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"When Even The Gods Cry"

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:43 am

When Even The Gods Cry

"When Even The Gods Cry" Lightning1_1

It is July 1st...

The bolt of lightning splits the Arizona night.


When the light fades a man stands up. Tall. Blond. In armor.

"Once again I am called to Midgard. Once more to walk among the mortals. Once more into battle."

He looks to the sky. He sees clouds. There is a smile. His weather. He is Thor the one true God of Thunder. He is also an Avenger. In times of dire need he is called. Today he does not know why he is here but it does not matter. He knows his purpose. His Captain will point him in the right direction.

He throws his hammer into the sky and grabs the leather thong at the end. Launching upward he climbs rapidly.

New York City is a long ways away but it will not take him all that long. And he loves to fly.

"When Even The Gods Cry" _Thor_2
Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:53 am

"When Even The Gods Cry" Cap_Shield_AV_1

Steve Rogers was a kid from Brooklyn. Once. That was back in the 1940s. A skinny kid with heart and courage he became a legend.

Fate propelled him through time. Now it is 2012 and he is an Avenger. One of a small handful of men and women who only come out of the shadows when they must.

When they are needed.

When he took the call he was sitting on a beach. A rather attractive girl was close. The week spread before him promised to be anything but a battle. These sorts of maneuvers were much more pleasant. But the words of the President of the United States changed all that. He reported for duty as he always had.

The girl was a bit pissed.

His name is Captain America. He is the leader of the Avengers. And it was time to go to war.

"When Even The Gods Cry" Captain_America_1

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:10 am

"When Even The Gods Cry" BruceBanner_1

He sits in a bar. His clothes somewhat shabby. A large canvass bag at his feet.

A very sleek modern phone is on the bar. Blinking.

"I'm not a hero." he says to nobody.

A nobody answers from down the bar, "No shit pal."

The man turns sharply, "They are. All of them. I am...I am a weapon. They use me."

A nobody with a female voice says, "If you are looking to be used pally...."

He picks up the phone. Turning he sweeps his eyes over the bar. Everybody looks at him. Most look away. He looks focused and sure of himself. Powerful though small of stature. Some will later swear they saw some green in his eyes.

"Maybe a monster can be a hero. If I am strong enough."

His name is Bruce Banner. A few years ago he was one of the world's most brilliant scientists. Awards to prove it. Nobel had been whispered. One mistake. One explosion of gamma radiation. A monster was born.

The first time the Avengers met him they had fought. But somehow they had found a way to reach the beast. He was still dangerous to everyone. But he could be aimed. And when it comes right down to it they did need him. They did need...

The Hulk!

"When Even The Gods Cry" TheHulk

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:35 am

Avengers Mansion... July 2nd, 2:23 am

"Where the hell is Stark? Best tech in the world and he cannot beat me? I took a damn bus!" curses Bruce.

"Tony will be here Bruce. Relax." says Steve in an even tone.

"You relax. I am on the meds. Unless I hit the button you have nothing to worry about from my.... friend." replies Banner.

"Captain are you certain about this?" says the tall blond known as Thor.

"Best intel in the world. All the world in this case. It is going to happen." Steve answers somberly.

"Then we will meet it head on!" cries the God of Thunder. In the sky there is a rumble.

"And then?" asks Bruce.

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:44 am

"When Even The Gods Cry" Tony_Stark_AV_10

Tony Stark.

For most people you really do not need to say any more. His identity is as far from secret as it can get.

He revels in his life. Fighting one day. Building new and more amazing devices the next. Living as large as the word will allow and then some. If anything final happens to Tony Stark the world's media are going to have to remember what they used to do before him. There will be a lot of empty air, pages, and web pages to fill all of a sudden.

He is a hero though. The real kind. He puts his life on the line. Nothing is ever certain. Even a group as powerful as the Avengers can be beaten. Has not happened yet but the day may come. So as he flies towards the meeting, late as usual, he is looking over the data Steve did not even know he sent.

'Need to know my ass. I need to know everything.' he mutters to himself as strange displays play out before him.

The mansion looms below. The landing iris sliding open once his armor has verified it's identity properly. The mansion computers clear him.

Iron Man has arrived.

"When Even The Gods Cry" _Flying_8
Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:00 am

Avengers Mansion... 2:56 am.

Tony walks into the conference room.

"You're late." says Bruce.

"Depends on who's schedule you use. Mine runs on what Pepper calls 'tony time'. She marks both the time I would be there if I was remotely normal and then factors a TT to give me a realistic target. So feel honored. I am 4 minutes early." replies Tony.

"Do I have to pretend to brief you or were the files you stole enough?" Steve asks with a hint of annoyance.

"No they were enough. Big rips in reality. Monsters. Doom. Destruction. Not a chance in hell even we can stop it." retorts Tony flatly.

"That sums it up nicely. I forget you have a brain sometimes Tony. Your mouth keeps confusing me." snarks Bruce.

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:16 pm

Avengers Mansion... 3:33 am

Others have entered the room and taken seats. Natalia "Natasha" Alianovna Romanova was 105 years old. She knew Steve Rogers in WWII. A Russian version of the german super soldier formula had made her nearly immortal and enhanced her in other ways. She was the best spy on the planet and a deadly assassin. Black Widow is a name and a very good description of her too.

Clint Barton. Blessed with an amazing talent. Started out working for the wrong side but has been an Avenger for years now. Fast mouth but even faster hands. If you can shoot it he can hit things with it. He prefers the bow but he has guns handy. Hawkeye.

They were still waiting on Janet. She was a founder but even worse about getting places on time.

Everyone knows the problem at hand. Others in lab coats line the outer gallery. This is a full meeting and every brain cell is needed. The goal is very familiar.

Save the world.

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:18 pm

Avenger's Mansion.... 4:52 am

A tall blonde woman with a less than pleasant look on her face strides into the room.

Her name is Brunnhilde. But almost no one in the room knows it. She is the Valkyrie. An Asgardian like Thor. The best of her kind she was selected to accompany the God of Thunder on a quest. She was foolish and fell in love. He didn't but he needed a companion so for many years they were together.

Lady Sif finally asserted the true hold she has over her mate and they are together. Val is a little ticked-off about this. So about 50 mortal years as lovers and about 5 as whatever you call the opposite.

Everybody looks a little tense when she comes in the room.

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:19 am

Avenger's Mansion.... 6:01 am

The last person to join the meeting is one of the originals. A founder.

She was part of a team. But Hank while brilliant was unstable. Cursed with a massive inferiority complex he did not do well in the company of the men of the Avengers. Janet liked them. And how could she not? Thor, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are in their own ways damn near perfect. Even when he was 40' tall Hank was far weaker than Thor. Hank was brilliant. His Pym Particles allowed he and Janet to grow and shrink. He created a psi helm that allowed him to control insects. But compared to Tony Stark?

The worst was Steve. Janet just could not help lighting up when that man paid attention to her. She did try.

Despite his problems Hank was an Avenger for years. He and Jan were married. It was always rough though. Break-ups. Cheating on both sides. Anger. Intense people living an intense life he would say. She always got the worst of it.

Finally Janet could take no more. She tried to leave. He stopped her. He hurt her. Two mighty superheros attacked each other with murder in their eyes. She escaped with her life. Running to Steve. Hank vanished.

Two weeks later in a bar in Oklahoma Steve caught up to him. There were a few words and they went outside. The world's super soldier proceeded to take Hank apart piece by piece. The outcome was never in doubt. Hank did not grow or shrink. He fought, badly, with his fists. When it was over an ambulance had to collect the fallen man. Steve took the Avengers com unit before he said his final warning.

"Touch her again and you die. You are the lowest form of man that dares walk on this earth. You hurt the woman who loved you above all others. You are not even a man. You are a thing. Nothing more than shit on the bottom of my boot. Disappear Hank Pym."


Janet Van Dyne breezes into the room. She will not apologize for being so late. What would be the point?

"Hello boys and girls. I hope you have figured out what we need to do. I feel the need to kick some ass."

She smiles at everyone and takes her seat. Between Captain America and Thor.

The Avengers are Assembled.

The Wasp

"When Even The Gods Cry" TheWasp

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:08 pm

Denver, July 3rd, 3:42 pm...

"When Even The Gods Cry" Denver_Co_1

Denver Colorado. 2 million people live in and around it. Most of them have left. The only sound is the wind.

On a hill in the city park they stand. Dressed for battle.

Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Valkyrie, Black Widow and Bruce Banner.

"This quiet is eerie." Janet says. The two of them stand just a little apart from the others.

He nods. "What is about to happen does seem possible right now." he says feeling the weight of his shield on his back.

"There is no way to block them. Or to go after them before they get here?" she asks knowing the answers already.

"No. But with luck this will be the only time we have to wait for them. You, Widow and Hawkeye can make that happen. You have never let me down Jan." He reaches out and his arm goes around her waist. He pulls her in close to his side.

"Oh so now you want to get physical?" she says in a quiet but slightly mocking tone.

"We are about to get as physical as life gets. After we will get fully physical." he jokes lightly back.

"Sure you will still be up to it? You know my standards are high."

Steve snorts lightly, "You are the most exasperating woman I have ever met. We are about to charge into a battle that might kill us all. All I want to do is kiss you and you..."

He is cut off when she turns to press full on against him and kisses him hard.

"We are not going to die. You are not going to die. You are going to lead us to victory as you always do. And when we are done I am going to screw your brains right out of that cute head of yours." She says with passion and fire.

Steve never knows what to say when she gets like this. Good thing mortal danger is about to call.

"Captain. They are coming." says the deep voice of the God of Thunder.

"Go talk to the troops general. Party time." she whispers in his ear.

Captain America walks to the front of the group. Powerful people. Never been defeated. Would today be the day? Banishing those thoughts he speaks in a loud clear voice....

"Avengers! You all know what is about to happen. This proud American city is about to become a scene from a frozen hell. Another world is about to invade ours. We do not know why. We do not know who is responsible. But what I know is this. They don't get this ground without a fight. Don't know why dirt matters so much but that is what we fight over. Always is. Reasons are there. People to defend. Consequences if they get a foothold here. But in the end... In the end this is our ground and they can't have it."

"Unless they can go through us." he ends strongly.

He looks them all over.

Behind him there are flashes and explosions. Huge buildings crumble. The weather shifts as clouds move in.

Captain America looks at the city. Without turning he yells out....

"Avengers! Assemble!"

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:35 am

They move out fast.

Thor and Iron Man and Valkyie take to the air. Her winged horse still amazing. Wasp shrinks down wings buzzing as she watches Widow and Hawkeye jump on a pair of ultra powerful motorcycles.

Cap has a motorcycle too. His is a big Harley. But he looks to Bruce.

"Time to let him out Bruce."

"I know. Are you sure Steve? I thought I was until this second. Now..."

"I am sure. I need him. I need you to stay in control. Keep him focused. Remember who your friends are Bruce."

Bruce Banner nods and slaps the patch on his wrist. He closes his eyes as the chemicals hit his system. Instant rage. Adrenaline and more push at his brain. He groans and then almost growls. It always hurts.

His eyes open and they are green.

His body starts to expand. Clothes rip. Skin turns green. He ROARS.


His head turns left and right.

"Blue man! Hulk's friend."

Cap speaks loudly as he guns the bike....

"You don't like ice do you buddy? Cold? Well out there are a whole bunch of uglies that are making it cold. And you know what the best thing to do to get rid of ice?"

The big green guy smiles a big toothy grin.

"SMASH!" he roars back.

"That's it. Come on!"

He tears off and the Hulk leaps to follow.
Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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"When Even The Gods Cry" Empty Re: "When Even The Gods Cry"

Post  Lord Alex Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:20 am

Denver, 4:18 pm...

The Wasp flies deep into the heart of the city. Buildings have been collapsing around her. She dodges left as a spike of ice cracks through the street below right in her path. She is just a few inches tall and hard to spot in the wind and blowing ice.

This is good for the moment because there are creatures everywhere. Mostly big ones.

"When Even The Gods Cry" Gishagul

She uses the Avengers commlink in her mask...

"Hawk, Widow you have some size 12 critters in your path. Be ready."

"Big bastards." mutters Hawkeye. "Widow. Linking up now."

He hits a button on his bike to put it on auto. It will try to get back to the Quinjet. They rarely do. He pulls himself getting his feat on the seat. Black Widow swerves towards him as he leaps..... to land on the back of her seat. Pulling his bow even before his feet are firmly planted. There is a pair of large automatic rifles cased attached to her bike. For later.

For the moment the greatest archer the world has ever seen is nocking a big boomer of an arrow.

"Hawkeye to Wasp. Are you clear?"

"Yes. Make some noise. These things are uggggly."

The arrow flies and a creature they don't even have a name for explodes into bits. Frozen blue bits. Widow is shooting a very large pistol. BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM. It takes multiple hits but it does put them down. Hawkeye targets another.

Janet is deeper in the city. Looking for someone out of the ordinary. A leader. What she finds is a trio of huge monsters. They are nearly 30 feet tall. And they smell. Even in the cold the otherworldly reek is nasty.

Wasp goes straight up. Somehow they see her and grab at her.

"When Even The Gods Cry" Ice_creep_2

She reaches 40' and stops. Claws rake at her but cannot quite reach. There is a little smile.

The Wasp... grows.

Going from inches to 40' in a couple of seconds she lands hard on top of one of the monsters. The second rakes at her only to get a mighty kick that collapses it on itself.

The third swings a huge claw and catches her in the side of the head. She goes over and hits the ground on her side. Spires of ice and parts of buildings crumble under her. WOOOOMMMM She lands.

The monster shambles towards her. Grabbing a broken lamp post she swings it hard still on her back. It crunches into the thing and knocks the beast away.

Standing up she brushes herself off and shrinks back down. Climbing a little higher than before.

"Wasp to Widow. Keep on my tail Natasha. No luck yet. So far just a normal day at the office."

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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