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Just, me being the hopeless romantic that I am.

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Just, me being the hopeless romantic that I am. Empty Just, me being the hopeless romantic that I am.

Post  Morgan Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:05 pm

I wrote this to the guy I like and its just to get all my emotions out. You don't have to read it, but I just, I needed to release all of my emotions.

April 15th, 1997 you were just a young little boy. Four years old with no cares in the world. So little and innocent, not knowing what the wold consisted of and what was past the comfort of you're house and yard. You didn't know how big this world was, how many people are here, and you didn't know about me.
Born at 12:43 that morning, in the dark of night I arrived to this world as a new born. Into the arms of a mother and father with two other sisters around me. I couldn't walk. I couldn't talk. I didn't know where I was and I didn't know you.
A four year age difference is crazy, you being four years older hurts.
This world isn't that big at all, once you think about it. Ww grew up in different times, in different places, but here we are now, talking every day.
We starting talking a year ago. A year ago this past week. I was at the beach and you were living with Thomas, Paul, Valerie, and their mom. You were there with your girlfriend Katie, happy and in love, trying to go somewhere in this world. Me and Thomas, we had been dating and then we were fighting and I would go to bed every night crying. You took his phone, you called me, we talked and you helped solve everything and fix everything we couldn't on our own. I got your number, added you on Facebook and we talked from then on.
One Louisa football game last year, you and Katie were there. I was texting you saying I was there too and I wanted to see you. I was so happy and nervous that you wanted to see me too. I made you look for me. I gave you a hint, 'Im wearing a white and black polka dotted Marilyn Monroe shirt.' Sure enough, you found me.
You're hair was shaved and you came over and smiled and said hello. We talked for a little while then Katie came over and glared at me taking your hand. I was jealous, instantly jealous. You and her walked away, hand in hand. I wanted that.
We stopped talking for a long time, but I didn't stop looking at your pictures on Facebook, playing back that day we met. I'd been in and out of abusive relationships that year, wanting a way out but couldn't find one. When I did get out, there was Thomas, the one guy who had hurt me the most the year before. We hadn't talked since August of last year and now here he is wanting me back. I caved in and when you saw you messaged me on Facebook and gave me your new number and I gave you mine. You texted me and I laughed so much that day. I didn't think I could ever laugh like that ever again. Since that day we have talked every single day.
And now here we are. You're 19 and will be 20 next month, I'm 15 and young, still in school. You're single,and so am I. We can't date, not now. You said you'd wait three years for me to turn 18, and Im hoping you don't find someone better in those three years.
You make me happy, you make me laugh, you are always here for me, you can make me happy when I'm down, and you keep me wanting more. You keep me wishing I was with you. You keep me wanting to see you and run into your arms and hug you so tight and never let go.
I'm willing to wait the 2 years 8 months and 16 days for you. I pinkie promise.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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