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Naruto the next generation

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Naruto the next generation Empty Naruto the next generation

Post  obsessedwithWolvesgirl93 Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:26 am

Kairi Uchiha
Rank: chunin
father is Itachi mother is unknown
bio: After sasuke killed her father he adopted kairi he thought it was sort of his duty to his brother. Kairi hates her uncle with every fiber of her being and it's her dream to reform the akatsuki clan and kill him but for now she is content with becoming a stronger ninja. Kairi may be quiet but she is one powerful fighter she hates it when people get in her way and won’t hesitate to hurt you if you do get in her way even if you are her teammate
Naruto the next generation SakuyaUchiha


Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-10-11

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Naruto the next generation Empty Re: Naruto the next generation

Post  Dragoono Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:23 am

normal family,
bio: i come from a secret village. Village hidden by the dragons. not much is know about my village. and there are a few of my people who run off and live else where in the world, so there are seprate villages' all over. i moved to konoha becuase i want to become a johnin, and i want to work from the worlds greatist hokage. i have a specail blood trait. my keciginkia(?) is that my jutsu always has a dragonish flare, my eyes turn to slits, and i grow claws, nothing like the kyubis claws, mine grow my bones, and i somtings get scarles when i fight.

Naruto the next generation Untitled-1
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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