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So I was wondering...

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Should I start a Nail Polish Review Thread?

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So I was wondering... Empty So I was wondering...

Post  Morgan Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:07 am

Ive been thinking about posting finger nail polish reviews on here for anyone who is interested. I own over 50 different nail polishes and love them all and Im always getting more and more. I would post pictures of the bottle, it on my nails and I would talk about it. Id try to do one every time I change my nails and/or toenails. So!
If you're interested please say so. Comment or answer the poll.
Thank you!
If you have any recommendations on nail polishes or anything you can tell me if I start this. Juts want y'alls input.

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So I was wondering... Empty Re: So I was wondering...

Post  Fennec Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:26 am

I'm not really into nail polish. I use it like... maybe once a year lol

But hey, I'm sure everyone would love nail polish reviews. I know I'm just not into it, but everyone else might be. (:

I painted my nails when I went to the gay pride parade. Other than that... I think when I was waiting for the Hunger Games movie to come out. I counted down the days with nail polish! XD
liek hay gurl

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So I was wondering... Empty Re: So I was wondering...

Post  Morgan Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:30 am

I love nail polish! I get creative. I did equality signs on my moms nails when she went to Gay Pride. I own so much it isn't funny.
I just don't know, I want to see what everyone says before I start because I don't know what everyone likes.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
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Age : 27
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