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This bitch is ours now

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This bitch is ours now Empty This bitch is ours now

Post  o Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:12 am

Morgan Page, 24.
He makes jokes to mask anything real, and tries to break the tension with more jokes. It doesn't always work out for him.
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Cian Sung, 23.
Confident, likes to sleep around. Horrible commitment issues.
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Nikola Sarantos, 22.
He is an angry boy. We'll find out why later when I think of it
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Emile Moreau, 29.
He is fairly quiet, and it can be a struggle to get anything out of him. Tries to keep Noelle out of trouble, always ends up in trouble with her.
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Noelle Moreau, 23.
Elle or Ellie by friends.
She appears shy and sweet, but is actually very blunt. Because of this, she tends to not to get along with most girls, but she still tries.
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  dohegotthebooty Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:52 am

Dorian Black, 22.
You either party hard with him or you're getting left in the dust u cluck.
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Cleo Santana, 23
She's a sweet girl, mainly lost in her own world. More upbeat than most. She'd give you the shirt off her own back and give it to you if need be.
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Gage Miller, 25
idk he looks like he does illegal stuff. guess we'll figure it out later.
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Maxis Wyler, 22
He's real friendly. Not one to judge anyone on anything. A friend to everyone, including Cleo. Those two have been partners in crime since the two could even walk
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Jhonnie Simons, 24
Not really sure but he look mean
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Post  o Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:20 am

((Imma say it's like 6 pm? So maybe they can go out later))

Morgan sat on the bathroom floor, Noelle behind him on the edge of the toilet. The two shared this apartment, meeting each other through a friend who knew the two had needed a roommate. Since then, the two were best of friends, clicking instantly. Morgan scanned the wall, enjoying the sensation of her running her hands through his hair with the pink dye. "Hey, Elle? Do you think that, if I were into chicks, you'd date me?" He inquired, blankly, mostly trying to fill the silence with something interesting.
"Hm... Probably not." She stated matter-of-factly.
"Wait, what? I'm hurt. C'mon, I'm a catch." He whined back.
"Oh shut up, you don't even like girls."
"You don't know that." He muttered.
Noelle rolled her eyes, because the both of them knew that fact very well.

Nikola laid in the park, sprawled out across the grass and admiring the sky as the sun got closer to the horizon. His cheek throbbed, still raw from a fight he had gotten into with his brother earlier that day. The two never got along, never have and never will. Nikola seemed to attract fights, and a split lip was not an unfamiliar look on him. He let out a sigh and decided to rest his eyes for a moment.

Cian was getting ready to go out for the night. It was Saturday night, and he was ready to fucking party.
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  dohegotthebooty Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:01 am

"Are you sure it's not on backward?" Maxis watched Cleo from the bed as she stood in front of the mirror fixing her shirt. "It looks backward."

Cleo ignored Maxis, continuing to glare herself down in the mirror. Who cared if the shirt was on backward or not? That was beside the point. "I'm cute, right?" She peered over her shoulder at her friend who'd been lost in the vastness that was his phone. She sighed, and rolled her eyes, mumbling, "Good talk" under her breath. Even though he was her best friend, he wasn't really the best at communication all the time.

"Now, are you sure you don't want to come out with me tonight?" Dorian looked up at Jhonnie who was already shaking his head. It seemed he already knew what Dorian was going to ask "What? Why not? Noelle won't let you, huh?"'

"You know it's not because of Noelle." Jhonnie scoffed, taking slight offense to Dorian's comment. "It's just I'm not trying to have a repeat of the last time i partied with you." Jhonnie was still having war flashbacks 'til this very day.

idk what to have gage do yet

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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  o Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:30 am

"Alright, now you just have to wait." Noelle stated, moving from the toilet to her bedroom after tossing out the gloves she was wearing. She checked her phone to see if she had any messages, and glanced up as Morgan shouted at her.
"Let's do something fun tonight!" Morgan had called from the bathroom, following her a few minutes later. He had been busy admiring the dye in his hair. It was the first time in a while he had been anything other than just blond.
"Like what?" Noelle asked, sitting on her bed.
"Something fun?"

Emile's hands shook as he held the lighter to the end of his cigarette. He stood on a street corner, not completely sure how he had gotten here. He moved all this way from his hometown to be with his girlfriend, only to walk in on her fucking another guy. All he grabbed was a jacket before walking out. Now he was in an unfamiliar town, alone, not sure where to go next. He knew Noelle lived close by, but every fiber of his being told him not to call her. She was his little sister, he was suppose to take care of her. "Fuck," He muttered, struggling to light it.

Cian had finished getting himself ready, before heading over to a friend's house where a few acquaintances were getting ready to go out together.

Nikola bein a punk in the park
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  dohegotthebooty Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:19 pm

"Huh?" Maxis eventually looked up, swearing he heard Cleo speak. "Did you say something?"
"I asked if I was cute, you ass." Cleo sighed, and sat at the foot of her bed beside Maxis. "Like, I'm attractive right?"
Maxis was baffled by the sudden question, but sat up and threw an arm over her shoulder. "Of course, you are! Why would you even ask that?"
Cleo stared down at her hands, figuring Maxis had to be right since he wouldn't dare lie to those close to him. "Just curious is all." She lied. The poor girl was having a hard time figuring out why she'd been single for as long as she has.

"Alright, how do I look?" Dorian brushed himself off and struck a pose after. "Good, right?"

"You look like you'd fuck anything walking." Jhonnie teased. "I'm glad I've got Noelle to keep me at bay, because back when we partied when I was single, there was no stopping me."
Dorian began laughing long before Jhonnie finished speaking. "Now, look at you. Stuck with some goth girl that owns 20 different shades of black clothing, and probably sacrificed her hamster back in seventh grade." He shrugged, acting unbothered. "If that's what you're into, by all means. Skip the party with your best friend to be with your girl. I don't care."
Jhonnie sighed heavily, almost knowing this bit, word for word. Dorian was never the type to bite his tongue when it came to things he felt strongly about. So, it was expected of Dorian for him to go on about his close friend's love life.

still dk what to do with gage. he eatin flowers rn
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  o Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:32 pm

"There's this club downtown. We should go tonight!" Morgan blurted out after the two had sat thinking in silence for a few minutes. He glanced over at her, checking her phone again. "You can bring Jhonnie, of course." He smiled, knowing how serious she was for him. She never came off as someone who took relationships too seriously, except with Jhonnie. He was different, and he could tell by the way she talked about him.
"Hm... I'll see if he's interested. He might have plans with Dorian." Noelle replied, letting out a small sigh.
"He can join us!"
"Are you kidding me? That kid hates me." Noelle frowned, clearly bothered. Dorian was Jhonnie's best friend and she tried her best to get along with him, but it felt like talking to a wall sometimes. He didn't care about anything she had to say.

Emile checked for his phone, only to find that it was dead. Naturally. He walked in the only familiar direction he knew, trying to find his long time friend, Gage. The two had gotten out of touch in the last few months but every time they spoke it was like nothing had changed. He managed to find his way to his place, and hesitantly knocked on the door. He quickly fixed himself, trying his best not to look like a puppy that just got kicked by his owner.

Cian and his friends, if you could call them that, were close to finishing up their pregaming. He made his way to a mirror, and admired himself. He wasn't planning on going home alone tonight, which wasn't too hard for him to manage. Back into the living room where everyone sat, talking loudly, he noticed some bashed up kid had joined them. He eyed him as he spoke to the host. The kid didn't look like he was one to party, so what the hell was he doing here?
"Dude, you're in my seat." Cian spoke, probably a little bit overly annoyed, thanks to the alcohol. He gritted his teeth as the kid ignored him. "Seriously, are you fuckin' deaf?"
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  dohegotthebooty Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:42 pm

omg who tf is on here for our thread to have 45 views LMAOOO WAT
Though it was late in the day, Gage was only just now climbing out of bed. He was unaware it was so late. Clueless as to how he managed to sleep that long, uninterrupted. He averted his attention to his room door, staring down the hallway that was lit only by the little bit of light the sun still provided. "Who could that be?" Aside from the few friends he had, which were off doing lord knows what, no one really ever visited him in his humdrum apartment. Deciding not to ponder any longer, Gage figured the only way to figure out who was at the door, was to go and see who it was. "Oh, it's you." Gage looked down at himself, realizing he was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. No shirt. "You shoulda called ahead, man. I would've gotten sexy for you." He joked, stepping aside for his good friend Emile to step inside.

"So, I'm gonna ask you one more time. You sure you don't wanna do?" Dorian asked Jhonnie once more. "I'm sure the ladies miss the infamous J-Honnie. On second thought, I'm sure the guys do too."
"Well, shit. I don't miss any of them. But, how about this? I'll go out with you, but I want Elle to come too."
"Great. I'm bored already and she isn't even here yet." Dorian scoffed. "What do you see in her anyways? You could have any guy or girl you want, but you chose an edgy tumblr princess instead. I don't get you. But, whatever. If you want to bring her, whatever."
"Good, i'll see what she's doing." Jhonnie knew Dorian didn't like Noelle, but he wouldn't feel right if he went clubbing without her.

not really sure what to do with cleo and maxis rn

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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  o Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:45 pm

prolly me cause this website keeps fuckin logging me out LMAO
Emile gave him a half-hearted smile, then shrugged. "My phones dead." He stated, making his way past him and into the apartment. He glanced around, the place being fairly familiar to him, with a few changes. He pulled his jacket off as he sat on the couch. "I was just in the neighborhood and I-I-" He stopped, and put his head in his hands. Most days, if something was bothering him, he held it in. Emile had never really been a talker, especially when it came to serious things. "I walked in on Marley with another guy two hours ago. I freaked out and I, I just left."

Noelle smiled at her phone when she got the message from Jhonnie. "They're going out tonight and want me to join. Hurry up, let's get ready!" She bounced off the bed and towards her closet, starting to go through her almost entirely black closet.

"Now we're talking!" Morgan grinned, and left her to sort through her clothes. After cleaning the dye out of his hair, he started the long process of styling his hair. If it wasn't perfect, Morgan wasn't happy. Plus, who knows who he would meet tonight?

Cian felt the anger rising as he was simply given a glare from the kid as a reply. "Unless you want more bruises on that pretty face of yours, I'd get moving." He spat.
Nikola raised his brows and stood up, after failing to hold himself back. He stood a few inches taller than Cian, staring him down. "Really? You wanna see what I can fuckin' do?"
After a short silence, Cian scoffed and shook his head, before pushing Nikola hard enough to make him stumble a bit. Before Nikola could even raise his fist to punch the kid across his jaw, the host, and his cousin, stepped in. He pulled Nikola away from Cian. "Nikki, enough." In response, Nikki ripped his arm from his cousin's grasp and moved over to the otherside of the room. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the wall, steaming.
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  dohegotthebooty Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:20 pm


As Gage was closing the door after Emile, he listened to his friend. Now, sure Gage appeared the type to now really care much about a lot of things, but when it came to Emile, he would be out for blood. He didn't care what the circumstances were. Even if he was well aware that Emile was an adult and could handle his own problems. But, that was how he was. "Are you forreal?" Gage joined his friend on the couch and sighed heavily. "I could set her place on fire while she's in it if you want." He suggested, hoping Emile would crack some sort of smile.

"What the hell are you smiling at?" Dorian stepped out the bathroom after primping himself for the final time, to see Jhonnie staring down at his phone. "I only smile like that when I'm getting some, are you about to get some?"
Jhonnie's smile quickly vanished, and he looked up at Dorian who'd already been looking at him. "Uh, no. Ellen said she's coming with Morgan, so play nice."
"Honestly, I'm planning on getting some drunk that I don't remember who you or your goth squad is." He shrugged and sat at the edge of his bed, across from Jhonnie who'd been sitting in a computer chair, half-spinning in it.
"Well good. Wouldn't want you harassing either of them." He laughed and stood to his feet. Lemme just run across the hall to get a change of clothes." It was pretty convenient that lived in the same complex as Dorian, but it was definitely bittersweet.

still thinking for cleo and maxis
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  o Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:52 pm

Emile did crack a smile, though it only lasted for a short while. "Thanks, but I don't really think murdering anyone will solve anything, as fun as it sounds." He leaned back on the couch, relaxing a bit. He was glad to be in the company of someone that cared for him like Gage did. "I don't know man, I just kinda wanna go get trashed. You wanna join me?" He asked, glancing over at his friend. Sure, it probably wasn't the most healthy option but he just wanted to forget, even for a little while.

Noelle and Morgan soon began their walk towards Jhonnie and Dorian's apartment complex. "Stop, you look fine." Noelle said, slapping his hand that continuously messed with his hair.
"How do you know? You said you wouldn't date me," Morgan whined at her.
"Oh shut up, I never said you weren't hot." Noelle replied, causing Morgan to smile. She stopped outside of Jhonnie's apartment, feeling a little giddy, as she always did when she was about to see him. She knocked on his door, and glanced over at Morgan. "Stop. Messing. With. It."

Once it was finally an acceptable time, the group all left the small house and towards the subway to get deeper into the city. Cian joked and laughed with his friends, avoiding looking over at Nikola, because he knew he'd want to punch the kid as soon as he saw his stupid face.
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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  dohegotthebooty Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:42 pm

so sorry it took a fortnight to reply ;-;

Jhonnie stood in front of his full-body mirror, making sure his outfit was color coordinated when he heard a knock at his door. He figured it was most likely and impatient Dorian getting a bit too antsy for his liking, but to his surprise, it was Noelle and Morgan. "Hey, gorgeous." Jhonnie gave an endearing smile once he opened the door, giving Noelle a quick peck on her forehead. "I'm really diggin' the hair, Morgan. It's a good look on you." He checked his pockets, making sure he had the keys to his apartment. "We can just head over to Dorian's, I'm sure he's way past ready."

Gage shrugged at the thought. "Shit, why not? I don't have much to do tomorrow." Aside from whatever illicit activities he partook in, Gage didn't do much. In all honesty, not many people really knew what Gage even did for a living. But, whatever it was, it kept a roof over his head and clothes on his back. "And if you want, you can sleep over. Just in case you don't want to be alone, yknow?" He stood to his feet and disappeared down the hall and into his room, which was cluttered with clothes. He sorted through the clean clothes that were taking up half the bed. "I don't have to look snazzy do I?" He shouted to Emile from down the hall. "I mean, I also don't want people lookin' at me like I'm a crackhead."

"So, I heard it's going to be poppin' at the club tonight." Maxis finally looked up from his phone to see Cleo on hers, scrolling through one of many timelines.
"Yeah, I saw a couple friends post that they're going tonight on facebook. I think I wanna go. You?"
"Yes, babygirl, you know I'm down! Maybe we can find you a man while we're there." He appeared to be joking, but Cleo felt that he wasn't.
It had been a while since she'd been in a relationship, but she wasn't in a rush to hop into a new one, at least not yet. "Max, the last place I want to find a boyfriend, is at a club." She laughed at the thought but sighed shortly thereafter. Of course, she felt she wasn't ready for another relationship, but she also wasn't happy being alone. And it wasn't often that she was verbal about this, but some days she did wish she had a guy around that wasn't Maxis. "Well, I guess I'll start getting ready." Cleo shrugged.

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This bitch is ours now Empty Re: This bitch is ours now

Post  o Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:25 am

Morgan grinned at Jhonnie's comment on his hair and ran his hand through his newly dyed hair. "So what you're saying is... Noelle has some competition?" He winked at him, laughing as Noelle playfully elbowed him. Morgan walked into Dorian's apartment and made himself comfortable on the couch.
Noelle wrapped her arms around one of Jhonnie's, leaning on him. "How are you doing, baby?" She asked, smiling up at him.

Emile watched as Gage walked away, letting out a sigh. "Shit, you always look good. You could get anyone you want, no matter what the hell you wear." He shook his head, standing up and walking into the bathroom, checking to make sure he looked at least slightly put together.

nik and cian r on way to clubbo

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