girl as they came up to a long winding bridge.

Alex:Venon (World One)

"Catch you later babe!" Alex called as he went sprinting up the road. He slung the bag over his shoulder and charged across a long wooden bridge. he could see Vane catching up to him. Alex whipped out a small pocket knife and cut the bridge. He leaped at the last second to the cliff face. He scrambled up and dashed off to the large warehouse he called home.

Jasey Rae:Elias (World Two)

Jasey Rae rolled her eyes as she attempted to catch up to the thief. She soon lost sight of her and had to double back to find Luna and the boy running to catch up. "Great we lost her again!" she growled crossing her arms. Her bounty hunter gear was exposing. the top was cropped off just under her chest and her shorts were close up on her thighs. On her belt were all sorts of different guns and swords and such. She seemed intimidating.

James:Terrance (World One)

"Whatre you doing? You know that hes a dangerous criminal right!" James said slowing down even more. He hoped that Vane could handle Alex on his own. "Did he take something of yours?" He asked grabbing her arm and pulling her forward faster. They needed to get moving if they were going to catch up to him.

Aria:Sky (World Two)

Aria sat on the floor. she could smell pierce now that she was close enough. She tore off the hat and let her tail work its way from her pants. "Pierce!" she mewed happily skipping around the room. She peeped up and looked out the window. She could easily make out pierces shadow darting around in the distance.
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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