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When the Angels say Monroe.

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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:14 pm

The world hated me, and I hated the world right back.
My parents hated me, because I didn't turn out being the son they hoped for.
Everyone at school hated me, because I wasn't like them.
I was different.
I was gay.

It had been a year and a half since I came out of the closet, and right about know, I wished I would have stayed in there. I didn't have all these problems, when everyone saw me as 'Straigh Monroe'. Everyone wanted to be around me, until the word got around. Then, day after day people kept their distance as if they could catch what they like to call, 'The Homo'. I still think that's a really stupid and absurd name to call something, but who would listen to me? I'm just Monroe. The target of everyone's hatred.

I wonder, if people knew how bad it hurt to be bullied, and hated, would it all stop? I ask myself that question whenever I'm in my bathroom preparing for another day of being hated.

Today, was just another day to me. I got out of bed, drug myself to the bathroom, where I spent an hour staring at myself through the mirror, telling myself that everything's gonna get better. I knew it was never going to get better, but somehow making myself believe it someday would, got me through each day. That's when I realized- I'd have to tell myself the samething everyday for two more years, and suddenly I didn't feel so strong anymore. I just wanted to give up already. I just wanted to die.
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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  o Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:06 am

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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:17 am

When I had finished getting ready for school, I gathered up the courage to leave my room. I dreaded leaving my room, because I knew I'd have to look at my parents in the eye before leaving home. Nothing hurt me more than seeing the hurt in my mother's eyes, and the disappointment in my father's eyes. I knew my parents no longer loved me, and I slowly started to accept that, because no one loved me anymore.

I shook the nervousness from my body and opened my door. I was shocked to see my mother standing in front of my door. "Mom?" I tried to speak louder than a whisper, but I knew my voice would have cracked. "Monroe. You do know that if you don't leave now you're going to miss the bus?" I knew that's the last thing she wanted to say to me, because her face gave it away. I knew she wanted to say something in relation to me being gay, and how it was probably all a phase, or that I was just confused. But, no. All she said was that. I felt my eyes burning, and I looked down at my feet. "I was just leaving." I mumbled, and quickly rubbed my eyes before the tears could find time to fall.

"Monroe?" My mother reached out to touch my hand, but I jerked away, and pushed passed her. "I'm going to miss the bus." I simply said and continued down the steps, and out the door, making my way to the bus stop.

I could already tell that today, would be the worst day of all. I could feel it.
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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:22 am

As I waited for the bus, I could see my mom watching me from the living room window. The bus stop wasn't too far from my house, in case you were wondering. She had the same look on her face, like always. My mother never smiled anymore, and my father, he never came home anymore. He'd try and find a reason to stay late at work, so he wouldn't have to come home and accept the reality that his son was gay.

It was my fault that my mom had fallen into a deep state of depression. It had been my fault that my dad wanted to leave, but didn't. It was all my fault, and I was one hundred percent sure that if I wasn't on this earth anymore everything would be a lot better.

I heard the bus coming and I took a deep breath, because my day had been far from over. When the bus stopped in front of me, I froze. I didn't want to get on the bus, but I had to, and I did. I found a seat somewhere in the front, next to some kid that I had never seen before. He didn't seem to have much of a problem with me sitting next to him. If anything, he looked a bit excited.

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" I asked, looking over at him.

"No, not at all." He shook his head, and watched me for a moment.

I smiled, but quickly frowned, and looked down at my hands. I figured that he must've been a new student to my school, and that he has yet to be informed of me being gay and whatnot.

"I'm Kelly." He said randomly.

"I'm Monroe." I looked over at him and held my hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you."


Maybe today wasn't going to be so bad.
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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:19 pm

The rest of the ride to school had been silent. I said nothing to Kelly, and Kelly said nothing to me. Of course I wanted to talk to him, and make friends, but I just didn't know how to do that anymore. I had gotten used to being alone. Friends were irrelevant to me.

The bus finally stopped and there I was. In front of a school that produced so much hate towards gay people it truly made no sense. I swallowed hard and took yet another deep breath.

"What's the matter? You look tense." A voice sounded from behind.

It turned out that it had been Kelly, getting off of the bus shortly after me. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a little nervous." I glanced over at him and saw that he looked just as nervous as I did. After a while I looked around, and saw that dirty looks were being given to me from just about everyone that passed me. It was whatever. I was used to those looks anyway.

"Why are they looking at you like that?" Kelly asked curiously, watching how others looked at me as if I just kicked a dog.

"It's because I'm different." I could feel myself choking up, like I was going to cry, and that's when I walked off without saying a word.

Maybe I was wrong about today.
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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:31 pm

I didn't want to just walk away and leave him standing there, but what else was I to do? I wasn't going to cry like a kid that lost his dog in front of him, because then I'd have to thoroughly explain what the problem had been.

So, there I sat. In the stall of the boys bathroom, sobbing silently. I felt like a little kid. I weak little kid. I immediately stopped my sobbing once I heard the door open, and stood up. I wiped my wet face and left the stall, looking down as I headed towards the door that led out into the hallway. "Monroe?" I raised my head and looked back before I reached for the handle of the door to see Kelly standing by the sink, looking at me through the mirror. "What's wrong? You look like you've been crying or something."

"It's nothing." I assured and looked away from him.

"It's gotta be something. No one comes in here to cry for nothing."

"But, I wasn't crying."

"Yeah, you were."

"How are you going to tell me, what I was doing, when you weren't even with me?" I asked him, while folding my arms across my chest.

"Your eyes are red." Kelly pointed out.

"I could be high." I protested.

"Your eyelashes are wet." Kelly nodded once he stepped closer to me to observe my face.

"My eyelas- what? Why are you even worried about me, you don't even know me like that. Why care?"

"I'm a caring person. I can't help that." Kelly shrugged and walked passed me. "If you ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to search for me."

And with that being said, he left me standing there in the bathroom. I didn't know what it was, but something about him had made my heart race, and I barely even knew him. All I knew was that his name was Kelly, and that we rode the same bus. He seemed so determined find out what was wrong with me. I doubt that he cared though. He probably wanted to be nosy or something. Or maybe he did care. Maybe it was just me being insecure and keeping everything to myself.
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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:43 pm

I probably would have taken Kelly up on his offer, but I had already forgotten how to talk about how I feel. I pushed all my feelings into a box a long time ago, and I wasn't planning on opening that box for quite a while.

I let out a small sigh and realized I had still been standing in the bathroom. I must've been daydreaming or something, but whatever. I had to get to class or else I'd get marked absent, and that was the last thing I wanted. I pulled the handle on the bathroom door so I could get out and get to my class. Once I got into the hallway I rushed down the hall, in hopes that I wouldn't get stopped by anyone.

I had pretty bad luck. Only reason why I say that is because I saw the one person that hated me most at the end of the hallway. Benjamin Wade. Everyone called him Benny, or Benji... well mainly the obsessed whores did. Benjamin hated me more than anyone in that school, and I didn't even know why. I never talked to him. All I knew was that he was the most admired guy in the school, and that every chance he could, he'd bully the shit out of me. Whether it was physical or Verbal.

I tensed up and tried picking up my speed while walking, but that didn't help.

"Hey, you. Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He looked at me as if we were going to fight to the death.

What was he? The hall monitor?

"Hey! I'm talking to you."

I continued to ignore him, which was probably not the best thing to do. I heard him release a frustrated sigh and then I saw him coming towards me.

"Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone when they're talking to you?" Benjamin snarled and pushed me.

I stumbled back, lost my footing and fell. "I just want to go to class." I mumbled, looking up at him. I blame myself for being late to class. I wouldn't have to go through this if I didn't decide to cry like a little bitch in the bathroom.

"I don't care what you wanna do." He spat and kicked me right in my ribcage as hard as he possibly could.

I grunted and rolled over onto my stomach, clutching my side. I didn't even do anything wrong, so why was this happening to me? I was just like everyone else, but they treated me as if I weren't. I was no different. So why did I have to be the one, laying on the floor with ribs that had probably been fractured? Did I really deserve that?

I layed there. That's all I could do. It hurt too much to move.

I saw in the corner of my eye, that Benjamin was going to kick me again, but the tables had turned just in the knick of time, and a friend had come to the rescue. You can probably guess who that friend was.

"Hey! Leave him alone." Kelly shouted when he ran over. He stepped in front of me, and looked Benjamin dead in his eyes. "I don't think you have a legitimate reason to be hurting Monroe."

"I don't need a reason. He's gay and that's all there is to it."

"Do you hear how stupid you sound? He's done nothing wrong, and you still want to hurt him. Well, I'll tell you what, you give me a reason why I shouldn't break your jaw." Kelly scoffed.

"Break my jaw? Give me a reason why I shouldn't break yours." Benjamin growled and took a step closer to Kelly.

"You're and ass, and you don't seem to need a reason to do anything." Kelly hissed.

Benjamin had looked pretty pissed, and Kelly didn't seem to look at all scared. That's when I lifted my head only slightly to see that He had his arm cocked back, ready to punch the living hell out of Kelly.
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When the Angels say Monroe. Empty Re: When the Angels say Monroe.

Post  dohegotthebooty Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:25 pm

I cringed at the sight of seeing Kelly getting punched right in the nose. It looked pretty painful. I tried getting up, but a I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and stopped myself before I hurt myself even more. "Bullying me is one thing, Benjamin, but why Kelly?"

"I don't like the way he talks to me." Benjamin smirked and looked down at Kelly, who had tripped over me when he was punched.

"I talk to you like someone should. You walk around like a badass, but really, you're just trying too hard to be cool." Kelly spat once he stood up. I looked at Kelly and saw that his nose was bleeding, and it didn't seem to bother him.

Kelly stepped over me and didn't hesitate to 'sparta-kick' the shit out of Benjamin's knee, causing it to kind of, you know, break. Then, Kelly caught Benjamin right in his jaw with his fist. He then smirked, and proceeded to wipe the blood from under his nose with his forearm. "Now, Monroe is my friend, and I don't like how you treat him. So change it, or I'm coming back for that other knee of yours." Kelly grimaced and watched Benjamin roll around in pain, before turning around to help me off of the ground. "Are you okay, Monroe?" He asked as he slowly helped me off the ground.

"I think my ribs are fractured." I informed.

"We'll have to get you to the nurse." Kelly nodded.

"But, then we'll have to explain what happened."
"Yeah, so?"
"Well, it's just that..... nevermind."
"What is it? Tell me."
"They're going to call my parents, and my parents don't care enough to help me with anything."
"So? we'll have them call my parents instead, and they can take you to the hospital."
"I don't think the nurse is going to let me go with your parents. They aren't my legal gaurdians."
"No problem. My phone's in my locker. I'll get it, call them and we'll get an early dismissal."

I looked at him and shrugged. Anything to get out of this school had been fine by me.
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