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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Morgan Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:21 am

So I start my day with Spanish 2 and I remember nothing from spanish 1! So its like What the hell is this!? But it should get easier. I just dislike the teacher. I slept in her class last year.
Then I have drivers ed/Phys. Ed. and the teacher is really cool. He wanted to be a drivers ed teacher after his best friend was killed in a car accident. He seems pretty cool but we will see.
Then I have lunch! Its so confusing!
Basically! Lunch is split into first lunch and second. 30 minutes blocks. Monday and Tuesday if you are on the Main Floor or Top Floor you have first lunch, if you are in the field house (Spanish and P.E Classes) or basement you have second lunch. So Monday and Tuesday I have second lunch. Wednesday the whole school has an hour long lunch. Thursday and Friday if you are in the field house or basement you have first lunch, and if you are on the Main or Top floors you have second. So i have second lunch all week! It sucks!
Then after lunch I have english 10 honors and the teacher is nice but she always calls on me because she knows my mom. And its so weird.
Fourth block I have trig and I wanted to cry durning that class. We had a pretest and I looked at it and couldn't answer a single question. The teacher is also hard at hearing. She called role and gets to me and says "Hunter Martin?" and I told her I go by Morgan and she goes "Huh?" so I told her again. "What did you say?" after me repeating myself five times )I also sit right in front of her desk, front row, in her face.) she goes "Okay!" And writes it down then goes. "I don't think I will remember that so you are Hunter in this class." Like thats not my name, its not what I go by don't call me it.
I came home and cried, got yelled at by my mom, called my dad in tears and he said if classes don't get better he will talk to my guidance counselor about switching me out of Trig and into something else.

They only good thing that happened today was the guy I like (#75 in my signature) kissed me today.

But yeah, school sucks! Oh and lunch, we have to stay in the cafeteria or out side in the court yard. No where else. I had to help my friend fine the nurses office since I knew where it was and he didn't and they had the halls blocked off so we got permission to go and then we went to the nurse and I hugged Michael and then left and the teacher goes, "You two were having sex in the stair well. I need to write you up!" Like what the hell!!! I didn't do anything! She said we were 'Sneaking around' but she would 'give us a warning for this time.'
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:37 am

Having sex in the stairwell? What is that freak smoking?
liek hay gurl

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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Morgan Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:53 am

I have no clue. And Michael is cute and stuff but he dated two of my close friends and isn't my type. I haven't had sex! Ever! Im a virgin! I wouldn't have sex in those stairwells either. Its known to happen. Back stairwells are used for sex most of the time because no one uses them.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:58 am

Ehhg, yuck. I don't know where kids have sex in my school, and I don't wanna find out. Probably in the theater prop closet or the equipment closet sin the gym.
liek hay gurl

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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Taylor Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:18 am

One time in my study hall two people were like dry humping each other and making out and the security guard in charge of us did nothing it was seriously so disturbing.
alright, now keep going.

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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:21 am

My friend told me that one time during class, this kid way in the back was jacking off and the teacher didn't even notice.
liek hay gurl

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Age : 26
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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Morgan Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:24 am

I've had a girl give a guy a hand job and blow job in class before. No one caught them. It was nasty.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby! Empty Re: First Shitty Ass day of Sophomore Year baby!

Post  Taylor Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:36 am

Actually this dude I know said a girl was giving him a handjob in class but I don't believe him because he's really ugly and kind of chunky, also a huge douchebag. I don't know any girl who would do that unless he paid her. A lot.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
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