Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Fennec Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:23 pm

Yeah. You probably did not understand the title. But this is about my character Sam whenever I roleplay. It should be obvious that he almost always has an Irish accent. I try super hard to make that stand out with him, but no one aknowledges it! Rawr!!!!

This is a stupid subject to make a thread for, but, hey. I wanted everyone to know that you should at least say SOMETHING about his accent if I give him one when we roleplay. Cause, you know... Irish accents are fucking hawt.
liek hay gurl

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Jenna Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:35 pm

Irish accents are great.
And okay, I promise I will always be like,"Omg Sam your accent is so so so so so so hawt," whenever we finally roleplays again.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Fennec Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:43 pm

Oh my beiber! DX (Why did I say that?)

Can we roleplay sometime like now? :D
liek hay gurl

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Jenna Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:00 pm

If you have a plot, can handle my slow updates (I'm always busy as hell), and let me no have pictures in my profiles (or probably just no profiles l o l), then yes, we can.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 25

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Fennec Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:40 pm

And I have one where your guy can be a bitchy, abusive man whore. Smile
liek hay gurl

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Jenna Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:24 am

Sweet! Sign me up!
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Fennec Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:44 am

Okay, here's the plot.

Girl: Your parents have been killed by wolves. Boo hoo. You're traumatized, pissed at life, yaddah ya. You get shipped off to live with some relatives in a town so small and remote that it isn't even on any maps. It's completely surrounded by a dense forest that you get warned— repeatedly— not to set foot inside, and especially never at night. So what do you do? Of course. You go into the woods. At night. And, oh the irony, you get kidnapped by a nearly uncontrollable and horny werewolf man. Yay.

Guy: You are a werewolf. Whoopee. You and your pack live in the forest around the town. You have a treaty with the humans: They leave you alone and you leave them alone. But if a human enters the woods, invited or not, they stay. Forever. One day a new girl in town enters the woods an dyou claim her before your friends. And you get to decide what to do with her. >:D
liek hay gurl

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Jenna Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:18 am

Okay! Well, we can either make a thread or do it in PMs. It doesn't matter to me.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 25

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Fennec Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:37 am

Thread. And because I gave you the opportunity to make a man-whore, I suggest you create the thread. :3
liek hay gurl

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

Post  Jenna Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:28 am

Okay, but don't expect me to have pictures in my profile. :-)
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 25

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Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!) Empty Re: Ahkay. Sah... This is haw is gaws. (I swear to god if no one replies or looks at this...!)

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