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Anime City.

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Anime City. Empty Anime City.

Post  Elaina Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:29 am

Name: Narda 'Darna' Villareal
Age: Fourteen, born September First. [1996]
Race: Super Human / Human
Previous History: Narda was very precious to her mother, yet her mother's best friend got very jealous of Narda, since
her daughter was very sick and had cancer first thing she was born. At night, she kidnapped her and dropped her by
a cliff. A necklace (which is a white stone) wrapped around around Narda's neck brought her safe down, though she thought Narda died. A man picked her up and and raised her untill she was ten, then he passed away. She was
passed back on to an orphanage, where she grew up for six years, she happens to be a worker there, too.
Biography: For fifteen years, Narda never let go of the stone. It was always wrapped around her neck. By the age thirteen, she realized she was the superhero Darna. Everytime she swallowed the stone and yelled 'Darna,' she turned into
the superhero. To keep her disguise, she once fell down into a store and she is now on one crutch.
Personality: She's nothing really interesting, really. She won't spark your interest and she can be boring. She's very
serious most of the time and rarely has any fun. Her best friend is an eleven-year-old boy named Ding, whom he is the only one who knows about her Darna secret.
Anime City. Taiga-10

Name: Carding 'Ding' Chea
Age: Eleven, born May Nineteen. [1999]
Race: Human, one fourth Vampire.
Previous History: 'Ding' has nothing interesting in his history, really. His mom and dad always fought, so one day
he ran away from home. The only thing he brought with him was his dear dog named Juju, in which has died
when a monster invaded his area and ate up Juju. He cried and never spoke to anyone that day. Once the
monster came to attack him, but then Darna saved him. He now lives in an orphanage with Narda.
Biography: He has some special skills and can really keep you laughing. He can fight, well not really fight, but
he always carries a flingshot around him wherever he went. He dislikes most burglars and wants to save the world one
day. His best friend is Narda and whom he knows her Darna secret. He's always traveling around the village either with friends, Narda, or by himself. He doesn't believe in germs.
Personality: He's really shy at first, especially when talking to girls. He agrees with everything, and he's very caring.
He rarely cries most of the time and has alot of friends then usual. He makes anyone laugh easily, especially Narda, even though she's always serious. He's a very smiling person, and he wants to be a good role model.
Anime City. 11867210

Name: Pancho Lenny Damdy
Age: Seventeen, born Febuary Second [1993]
Race: Human
Past History: His father threatended him and his sister to sell drugs in the streets when they were only ten. He
gave them bags and they would sell illeagal drugs. His father was taken down after abusing him, and was locked
up in a mental hospital. There, his father killed his docter and escaped. He killed Pancho's sister but finally, his father's
head was cut off. There, no one dealed with Pancho anymore. He felt lost and alone. Although he was free, he fell asleep in the street and someone picked him up, and raised him for quite a long time.
Biography: The woman who raised him married a man who was a police. He admired his dad so much his dad has taught
him the ways of being a chief. He was raised knowing how to handle guns, illeagal situations, and such. After his mother gave birth to a new baby, his father's last words that he needed to raise himself now. And then he did. He trained every night and day and is now a chief in a village.
Personality: He's a good joker, and he's well-armed. He roams around the streets most of the time in his police
car. He rarely handles most situations, regular cops to that for him. He's very loving, and he has some sort of charm that will make you fall for him. It works most of the time. Although, he is very scared, if you try to scare him there is a chance you will suceed nintey-nine percent. His childhood friend is Narda, and he hangs around the orphanage most of the time.
Anime City. Male_n10
These characters are based of a comic.
All props given to the comic writer.

Last edited by ElainaNarda on Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 63
Join date : 2010-09-18
Age : 28

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Ladycici Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:18 am

Hendrix and Imily

Age;19 going on 31
Previous History; Hendrix story is short and simple. He was born he grew up and Imily picked him. He doesnt age he doesnt grow old. The day Imily picked him was the day he stopped aging. He grew stronger as she grew older. Then on her 12th bithday it was hell to pay for whoever crossed his path. He was chained as he watched her be killed. Of coruse he killed her father once he got free. Why she was killed? Because she was the only female tamer to surpass all her male peers.
Biography;Hendrix is still with Imily and is constantly caring for her. To most people she is his master and that's how it is. Hendrix could care less what everyone thinks about him he only worries about Imily.
Personality;Hendrix is very scarcastic. He doesnt care much for anyone aside from Imily. He's noramml very quite and makes lots of snide comments. He can come off as rude

Anime City. 952_stream

Age:forever in a day 17
Race;Demon Tamer
Previous History; A demon tamer is a person who is control of a demon. Imily comes from a long and rich blood line of demon tamers. She is the only female demon tamer aside from her mom who was killed by her father.She picked Hendrix personally when she was five forever bonding them toghter with a tattoo that grows as she does.From the day she was born she was destined to die young. Her father never once let her slip up when she truned 12 in essence she was killed but there was just enough life in her to live. Hendrix killed her father for hurting Imily.
Biography;Imily now doesnt miss her father at all. She very happy that he's dead, but she has the constant threat of her clan killing her over head. He tattoo9which is on her left hand) has blossmed in to a diamond with sword going through each side and lines at the corners of it. on the other side of her hand is a white rose dripping with blood the mark of her clan.
Personality;Imily is normally a sweet girl. She loves shiny things. She perfectly human and tends to get hurt often. You'll find she gets in a lot of situations where she could end up dead.
man, you're doing good.

Posts : 967
Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 31
Location : BIG bad TEXAS

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Elaina Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:03 pm

Sorry I got off I was at the airport. We can start when you get back on or maybe tomorow. (: Ahaha you didn't have to make yours look like mine but it's okay.

Posts : 63
Join date : 2010-09-18
Age : 28

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Ladycici Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:54 pm

Okay we'll once your on we can start lol. Oh and I didnt mind all the typing I kind of need some base charaters I can go by instead of having to come up with a new profile to match a plot ^^. I think I'll add two more people.
man, you're doing good.

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Location : BIG bad TEXAS

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Elaina Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:57 pm


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Age : 28

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Ladycici Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:58 pm

So whats the setting?
man, you're doing good.

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Elaina Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:05 am

Setting is like the day is in night. I'm not starting. I'm horrible.

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Age : 28

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  Ladycici Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:34 am

Nanet looked over her shoulder and continued to run. She tripped from a ditch in the road. She scramlbled trying to get away from Keane.
"Keane dont this!!" Nanet yeled raising her hand over her face as he brought down his dagger on to her arm. Nanet screamed.
"You deserve this." He said pulling her to her feet and putting the knife to her throat. "You deserve this." He screamed at her. Nanet had tears following down her face.

Hendrix appered behind Keane and Nanet. He grabbed the knife and tore Kenae away from Nanet.
"Stay Away from her." Hendrix said pushing him into the tree and the trunk broke. The wrapping on his hand started to unravel and revealed his claw."Next time I'll kill you." He said gritting his teeth. He wrapped his arm around Nanet's waist and took off landing on a rooftop. "You idiot." He said setting her on the floor
man, you're doing good.

Posts : 967
Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 31
Location : BIG bad TEXAS

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Anime City. Empty Re: Anime City.

Post  zerofz1 Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:06 am

Zero Shadowcrest
species-Shadow,Edel Raid
He is skilled at both magic and swords, is light, dark,and fire, He can also use water lightining, ground,wind and ice but doesn't use them that often. Can transform into various forms.He has the spirit of fire in light in him in the form of a phoenix and the spirit of ice/water and dark in him in the form of a wolf.
Anime City. Boy
Anime City. Phoenix-1
Shadow form
Anime City. Blackknight-3

A baby dragon that is hyper and energitic. He can has every element power.
Anime City. Anime_baby_drag

bio-She is hyper, adverntures and loves candy. She can put you in a trance, fly a little, and tell the future sometimes and likes to make bets with her sister. She has a pair of pink angle wings. Both sides are after her so that they can destroy the other. If they catch her they plan on brainwashing her and sending her on dangerious missions.
pic;(but with knee long hair)
Anime City. Kid1-2
Anime City. Picture008
Anime City. Anime_girl_fav723a

15-years old
Anime City. Kara
Anime City. 3755b847
Anime City. Anime1
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 846
Join date : 2010-09-11

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