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s'been a while

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s'been a while  Empty s'been a while

Post  Jenna Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:45 am

I'm so busy and so tired all the time, and I'm sorry. I constantly have after school stuff for Drill and I'm constantly spending all of my time sleeping for just doing stuff for different things in school.
I barely have any time to breath, much less come on here.

Updates on my life:
I love Drill and the people in Drill more than words can explain; they're my family.
I have a hopeless crush on this guy who lives down the street from me and is the Operations Officer in Drill.
I have a least 20 bruises on my arms from the rifle.
I can do 50 sit-ups in two minutes now, on a good day.
I've got my right hand spin down and have issues with my left hand spin.
I have A's in all of my classes excep for Biology, which I have a 71 (C) in, but EVERYBODY in there has at most a C because the teacher sucks.
I spend all of my free time sleeping and washing my PT gear.
I talk to absolutely no one.
And I'm pretty happy most of the time.

How have all of you been?
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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s'been a while  Empty Re: s'been a while

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:48 am

I have been doing fine other than having a F in trigonometry. But I suck at math anyway so its not a shock. Since thursday Ive refused to talk to anyone in person. The only person I talked to yesterday was Lizzi in roleplaying on here, and Taylor yesterday because I texted her. Thursday was shitty, and just when everything in my life started to get okay everything was taken away from me. Ive slipped into a horrible depression and yeah, basically all I do is my trig homework, and sleep...exciting...
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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Post  Fennec Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:59 am

Yeah,only person I've really roleplayed with the past two weeks or so is Morgan. Not that I don't love you, sweetie, cuz I do. :3

I wish people didn't have lives. I'm so bored. And I'm probably not going to retreat for orchestra cause we're poor as shit.
liek hay gurl

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Age : 26
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s'been a while  Empty Re: s'been a while

Post  Taylor Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:44 am

I miss you Jenna :c
But I've been really fucking bad. If you have time maybe I'll rant to you on facebook (send me a message sometime when you've got time?)
But I'm glad you're doing well. If you need help in biology HMU IT WAS MY FAVORITE CLASS LAST YEAR.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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