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I Dont Have A Title For This

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I Dont Have A Title For This Empty I Dont Have A Title For This

Post  Morgan Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:19 am

Basically in both my english class and my creative writing class we have started our poetry section and I'm super excited. I love poetry, it comes really natural to me. In my creative writing class we did a project on poetry. We had to create at least a 20 line poem using magazine cut outs as the words and the background of the poster. I think mine turned out pretty good.
So this is basically all of the poems I'll be writing in those classes, plus one that I'm doing in journalism.

This is the poster, sorry for how it is facing:
I Dont Have A Title For This Screen10
It says

Beauty is a state of mind
No more pain it stops now
Your past emptied before you 
What's an important part of you
All that you are natural brilliant things
Believe yourself angel
You're true masked beauty
Be real be gentle be smart
meet the warrior you are
From minds and hearts I find lucky love 
We're all skin it is surprisingly simple
Ask who knew? Just me?
Who wants a answer for the crisis
Dear you can disguise stress but
You never conquered power around it
Return of the tough beauties we've seen
You can love the only you
Your style your own road
Hello, it's here!
Simplify life love yourself
You're perfect
Then we also had to write a poem using the form "I used to be... but now I'm...". I ended up writing two like this. 

I used to be depression, 
But now I'm hope.
I used to be chained down,
But now I fly high
     with wings of pure white.
I used to let words cut deep,
But now I don't let them.
I used to be weak,
But now I'm strong.
I used to be "You're a failure,
You'll never be anything."
But now I'm "I'll prove them wrong."
I used to shy away,
But now I stand tall.
I sed to be go with the flow,
But now I'm determined to change the world
I used to be characterize by words,
But now I define myself.
I used to be bruises and cuts,
But now I'm skin and soft scars.
I used to be an eating disorder,
But now I'm recovery.
I used to be a victim, 
But now I'm a survivor.
Today our format was "I wish..." I wrote two but I turned one in and forgot to take a picture of it.

I wish I could belong
I wish I fit in
I wish I didn't stand out in a crowd
I wish the stares from eyeless halls would stop
I wish I couldn't hear the whispers behind covered lips
I wish people understood, I'm not broken
I wish people noticed I'm human too
I wish the hidden tears and fake smile were obvious to you
I wish they didn't laugh at me when they know I'm crumbling
I wish they knew "I'm fine," is always a lie
Above all I wish they understood us
I wish they see how happy we are together
I wish they saw how you make me forget
         Everything I've written above
I wish they could find happiness
         Just like the happiness I found in you.

-Dedicated to Trevon
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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I Dont Have A Title For This Empty Re: I Dont Have A Title For This

Post  Taylor Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:37 am

the first picture you posted reminded me of something I did last year for literacy club! We basically had print outs of a few short stories and had to make a poem from them- no length requirements though.

I Dont Have A Title For This 11j1zqw

But you're really good at poetry! I wish it came easier to me.
alright, now keep going.

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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
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I Dont Have A Title For This Empty Re: I Dont Have A Title For This

Post  Morgan Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:41 am

We had to do an I Am From poem so here is mine

Where I'm From 

I am from sewing machines,
From Brother and Singer.
I am from the old green, chipped painted porch
That is now a deep red and new.
I am from the yellow Azalea bush that grabbed my attention
And the purple Irises I swear smell like grapes.

I am from fifteen people in a house on Christmas
And from finding silence in the loudest moments.
I am from Hunter and Carole.
I am from impatience and curiosity at its finest.
From keep your head held high, and
Brush off the dust and keep going.
I am from 1 Corinthians 13 
And knowing it all by heart.

I am from Virginia, though my blood still pumps through Italy.
From sweet tea and mac'n'cheese.
From she sliced her foot, stopped, looked at it,
And then kept going.

I am from bare fridges and a lack of family albums.
From scattered images through an old house, hidden, crumpled.
I am from two frames hanging on the wall,
To the hidden book beneath my bed,
Protecting images I once belonged in and now
Seem to be blocked out of.

Also, this is a poem I did about Domestic Violence. I wrote a whole speech kinda thing to go along with it that I can attach due to the fact that I was doing it for my Journalism class. Im not sure if many of you guys know my whole story but I am a victim of domestic violence.

Through the years
I've done my share
Of sobbing and releasing tears
But who cares?
All my scars due to a blade
Basically a result of a man, a boy
I had no help, no aid
And to him I was just a toy
Three years of my life,
All down the drain
All the bruises, his words, his actions
All resulted in my pain.
I can still hear him say
"You're worthless, just go ahead and die."
I always questioned if I should stay
Or leave this cruel world.
But I got stronger, I wanted to win this fight.
And I guess in the end,
It worked out alright.

~Morgan Martin
A survivor of domestic violence
Oct. 7th, 2013
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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