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Post  Fennec Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:33 am

So, since it's so hard to think of plots (or games, accomodating our new user's vocab), this is just a thread where people can put their plots or games here for others to use as they please. Go nuts.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Jenna Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:49 am

I'm too lazy to copy and paste the plot here, so I'll just post a link to it, yea?

So basically, yea. Use it if you want, because I'm a great person.

Click right here to see this totally cool plot based off an awesome book saga, yea?
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:53 am

you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Jenna Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:54 am


if bitches join it.

I'm great and you're jealous.

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:55 am

And I have to go look at it soon.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Jenna Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:56 am

okay, motherfucker. <3
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:00 am

you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Jenna Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:04 am

Mrs.Fred_Weasley wrote:GO MAKE US A ONE ON ONE THREAD!

I'm great and you're jealous.

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:32 am

Here's some plot things...
Have you ever read the story of Snow White and Rose Red? It's a variation of the tale by the Grimm brothers I believe, but Snow White has a twin sister who's blonde and tanned, more associated with summer than Snow White who's with winter, the more rambunctious and hard headed one. Snow White marries the Prince(which in the movie is the Duke's son) and Rose Red marries,in this case, the Huntsman. That could work, if you like that?
That's the only way I can fit in two girls.ANYHOO
The Queen Ravenna is a power hungry bitch and who marries the King and then kills him because she's one of those people who think all men are worthless and will just hurt you and blah blah blah.She has Snow White(or if we do the variation Snow White and Red Rose) trapped in a tower and when she finds out she can get eternal beauty for her heart she wants to kill her.Snow White finds a rusty nail and stabs the brother with it and they escape the tower they were locked in.Then she ran out of the castle and was chased by the Queen's men,and they chased her into the Dark Forest.When they lose track of her the Queen hires a Huntsman,who said his reward would be bringing his dead wife back from the dead.Snow White convinced him that it was all a lie and then they were on the run.(Snow White is the only one who can kill the queen and the huntsman doesn't know who she is until like thirty-forty minutes into the movie I think.)
Where does the Duke's son come in you may ask?Good question.
When he was young and when the Kingdom was taken over by the evil people he wanted to save Snow White,but it was too late and his father wouldn't go back for her.When everyone finds out that she is alive he joins the Queen's men,not because he is evil but because he wants to find Snow White as well,just to see her again.

Girls read;;
Your life has always been rough; you came from a bad family who lived in the wrong neighborhood. You got into trouble at school, though you never did anything wrong. You were a hard worker, but you were targeted. You never let that get to you, though. You've got big dreams; you want a nice house, a nice car and a lot of money. You can achieve it, you're sure.

One day, you get your big break. You go to work for the director of a huge and extremely successful company, as their assistant. Everything's going well; you're good at your job, your workmates like you, your boss thinks you're a god send. In fact, they like you so much that they invite you to one of their business parties, where you meet their son. You fall for them, and they for you. The boss has always told you that he's off limits, but you really like him. Will you risk your boss finding out... Will you risk losing your job, and your shot at the good life?

Guys read;; You've always had a nice life; soft, cushy even. You got an easy ride, on your 'rents money. You've never had to go hungry or go with out, and you've never suffered.
Your life leads on in the same rhythm of parties and holidays until one day. The day of that one business party you've been forced to attend. You meet her. She's your mother's new assistant, totally off limits. But you never were much of a rule follower, and now is no exception.

Girls-You used to have a crush on your best friend when you were little.Well,not really little.When you were thirteen.But,he moved away for a few years,four to be exact.You were so excited to see him back next door where you used to go in the tree houses and yell across to each other.The tree houses were still up and the first day he came back you went in yours,to see if he would come out.When he didn't you thought,okay,maybe he was busy unpacking.But then at the next day of school,he ignores you!He is popular now and,he's turned into a total jerk.You are determined to figure out what's wrong with him...Even if it kills you.

Boys-When you were gone.You discovered somethings about yourself.Like,your family blood line.You found somewhere along the lines,that mythical creatures were real.You found out that you were a werewolf.Now when you come back to your old house,and you've turned into a snob.Then you see your old best friend,and old feelings return.You try to brush them off,but will it work?

I was the first to fall and the last to know ,where'd you go?Guys-You woke up and she wasn't there besides you.You looked for her,no one there.Then you find a map.Some place circled around it.You wondered if she did it on purpose or if it was an accident.At first you just leave it there and act all mopey,eating,being lazy,stuff like that.And then you get off your butt and go to that place.You have to figure out if it was an accident on her part or if it wasn't.Was following her just a big mistake?What will happen?
You were worth one hundred thousand miles,but you couldn't stay a while.Girls,you committed a crime.The police were after you and had an idea where you were.You didn't want to leave him,in fact you ere hesitant at first.But you ended up leaving,you couldn't let him get hurt too.But as a clue,an 'accidental' clue,you left the map there,with a big circle around where you were headed.You also left it in plain sight.When he doesn't come for the first few days,you realize that you didn't put where exactly you were heading.The city is big.The bigger the better.It would be a miracle if he ever finds you.

Last edited by Mrs.Fred_Weasley on Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Up for grabs. Empty Re: Up for grabs.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:05 am

Here's more [x
Boy 1-You're a human and you have a friend.A beautiful friend.She's your best friend,you're in love with her.You've liked her for awhile.But she seems stressed.You don't know why though,you just try and keep her calm,try and help her out.But she gets more stressed out and you demand her to tell you everything.She did,and....You don't really know how to handle it.

Boy 2-You are the Summer king.But it does no good for you at the moment.Your mother is evil,the winter queen,and you can't stand up against her.You would die in the process.So until you find your queen...There is nothing you can do.The last girl you wanted to be your queen wasn't,and she forever holds the winter freeze.The only problem is that you love her...But you two couldn't be together.

Girl 1-You can see them,see the faeries.You ignore them because they're dangerous.They aren't nice like people make them to be.Then these two are following you,and you start panicking.You know that they are court faeries,and they're after you for a reason.Then they use their glamor and appear as humans?Why?Your best friend was hassling you about telling him.So you do.And you can't help it,you like him so much.You want to be with him...But with everything that's going on you can't handle it.Soon you find out that the court faerie,at least one of them,is the Summer king.And he thinks that you are his queen.Shit.

Girl 2-You do the Queen's bidding,but you double cross her.You are closer to the Summer King then to her.You still love him,that's the whole reason you took the risk of getting the chill.You thought he loved you,but you realize he doesn't.Or it doesn't seem so.Anyways,you weren't her.You got the chill.The only way to get rid of it is to help him find his queen.Which pains you...But you think she's her.And it pains you because what if he really likes her?You have to stay strong though,and you do.You have to warn her that he's not trust worthy and do not trust him at all.That's your job.But the girl,she's in love.You can see that.And you're happy for her,she loves him and he loves her...You wish that you and the king could be the same.You have to have her be with the King,or everyone will die.
Felllas; you meet this girl at this party she's everything you want and more.
She's beautiful, charming, funny, and you really start to like her.
You stay up all night with her talking but when
you wake up the next day she's gone.
With nothing but a note.;XOXO Jane Doe
You feel like you have to find this girl and
you will stop at nothing until you do.

Girls-You're alone, you were gone for one summer and when you came back everyone hated you.Your friends, your boyfriend,people who you didn't even know. You grew to be a loner, no one wanting to associate you and you still didn't know why. You don't look like a loner, you look like someone who would have really good friends but you don't. Then during the middle of the year a guy moves there,and you have to show him around campus. You two become friends. You really like him and maybe, he will be your friend and maybe, he likes you too. He's all that you got and you need him so you can actually believe everyone isn't so bad and that someone actually cares about you.

Guys-You move there and you befriend a girl quickly. You don't really like having too many friends, at least too many close friends. People start telling you about this girl, start telling you all these awful things but you don't really believe them, she doesn't look like that kind of person. Besides, she looks so lost at times and you want to help her.But at the back of your mind you can't help but think...What if these things are true and I'm just part of her plot and she's just using me to get something she wants.
Well I was sixteen when suddenly I wasn't that little girl you used to see.
Girls-You are sixteen and have been for a few months.Your best friend has been acting different though.He is five years older then you though,he had been living on your street for years and you grew up with him being around,you had a small crush on him.But what does it matter?You can't be with him.For one thing,you're a minor and he's...An adult,even if it is only by five years.No one would approve though.

They'd never really believe we'd fall in love.
Guys-You're twenty one and your best friend is sixteen.Your parents used to tease how cute you two looked together,you just rolled your eyes and laughed.Now that she's sixteen you've noticed how beautiful she is.You realize your feelings have changed,and that scares you.That can't happen.So to keep your feelings from growing you grow distant,hoping this is all a phase.
I was the first to fall and the last to know,where'd you go?
Guys-You woke up and she wasn't there besides you.You looked for her,no one there.Then you find a map.Some place circled around it.You wondered if she did it on purpose or if it was an accident.At first you just leave it there and act all mopey,eating,being lazy,stuff like that.And then you get off your butt and go to that place.You have to figure out if it was an accident on her part or if it wasn't.Was following her just a big mistake?What will happen?

You were worth one hundred thousand miles,but you couldn't stay a while.
Girls,you committed a crime.The police were after you and had an idea where you were.You didn't want to leave him,in fact you ere hesitant at first.But you ended up leaving,you couldn't let him get hurt too.But as a clue,an 'accidental' clue,you left the map there,with a big circle around where you were headed.You also left it in plain sight.When he doesn't come for the first few days,you realize that you didn't put where exactly you were heading.The city is big.The bigger the better.It would be a miracle if he ever finds you.
Girls-You are almost eighteen and you feel as if you can make your own decisions.You have this teacher who is not too much older than you,being a teacher who just graduated college awhile ago.You think he likes you too,his eyes tend to linger on you a lot,or so it seems like that to you.But you know even when you turn eighteen student-teacher relationships are forbidden,that makes it exciting though.So what do you do when he asks you to stay after school to discuss a poor grade of yours?

Guys-You are basically a brand new teacher.You need to prove yourself as a good teacher.So far that has been going well.Most of your students like you and most are making good grades.Also,you're great at helping and explaining things.There's only one flaw though:You like one of your students.You've tried dates and...Other things but your mind always finds itself thinking about her.What do you do when you have to stay after school and talk to her about her grade,knowing that it will be just the two of you in private?
Girls-You hate this guy,you've hated him since y'alls first day of high school.He's self absorbed,vain,irritating,and cocky.On the way back to the dorms you two get into an argument.After awhile he decides that you two should make a bet.At first you didn't agree but after awhile you give in.You will win no matter what it takes.

Guys-You hate this girls.She's a stickler for the rules,takes everything way too seriously,and for the most part she's the complete opposite of you.You guys get into an argument and then you get an idea:to make a bet.She accepts after a few minutes.The best is you will be boyfriend and girlfriend,the first to break up with the other will be the others servant for two whole months.You take this very seriously,you have your pride on the line as well as being a servant,there is no way you will be a servant.So you will do whatever it takes to win,and you know the best way.Humiliation.

SIDE NOTES-They go to boarding school.I would like to say they are Seniors.And...Eventually the two actually start liking them.Guys and girls are in the same grade and blah blah blah everyone can know each other and be friends if you please.
GALS-You and your friends are nerds.Or not nerds,just the quiet,librarian,type.But,one of your brothers has 'connections' and gave you an invitation to this party in this exclusive club on this coming Friday.At first you guys meet up and tease that you are going to go and get drunk and go home with some guy.Of course,you were just joking.Then you actually consider going...And the next day you find yourselves going to a club you never even heard of.When there you all try and stay in a group but then one by one a guy comes and everyone ends up being taken away.You knew something was different about this guy as soon as he asked you to dance,and,you actually start falling for him.What happens after?

GUYS-You are demons.Plain and simple.All good buddies too.You own the club together,you've made it quiet the successful place to the other kinds.Every Friday you have more exclusive things that you need an invitation to,usually only one hundred or so people are invited.Fridays are the days you pick your human.You see,they need human blood weekly or they wouldn't survive.Then this group of girls come in and you all agree they're perfect to feed off of.One by one you go over there and work your magic.By the end of the night,you're both a little drunk but you know you're starting to fall for this...Human.You know your other friends probably wouldn't understand,and they knew what happened to humans and other creatures who ended up together.Death.What to do,what to do?
Guys-You ruined it.You told her how you feel.She's popular,she'll never talk to you again.You two hung out in secret all the time,she never wanted to be seen in public with you.You didn't blame her.You were a nerd.But then after awhile you fell for her and you told her,in front of all her friends.Th friendship you had is now gone.What do you do now?

Girls-You're popular.People think you're like the rest of them,preppy shallow and a total bitch.You aren't though.He knows that.You didn't mean to ever become friends with him but you two had to do a project to do together.You had real,true,fun with him though and so you started hanging out.Secretly of course,your friends couldn't know.But one day at lunch he told you how he felt.And all you could think was...Fuck.You're popular,rich,pretty,and...Have a boyfriend,so of course the poor boy is going to get picked on.You can't help feeling a little guilty,flattered,and heartbroken...You may have developed a small crush on him too,not that you were planning on telling anyone.What to do now?
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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