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You, Me, and this roleplay, yo.

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You, Me, and this roleplay, yo. Empty You, Me, and this roleplay, yo.

Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:13 am

What lurks in the depths of space? No one ever knew, until a group of specially trained astronauts went into space. To do what? The usual. Space mining. It had to be about eight years later when the astronauts called in, about them needing something inside the ship, which is called the Ishimura, repaired. Now, the ship that the astronauts resided in, wasn’t just some normal space ship. It was more of a space craft. You know, big? Spacey? (No pun intended). After the request was made, a group of specially trained Engineers, technicians, and mechanics were sent out to space to fix the astronauts problem. It was about four to six years when they got there, and they found something quite disturbing. The craft they were going to fix, seems to have had a power outage, and there was no telling if the people in the craft were still alive. As they flew in closer, their ship landed on the craft. The group put on their suits(They weren’t astronaut suits, the
suits were thinner and really easy to move around in), and for some reason, grabbed their weapons.(REALLY COOL WEAPONS ;D) Before they even entered the craft, there was no way of knowing that every single person inside the craft was dead. It wasn’t because of the power outage, because the outage happened afterwards. What was inside of there? What they also didn’t know was that there were things lurking in the craft. Things that no human could ever describe, or ever even live long enough to describe it. These things that lurk, are flesh eating monsters, that are not all the same. That’s right. There’s different kinds. These creatures, are called Necromorphs, and could soon make their way to earth. Don’t let that happen. The following creatures are; Slashers, Lurkers, Infectors, Exploders, Divider, and the Leapers.

The Slashers; Slashers are the cannon fodder of the Necromorphs’ “army”, and the most obviously human of all. They stand upright on human legs, and their original human arms, which have been reduced to deformed, useless appendages, are located in a bloody hole in their bellies, through which you can see their viscera. From their shoulders protrude massive arms ending in scythe-like protrusions, hence their name, and attack by charging and viciously flailing their scythes.Slashers come in three variant forms : Slashers born from male bodies seem to rely entirely on melee combat. Slashers born from females seem to also have an acidic or some form of projectile attack that they spit as well as having the typical Slasher melee capabilities ,and then theres Enhanced Slashers. Slashers’ melee and spit abilities combined with sudden bursts of speed against their victims makes them quite dangerous when they catch you up close and in numbers. Slashers are
normally seen in groups and are seldom caught alone unless they were just created by an Infector or in some cases chasing down an unfortunate victim. They also like to play dead to surprise their victims by seemingly be dead and then rising again to attack you from behind.

Lurkers; Necromorphs have no qualms with killing human babies, and worse still, no hesitation in assimilating their bodies into their ranks. The result is a “Lurker”. These creatures attack using three spiked tentacles that grow out of their back either in melee when they ambush you or using them to attack at range with some sort of projectiles jetting outwards from the end of the tentacles. They are used as ranged support for other Necromorph forms and only melee as a last resort or to surprise. Lurkers are able to climb walls and stick to ceilings with suction cup-like appendages grown out of their stomachs. As a result, they’re found quite often in Zero-G environments along with Leapers.

Infectors; Infectors are the mutated bodies that help spread the Necromorph “infection”. They look like a human torso with the legs snapped backwards and skin stretched over them to create a “wing” effect. These creatures can fly short distances but prefer to crawl along.They possess a long proboscis ; this weapon is the delivery mechanism used to infect potential hosts, which is done quickly by swarming and enveloping the corpse until the infection takes hold. (The infectors turn dead crew into an enhanced version of the slasher.) They are more interested in the dead crew rather than the living crew and so they will only attack them if there are no bodies to infect.

Exploders; With its legs fused together in a strange fleshy mass and its body radically twisted and emaciated, it’s face vertically split in half, the Exploders are fortunately slow to move, but charge in surprisingly fast when they close in to close range and attempt to clobber you with the massive pustule on the end of their arm that is filled with some explosive material that explodes on impact , thus making the Exploder the suicide bomber of the Necromorphs. Due to their “one use” nature and fairly slow movement they most often attack in large groups and attempt to overwhelm you, but this group-swarm tactic also makes them dangerous to other nearby accompanying Necromorphs as well as to each other. Just don’t let them get too close and you’ll be fine.

Divider; Disturbing-looking and extremely tall, Dividers have elongated limbs tipped with claw-like hands. They are very thin, slow (but capable of bursts of speed similar to other Necromorphs) and strong, and attack with tentacles from their bellies and striking with their hands. Also, as their name suggests, once defeated their head, torso, arms and legs become independent creatures, continuing to stalk and assault the player. As divided monsters they are fast and hard to hit, but much weaker. Dividers tend to be loners, but it is possible to encounter a pair or a single Divider backed up by Exploders.

Leapers; Leapers are so-called for their ability to leap at their foes and just because they only have two arms doesn’t mean they are slow at crawling after you. In fact, they are quite fast if you’ve ever seen one chase you with determination. This speed makes them nasty ambushers and running from them can be a little tense. Leapers have also been observed to be able to handle Zero-G environments, using their leaping ability to great effect at getting to you. However this speed comes at a price in that they seem to be about as weak, if not a little more so, than a Slasher which means that it doesn’t take much to bring one down if you catch it quickly enough. In Zero-G areas, Leapers are commonly accompanied by Lurkers, and they have been spotted traveling together with other Leapers, though there are times when they are alone. Leapers are formed when an infected person, after about 2-4 days, starts to have visible reformation starting with the
legs. The legs start to elongate then start flailing and twisting into a single appendage, resembling a scorpion-like tail. The face starts contorting, the jaw clenching and unclenching. Several jaw-like appendages emerge from the ever widening mouth. The mouth no longer appears to be able to accommodate the change, where the head is splitting and bursting at the seams. Almost instantly, it is now perched on its hands.

Now, to fight off each and everyone of them(Hopefully) here are the weapons of choice; 211-V Plasma Cutter, SWS Motorized Pulse Rifle, RC-DS Remote Control Disc Ripper, PFM-100 Hydrogen Torch Flamethrower, IM-822 Handheld Ore Cutter Line Gun, and the C99 Super Collider Contact Beam.

The 211-V Plasma Cutter; A tool designed to use ionized gas and plasma energy to chip pieces off boulders so they'll fit in smelting tubes, the Plasma Cutter is frequently found within the tool boxes of miners across the galaxy. Its primary function allows a short, accurate long range energy blast, while its secondary fire rotates the blade ninety degrees, allowing you to fire vertical or horizontal shots.

The SWS Motorized Pulse Rifle; Designed for maximum stopping power, it uses electric coils to accelerate rounds to extremely fast speeds and is a favorite of military troops and security forces on ships around the universe. Primary fire is a rapid fire burst of ammunition, which can be used for long range targets. Secondary fire releases a packet of ammo that shoots out in 360 degrees, allowing you to hit multiple enemies at once.

RC-DS Remote Control Disc Ripper; Obviously designed to hack and slice through solid rock, the RC-DS Remote Control Disc Ripper is an extremely dangerous tool. In less skilled hands, it's an accident waiting to happen, ejecting incredibly sharp titanium blades at up to 17,000 RPM to cut through anything in front of it. In its primary fire mode, the Ripper launches a remote controlled circular saw blade, which can be swung and directed into objects for a few seconds. Its secondary fire mode shoots a single blade forward into whatever's directly in its way.

PFM-100 Hydrogen Torch Flamethrower; Sometimes the best ore is found within comets, but its trapped within layers of ice. The industrial flamethrower uses liquid hydrogen to produce an intense flame between 500 and 4000 degrees celsius, which is projected on a surface, immolating the target and breaking it apart. Its primary fire projects a narrow cone of flame that provides short range bursts of flame. Its secondary mode projects a napalm-like orb that explodes on contact, setting nearby targets ablaze.

At first glance, the IM-822 Handheld Ore Cutter Line Gun might appear to be a larger, much more powerful version of the Plasma Cutter, and that's not terribly far off: Line guns are used to cut gigantic boulders down to size so that Plasma Cutters can then be used to finish the smelting process. However, the functionality of the extractor is completely different. The primary function projects a wide horizontal energy beam that is extremely powerful, shearing through its targets. The secondary function fires a timed mine that explodes, causing significant damage to enemies nearby.

Sometimes miners need to pound stubborn rock into pieces, softening it so it can be extracted in different ways. That's where a C99 Supercollider Contact Beam comes in. Part jackhammer and part energy wrecking ball, the tool is extremely powerful in short range circumstances, with an electron. Its primary fire mode generates a very powerful charge that is released in a single energy blast. Its secondary fire projects a 360 degree energy blast through the ground, damaging anything close by.

Now go, and fight, for the sake of our planet. Before the necromorphs make their way to earth.

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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:56 am

Hikaru Sato (Left) & Isamu Akita (Right).
27 & 26 years old.
Hikaru is a mechanic and Isamu is a technician.
You, Me, and this roleplay, yo. InuXBokuSSfull1100377

Kioshi Ijichi.
24 years old.
An engineer.
You, Me, and this roleplay, yo. 468875

Asari Kaza.
24 years old.
A technician.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:15 am

Omori Kenshin & Corduroy Smith
24 & 27
Engineer and Technician.
You, Me, and this roleplay, yo. MasamuneandYukimura

Wesley Grim.
You, Me, and this roleplay, yo. Tumblr_m06lc3LtPB1r9ns55o1_500

Elsa Velsum.
Just kidding.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:49 am

The craft had been extreely quiet, except for the heavy breathing and the heavy tapping of feet running from one place in the craft to another. Those feet happened to belong to Corduroy, the only surviving space miner on the craft. He ran as fast as his exhausted body would let him, until he found what he thought was a safe place to hide until he caught his breath. He ran through the halls, trying to make his way back to his room, which had been locked securely, and sure to be safe. Corduroy would have made it to his room without a problem, but unfortunately his foot was grabbed by something in the darkness of the hallway he had been in. He let out a loud grunt when he hit the ground. "Shit." He grumbled before being roughly dragged down the hall by his ankle. He squited his eyes, well eye, since of course his other one had been gone once he got into space mining, to get a better look a what had been dragging the shit out of him to God knows where. What had been dragging him wasn't some human like him, but some kind of creature. The way it walked, sounded, and Jesus, the way it smelled was horrifying. If only he could get a better look at it, but that would probably result in his death. After a while of being dragged, he had been thrown on top of a pile of something that smelled like fresh death. Yes. Fresh death. He layed there, as still as he possibly could until the screeching sounds coming from the creature from earlier and what sounded like a few others stopped. He heard footsteps heading in the opposite direction he was in and that's when he pulled his flashlight off of his utility belt and turned it on. He almost stopped breathing immediately once he saw the blood splattered room and the dismembered body parts beneath him.

Omori sat steering ship like always, since that's what he was trained to do since he got in the engineering business. "We'll be landing T-minus fifteen minutes. It is highly advised to suit up for we won...." His voice trailed off after taking a closer look at the craft they were soon to land on. "Am I the only one seeing this?"

"Seeing what?" Elsa asked, walking in the opposite direction of where the suits where kept to see what Omori had been talking about.

"Look. There's no sign of electricity." Omori informed.

"What? That can't be. You must be reading that stuff wrong." Wesley butted in.

"What's there to read. You can see it from here. No lights, no nothing." Omori stated.

"How long has it been like this?" Elsa asked.
"I'm not sure." Omori answered.

"Well we have to hurry up and land." Elsa nodded.

"I can only go as fast as the ship will let me, Elsa."
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:32 am

Hikaru, who previously hadn't been interested in the ship in the slightest (or so he said), perked up hearing there was no sign of electricity. He grew more nervous than he already was. Not only were they responding to an odd distress call, but there was no electricity now? This was his first mission into space, and he hated it. He wanted something simple, like maybe fixing some of the satellites or something. He stood up, and walked over to where Omori was sitting.

"Do you think anyone survived?" Hikaru asked, but Isamu answered him instead of Omori.

"Probably not, I mean, come on. It's been years since that distress call. Who knows, their life support systems could have gone down too. I don't think this is a rescue mission anymore." Isamu said, ignoring the glaring from Hikaru. He knew it was his first mission, and he thought it was splendid that he was so easy to mess with.

"Then why are we even here?" Hikaru complained.

"If they are dead, we get their bodies and all the data on the ship we can. If anyone's alive, we save 'em." Asari butted in, who had just previously awoken from a nap. She stretched, and walked towards the back of the ship to get her suit on. She was followed by a slightly terrified Hikaru.

"Don't worry. Ships don't fail that often. Don't listen to Isamu, anyway. He just likes messin' with new comers. We'll be fine." Asari comforted Hikaru, patting him on the back. She smiled with she received a nervous smile back to him.

"... Oh... okay."

"We'll be in, and out in no time at all."

Kioshi was, like Corduroy, still on the ship. Though he was unaware of his presence, considering they were on completely different sides of the ship. He managed to find a 211-V Plasma Cutter laying around, probably from a miner who dropped it after... Kioshi, who liked to call himself Kio, tried not to think about those... Creatures. He had ran into many of them, and almost died multiple times, but thanks to his slender body, he was quiet nimble and managed to get away. He managed to make it back to his room, and sealed the door behind him. He riffled through his bag, pulling out a white undershirt. He lifted up his sleeve. A cut. Rather deep. From one of those things. He wrapped the shirt around it, and tied it tight. He sat down, and ran his hand through his hair. He didn't know how or why this was happening, all he knew he was hoping to god someone replied to their distress call. He grabbed the gun, and stood up, but stopped shortly after that. Screeching. From right outside his door. He stepped back unti his back hit the wall. Shit.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:07 am

"But you never know when the electricity went out. It could have gone off yesterday, today, or three months ago." Omori informed as he steered the ship. "Let us just hope it went out recently, because I don't want to step foot on a craft full of dead miners." He stated.

"None of us do, but it will be just the best luck in the world if we had to step foot on a dead man's craft." Elsa nodded and turned to get suited up.

"Can't we just get the negative thoughts out of our head?" Wesley asked. "We have to stay positive about this, or the outcome will be just as negative as we make it." He scoffed while suiting up. "We're not coreners, so stop making us sound like we are."

"Alright, calm down. Save the negativity for the ride home. We've got a job to do, so let's do it and get out of here." Omori grumbled as he landed the ship and stood up to stretch. "Is everyone suited up?"

"Everyone but you." Wesely nodded.

Corduroy tried his best to get off of the pile without making a sound, but, you know how things like this usually go, right? While trying to reach the bottom of the pile his foot got stuck and he fell to the ground, making a loud crashing sound. "Shit." He was sure good at falling. He quickly stood up and grabbed his flashlight that had fallen out of his hand and didn't even think about what he should do next. He just ran, yet again. He heard them coming after him, and he knew he couldn't outrun them for long. He had to find something. A weapon, any kind of weapon.
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:30 am

Once everyone was all suited up and ready to go, followed everyone inside. She glanced around. There was a lot of... blood. She grabbed her flashlight, and turned it on. Bits of who-knows-what laying on the ground, blood splattered on the walls, and this was only the beginning. She grabbed her stomach with the hand that wasn't holding the flashlight.

"What in the hell happened here?" Hikaru asked out loud for probably everyone. He looked over at Asari, and put his hand on her shoulder. She was probably bad with blood. Finally Hikaru could comfort someone else.

"Oh... god... What... the hell?" Asari said, coughing a bit. She stood up after a bit, and stopped. See heard a crash, and some screeching. She pulled out the gun she brought along, the PFM-100 Hydrogen Torch Flamethrower. She walked towards it, not really caring if others weren't following. This wasn't anything like anyone expected.

Kio let out a small scream when the door was busted slightly, and swung open. He shot the Plasma, which stopped it for a little while. He screamed again and dropped the gun when flames engulfed whatever that thing was, and it was gone. Dead? Hopefully. He saw a girl run into the room. He stood there in shock as she called out to others. Others!? Had someone finally come for him?

"I found one, alive!" Asari shouted to the others.

Hikaru glanced at Isamu, well, tried to, but he was gone. Hikaru swore, and glanced around. Instead of being an idiot, he went with the others. Isamu could handle himself, couldn't he?

Isamu had wandered off, following the faint screeching from a long ways away on the ship. He also clutched the PFM-100 Hydrogen Torch Flamethrower in his hands, ready for anything. He glanced behind him.

"I'm going to check out the other side of the ship." He said over the radio to Omori and the others.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:47 am

"Are you going to be alright on your own?" Omori asked Isamu through the radio.

Wesley looked around using his flashlight to help him a bit. "Isn't there like a generator somewhere in this thing?" He asked, not really paying much attention to the war-like scene before them. He was a Marine Trainee and fear was one thing of the past for him.

"Yes. But that's all the way in Sector 4." Omori answered, exploring the sector they had been in.

"You know this ship better than anyone. So, how far is Sector 4 and do you think we'd be able to make it without a problem?" Elsa asked.

"Well, that's because My brother and I designed this thing. Which reminds me..." Omori's voice trailed off. "I hope he's okay." He groaned quietly. "Since, we have no idea what caused this shit, we don't know if it's still here, or if we stand a chance against it, so getting to sector 4 will be beyond any of the training any of us have gone through."

Corduroy kept running, and while he did so he glanced back to see if he was still being chased. When he went back to looking forward, he saw a sillouhette(too lazy to check if I spelled it right) in front of him, and couldn't find time to stop, and that resulted in him slamming into the person, and falling on top of him. "Fuck." He grunted when he landed on the person.
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:06 am

"Yeah, I'll be fi-" Isamu's radio cut out, not because of any technical problems. More like someone crashing into him and falling on top of him. He grunted, and looked up at the man on top of him with his blue and yellow eyes. Isamu stared at him for a moment, trying to think of something to say. He figured he was one of the crew members that had survived. That made two. Though he wasn't sure how many others survived, he had a feeling there was only two.

"Uh...." Isamu's voice trailed off as he waited for the man to get off of him.

Asari heard Omori. "Well if one survived..." She said, pulling Kioshi along with them, "There are probably others, right?"

Asari turned her attention back to the boy they found as they headed to Sector 4. "So, tell me, what the fuck happened here... er..?"

"Kioshi. Kioshi Ijichi."

"Right, now tell us what happened." Asari said. They were right behind Omori, and behind those two was Hikaru, scared out of his wits.

"It was just like any old mining trip. We stopped at a planet, mined for a few weeks then left. It was our last stop, and we had started heading back to Earth. Home. Some of the crew members were complaining they heard things from the storage units where we were keeping the minerals. I never really got to put my word in on the matter, considering I was just another miner. Nothing important. After a few months, the engines cut out. A few of us, including me, were sent to investigate. There, we saw... Actually, I don't know what we saw. They didn't even look real. They were horrible. They killed the other engineers. I barely managed to escape. Soon there were more. A lot more. Everyone was dying. It was only a few weeks ago that the electricity cut out. Thank god the life support is still working or else I'd be dead. We need to get out of here soon or else they're gonna kill us, like they killed everyone else." Kioshi explained, trying his best not to go into too much detail about "them". He meant what he said when he called them horrible.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:39 am

Corduroy had actually been stuck where he was for a few seconds, until the man under him broke the silence, and that's when he got off of him and helped him up. "I'm extremely sorry but, if you cherish your life, you'd come with me." He sounded as if he were out of breath, which he was. He looked over his shoulder, hearing the screeching again, but it had been a lot closer this time. "Shit." He spat, and grabbed the wrist of the man he had been with and continued running in the direction he had been from the start. "You weren't one of miners on this craft, so, you must be here in result of the distress call, am I right? If so, how far has your group gotten? Can you get in touch with them?"

Omori got a little worried when Isamu didn't finish whatever it was he was saying. "Isamu, is everything alright on your end?" He asked.

Wesley listened to Kioshi. "Do you know if there are any other survivors?"

"Is my brother still alive? You know Corduroy Smith? Or were you two in different sectors?" Omori asked.
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:51 am

Isamu, when they had gotten to safety in what looked like a small bedroom. He sat there for a moment. "Yes, I am." He told the man that had run into him earlier. He pressed the button on his radio. "It's alright. Omori? I ran into another crew member. Literally. We're fine, no need to worry. I'll contact you if I need anything else." Isamu stopped for a moment, glancing over at the guy who sort of saved him. If he hadn't crashed into him, he probably would've run into... whatever he was running away from.

"What is your name? I should probably tell Omori..." Isamu said to him, finally being able to slow his breathing down. He still was in a bit of a daze as to what was going on. People were scared, and running. There was a lot of blood. He was rather confused.

Kioshi's face lit up. "Corduroy? Yeah, I knew him. Girls were always all over him." Kioshi shrugged. "We talked here and there, that was it. We had different duties. I'm an engineer, he's a technician. He's one of the smarter ones. I bet, he's either alive, or out lasted most people on this ship."

Asari listened to everyone. "Movement, down the corridor." She said, interrupting everyone. She shined her flashlight down the hall. The red liquid shined here and there, as she looked for what she just saw, racing through the darkness.

"We should meet up with Isamu and that other crew members. Safety in numbers, right?" Hikaru said, looking at Asari with fear.

"What do you think, Omori?" Asari asked.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:06 am

"My brother came along with you?" Corduroy asked, feeling nothing but relief flow through him. "It's been almost four whole years since I seen him." He nodded and then frowned afterwards. "I'm Corduroy. Omori's older brother. And you.... you look awfully familiar. You were in the group I trained with Omori before coming on this mining trip. You probably won't recognize me much, since I wasn't around for I had training to do myself." He nodded and exhaled slowly. "Tell Omori and whoever is with him that we can't stay here any longer, it's extremely dangerous, and we can't risk anything. We're like sitting ducks, because they have the advantage in the dark."

Omori let out a sigh. "We found someone as well. They say that we shouldn't count on their being any other survivors, but with me being the hero I like to be, I say we need to get to sector 4 to turn on that power and see if we can find any other survivors." He nodded and turned to Kioshi. "My brother is a trooper. I know he's alive." He stated.

"Sounds like you're trying to get us all killed. We have no idea what's in the darkness." Elsa shook her head.

"Looks like we're gonna find out." Wesley smirked.
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:22 am

Isamu nodded. "Omori. The survivor I ran into is your brother, Corduroy. He says we can't stay here any longer, we need to get out. They have the advantage over us in the dark, and we can't risk anything. Omori? We need to get out." He said over the radio, and leaned against the wall. He slid down in, and let out a sigh. "I don't remember seeing you, sorry about that. It's been years. I'm not sure Omori will turn back. You're his brother, you know how he is. He'll want to find any other survivors. If there are, any that is. Tell me, what happened? What is in the ship? What are 'they'?" He asked, standing up again and getting in Corduroy's face. He watched him, probably wanting more answers than he could give him.

"You're not going to turn back, are you?" Hikaru asked, sounding annoyed. He was still doing rather well at hiding the fear. He was completely agreeing with Isamu and Corduroy, but he wasn't so sure Omori would listen to him.

"Your brother is safe. Are you sure there are any survivors left? We might not survive if we try and turn on the electricity in Sector 4. You said it yourself. This is much more than we've ever trained for." Asari protested.

Kioshi let out a sigh. "You should turn back. It's not worth it. What if the power doesn't work? They could've destroyed that too, you know."

"Who is 'they'?!" Hikaru shouted at the survivor.

"I don't know what they are!" Kioshi shouted at him. "Whatever they are, they're killing any humans they see. It's no use. I've seen them murder. They don't stop."

Asari let out a sigh. "Fuck it, we might as well go. We have to go get Omori's brother and Isa."

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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:45 am

"I wouldn't expect you to remember me. You all were fresh out of college when I helped Omori train you guys, so it's okay." Corduroy shrugged and sratched the back of his head. "Well, after space mining on a new planet we discovered a while back, there were things of some sort living there, and we didn't know it. I guess they felt as though we were taking over or something, and somehow they found their way on this craft, and in no time, things got worse. You don't want to see what I had to see for the past week and a half. Those things, those creatures they're, they're hideous, and they wreak of blood and rotting flesh." He gritted his teeth thinking back. "They hide in the darkness and they wait. They wait for a tired, scared, and confused person to come walking down the hall yelling for help, and like that," He snapped his fingers. "They're dead." Corduroy shook his head and let out one of those I-can't-believe-I-survived-this-shit, kind of laughes. "And the fucked up part is, there's not just one kind of creature. There's a variety of those fuckers out there. Some that crawl, some the latch on to the walls, some that spit fucking acid..... ACID for cryin' out loud! Oh, and y fucking favorite," He pursed his lips. "Those fast little fuckers that jump all over the fucking place. You really gotta watch out for those 'cause they're sneaky, and the little fuckers that resemble a porcupine. Those bitches have tenticles and they chill on the ceilings like the sneaky ass fucks they are." He exhaled and shook his head. "I know Omori's gonna want to be a hero, and that's what I admire most about my brother, but in times like this, He needs to listen to what people are trying to tell him. We'll have to meet him at Sector 4. Where the power is. We need to get moving."

"Just calm the fuck out okay? Keep the noise down or you're gonna get us killed." Omori pointed at Hikaru. "Now come on. The quicker we do this, the quicker we can head back to the ship." He nodded and led the way.

Wesley followed behind. "What do we do if we get there, and the power doesn't come on?"

"We still have to meet Omori's brother and Iasmu half way. So time isn't totally wasted." Elsa shrugged
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:26 pm

Isamu listened to him for a moment, before letting out a sigh. He didn't say anything about the creatures. He just nodded at the last statement, and headed towards the door. He listened for a moment, before grabbing his flashlight and turning it on. He opened the door, and shined it around the corridor, before whispering, "It's all clear." He walked out into the dark corridor, and let out a sigh. Sometimes he regretted ever training to go into space. He would never be here, safe and sound at home, unaware of the creatures lurking in space.

"I agree with Elsa." Asari said, walking down the hall with Kioshi by her side. She heard movement again, though tried to ignore it since she figured that it was just Hikaru behind her. Soon she would come to regret not checking it out. Because, before she knew it, there was a scream and a bang. She turned around and shined her flashlight on Hikaru as he was dragged into darkness.

"Hikaru!" Asari screamed.

There was screeching, then nothing.

Kioshi stood next to the girl that saved him, in utter shock. There was nothing anymore, no movement, and the screaming from Hikaru had ceased.

"I'm sorry." Kioshi said quietly, turning to the others.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:45 pm

Corduroy nodded and led the way. "I trying to think of the quickest way possible to get to the generator, but then again the quickest way isn't always the safest." He shook his head and let out a frustrating sigh. "Either way can kill us, but I rather take our chances and take the long way. I may just save our lives." He mutter while he continued to lead the way. "Keep a sharp eye out. They have the advantage over us, like I said earlier."

Omori looked back and gritted his teeth. A member had been lost, and if anyone, he'd be the one to blame. "Damn it." There was no time to feel remorse. They had a mission, and they'd complete it. "Pick up the pace." He grumbled to the others. "Isamu, we've lost a member. We're trying to get to Sector 4 as fast as we can."

"Pick up the paste? Hikaru is fucking dead, and you want to pick up the paste? Don't you care at all?" Elsa asked.

"Of course he fucking cares, but what the hell do you expect him to do? If Hikaru's dead, what the fuck can we do about it? We gotta keep going, so shut your fucking trap and listen to the man!" Wesley spat.
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:09 pm

Isamu frowned, hearing the words spoken over the radio. "You lost a member? Who? What happened?" He asked quickly, but quietly as he followed Corduroy to wherever he was leading them to. He let out a sigh. The feeling that this wasn't going to go over well began to grow more than just a fear in the back of his head. What the hell were they doing here?

Kioshi looked around at the people. He couldn't feel their sense of loss. He had gone through too much already, and he'd only known the man for a short while before he was kill.

"Sometimes I think they can sense fear." He said, out loud, rather than in his head. He bit his lip.

Asari looked at Kioshi for a second, before putting her arm around Elsa. "It's okay, Elsa. I feel you. I want to cry to, but if we stay around, others will die." She said, kissing her head as a means of comfort. She'd always had feeling for Elsa, but she usually did very well at concealing them. There was never the time nor the place to discuss it, besides, she doubted Elsa would ever love a woman.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:15 pm

"Hikaru. It happened so fast. We can't stop to mourn over this loss though." Omori replied to Isamu over the radio. "Just get to Sector four as fast as you can."

Corduroy gritted his teeth. "Was that Omori? What's going on on their end?" He asked curiosly, as he continued to lead the way.

Elsa took a deep breath, and soon felt better after being comforted by Asari. "I'll guess we'll just have to suck it up and keep going."

Wesley looked over at Kioshi and agreed with him. "If they can't sense the fear, then I know they can sense all the tension."
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Post  o Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:27 pm

Isamu paused. He frowned, and let out a long sigh, trying his best not to let his emotions get in the way of their work. He walked with Corduroy for a bit, before finally answering his question.

"Yeah, that was Omori. A team member just died." Isamu informed him, hurrying along down the corridor Corduroy told him would be safer. He watched the walls as they walked. The finally got out of Sector 7, and were heading into Sector 6. They were only a little ways into Sector 7, so he figured getting there would take a lot longer than it had to get into Sector 6.

Asari smiled at Elsa. "We can mourn later, when we get the hell off this ship." She told her, grabbing her weapon, and walking after Omori.

"It seemed Hikaru was the most scared, correct?" Kioshi asked Wesley, quietly for the sake of Elsa. He didn't want her to hear and get overcome with emotions again. They needed to focus on their work.
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Post  dohegotthebooty Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:47 pm

"Mhm," Wesley nodded. "It was the poor kids first mission. Hell it was his first time in space." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "No one knows this, but he was Omori's favorite student while he was training us. I never understood why though. I guess it was because he had been a challenging kid to train and as far as I'm concerned, Omori likes challenges."

Omori continued to lead until he heard noises at the end of the corridor, and that's when he halted. "Trouble lies ahead. Tread carefully, there's something ahead." He mentioned to those behind him.

Elsa nodded, hearing what Omori had said to them, and she held on tightly to her Plasma cutter, which was one of the weakest weapons when it came to fire power, but great when it came to melee.

Corduroy shook his head and exhale. "Well, suck it up. Whatever pain you're feeling is just gonna slow you down, and that's the last thing we need."
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Post  o Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:57 am

Isamu glared at him for a moment, before continuing to walk down the hall. He knew what pain was, and he knew how to suck it up. He didn't need someone telling him to do it. He could handle himself on his own. "Omori? We're in Sector 6 now." He mentioned over the radio, figuring it was good to tell them of their progress.

Kioshi couldn't put any words together, so he just nodded, and continued walking. He looked around, and held his Plasma Cutter as well.

Asari looked around. She let out a sigh, and continued walking. "Have we left Sector 1 yet?" She asked, answering her own question when she saw the faded words written on the wall of the corridor. "Sector 1."
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Post  dohegotthebooty Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:57 am

"I'm glad to hear that you're still alive and breathing, Isamu. Keep me informed on anything that you think I should know." Omori replied through the radio. He looked back at the other that had been following behind him. "How is everyone holding up?"

Wesley nodded at Omori, and simply said, "I'm doing fine, I can't speak for these guys." He shrugged and kept walking. "These Sectors get bigger and bigger don't they?"

"Yep. The higher the nuber, the bigger the sector." Omori stated.

Elsa shrugged. "I could be better, but I'm holding up just fine." She stated.
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Post  o Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:31 pm

"Alright." Isamu said to Omori over the radio. He glanced back at Corduroy. He watched him for a moment, before walking down the hallway faster. He ignored the sounds of movement the best he could. He didn't want to deal with anything that could be avoided. Isamu let out a sigh. He legs started hurting a bit as he continued to walk a bit too fast. He couldn't help it, though. He was rather scared.

"I'm good." Asari said, meaning physically. She was still struggling emotionally. She wasn't sure how Omori could keep himself together. Was he hiding all his emotions inside? It made Asari sad to think what was going on in that boy's head.

Kioshi listened to Omori. "You're right. So we could slow down a bit, since it'll take Corduroy and your friend longer than us to reach Sector 4."

Asari looked at Kioshi. "If we slow down, those things will get us too. Besides, it might take a bit to get the electricity up and running.
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