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One on One w/ Lord Alex

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One on One w/ Lord Alex Empty One on One w/ Lord Alex

Post  Peyton Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:43 pm

The world has fallen to ruins, very little people had survived. People can't remember everything about themselves. They're all lost, and confused, trying to survive. Day by day each person goes to find there own 'pieces'. Each persons 'pieces' eventually become an object that will completely restore their memories. These 'pieces' are hidden throughout the world, and each person's pieces look different. Some people are out to destroy others pieces, or help others find them while they look for their own. Where do you stand?

2/25 pieces found

Peyton has been looking for pieces for as long as she can remember. Her pieces are little colorful shards of glass, so far the shape of the object is unable to be identified.
She is tough on the outside, but she really is hurting on the inside. All her family was killed when the world fell. Peyton is skilled in fighting, and can handle herself in most fights though she is pale and frail.

One on One w/ Lord Alex Keiaru7
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2612
Join date : 2010-09-22
Age : 30
Location : Portland, Oregon

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One on One w/ Lord Alex Empty Re: One on One w/ Lord Alex

Post  Peyton Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:45 pm

Peyton was alone, sitting on what used to be a majestic building. It had been a long day and she had been scouring the area looking for her pieces. None were to be found. "Damn it.." She mumbled to herself as she stood brushing rubble from her skirt.
The sun was setting and she was in need of shelter, a little ways off there was a forest. Maybe there was something in there she could make into a little lean-two or maybe a hidden cave on a hill side. She didn't know, but it was worth the look. Jumping down she landed gracefully onto her feet her pink hair falling like silk ribbons in the air.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2612
Join date : 2010-09-22
Age : 30
Location : Portland, Oregon

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