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The Skylings ~Open To All~

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The Skylings ~Open To All~ Empty The Skylings ~Open To All~

Post  Wolves-Rule1 Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:19 am

(( I am new here, so sorry if I do anything wrong, just let me know. I came up with the roleplay in a dream, yes a dream.))

The Skylings ~Open To All~ MaleAngelThinking

Skylings are a group of human like beings, that have wings. Skylings are just like every day people, they live their lives and have families. In the year 3005 the human race was threatened. The only ones that can help have the humans are the Skylings. But how do they do this? The Skylings here voices, voices that the humans can not hear. These voices tell the Skylings to take the humans to placed were they will be safe. Yet not all the humans are worthy of living. The Skylings will pic chioce people, humans that will start the world over right.

Now for the humans, something is happening in your world, fires are striking every were animals, and humans aere dropping dead for no reason. Will you be one of the lucky humans that the Skylings take or will you die like the rest. The thing is that most humans don't know about Skylings, the Skylings don't tryn to hide themselfs it's just as iff the humans don't see them. Who knows why. The Skylings just thinks the humans don't watch like they should.

The Skylings also have something on earth that will do anything to kill them. These things are human by day, but at night they turn into a wolf like animal called a Scrunt. The Scrunts body is covered in grass like fur and it can blend into the grass laying flat. The only way a Skyleeing can get away from the Scrunt is by taking off into the trees where the Tartutics live, these monky like thing will kill a Scrunt for breaking the laws, by chasing a Skyling when it is helping a human.

You as the roleplayer can play up to five things, Skylings, humans, or Scrunts. Up to you.

Skyling Form
Hair Color and Style:
Eye Color:
Ht & Wt.:
Looks Photo:
Wing Lebgth:
Wings Photo:

Hunan Form
Hair Color and Style:
Eye Color:
Wt. Wt.
Looks Photo:
Have you gotten in trouble with the law? If so what?:

Scrunt From:
Hair Color and Style:
Eye Colour:
Ht. & Wt.: (( Scrunts as humans are very tall.))
Looks Photo:
Scrunt Looks: (( They all look the same so this is the pics)) The Skylings ~Open To All~ Scrunt4The Skylings ~Open To All~ ScruntThe Skylings ~Open To All~ Scrunt

Listen to me and the Co-owner(( Kat))
Follow the story line.
No anime photos I know it's hard to find photos of people with wings so that's why there is looks and wing looks kay?
Cussing is fine.
Use my forms I mean they have things that this roleplay needs.
No fighting in OOC.
If you talking in OOC, put OOC: Or ((text here))
Have fun.

(( The Idea of the Scrunt and the Tartutics comes from the movie Lady in the Water. So that's not mine.))


Posts : 12
Join date : 2012-08-24

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The Skylings ~Open To All~ Empty My People.

Post  Wolves-Rule1 Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:31 am

Skyling Form
Name: Alli Falls
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Alli is a very sweet person, with a heart of gold. She is one of the most kind hearted people you will wver meet. She would do anything for any one. The voices that she's heard since she was a child drive her nuts, they tell her of things that are going to happen. Alli doesn't want these things to happen. To think of humans dying by the billons, makes her sick. Alli is very good with both people and animals, animals seem to flock to her.
Hair Color and Style: Alli has long blonde hair that goes down to the small of her back. Alli has blood red tinted bangs. She keeps her hair down most of the time it falls over her sholders and covers her wings slightly.
Eye Color: Alli's eyes are a deep sea blue.
Eyes: The Skylings ~Open To All~ Blue-eyes
Ht & Wt.: 5'6" 120lbs
Looks Photo: The Skylings ~Open To All~ 1260376946349_f_large
Wing Lebgth: 13'
Wings: Alli's wings are snow white in color.
Wings Photo: The Skylings ~Open To All~ ___White_Angel_Wings____by_PinkMonk
Family: Ryan
Other: Alli has a pet pitbull names Rylee and a hawk named Seven.

Name: Ryan Falls
Nickname: Ry
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Ryan unlike his sister is shy and doesn't get along well with others. He hates the fact that he's a Skyling, the voices drive him nuts. To the point where he'll sit in a corner and rock, yes that bad. Although Ryan doesn't like people, he is a very sweet person when you get to know him. Ryan like all Skylings is good with animals.
Hair Color and Style: Ryan has some what longer black hair, that fall just before his collar bone. His bangs fall into his eyes, but are swept over to the left side most of the time. Ryan's hair is silky and shinny, the tips are died a dark purple.
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Ht & Wt.: 6'3" 175lbs
Looks Photo: The Skylings ~Open To All~ Tumblr_m2phxr9prI1ru79guo1_500
Wings: Ryan's wings are pitch black.
Wing Lebgth: 16'
Wings Photo: The Skylings ~Open To All~ MaleAngel
Family: Alli
Other: Ryan has a black rabbit with red eyes named Rockie and a black pitbull named Night Shadow.

Hunan Form
Name: Oliver Brown
Nickname: Olly
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Olly is quite shy, ut not to the point that he won't talk. Olly is an amazing person once you get to know him. He's funny and just some one people love to be around. Olly has been through alot. These things are quite hard to get out of him. He will rarely talk about his pat, but you never know.
Hair Color and Style: Olly has light brown hair that is slightly shaggy. His hair is always slightly messy, but in a really cute kind of way.
Eye Color: Light Blue
Wt. Wt.: 6' 140lbs
Looks Photo: The Skylings ~Open To All~ 26The Skylings ~Open To All~ 4430879492a5020500217l
Family: None
Have you gotten in trouble with the law? If so what?: No

Scrunt From:
Name: Alex Jane
Nickname: Al
Age: 18
Gender: male
Personality: Alex like most Scrunts is a jerk. He doesn't get alone with people. As a child is loved to kill, yes to kill. before he turned 16 he didn't have the power of the Scrunt, but he still was a killer. He would kill animals. And now he hunts Skylings by night, he finds much joy in it.
Hair Color and Style: Alex has shaggy emo cute hair that is cut in an A line. To his sholders in the back and just past his collar bone in the front. His hair is blonde and purple on the bottens. He has it in crazy spikes most of the time.
Eye Colour: Red yes red.
Eyes: The Skylings ~Open To All~ Redeye
Ht. & Wt.: 6'6" 187lbs
Looks Photo: The Skylings ~Open To All~ 27407047
Scrunt Looks: (( They all look the same so this is the pics)) The Skylings ~Open To All~ Scrunt4The Skylings ~Open To All~ ScruntThe Skylings ~Open To All~ Scrunt
Family: None

Posts : 12
Join date : 2012-08-24

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