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My Love and More.

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My Love and More.  Empty My Love and More.

Post  Kobe. Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:50 am

Chapter One.

I've got this feeling that She'll never be mine. No matter how hard I try, she'll never consider me more than I already am. I'm stuck in the friend zone.
For years now, my best friend Chasity had been in this relationship, with this guy that I despise with all my might. He gives me a bad feeling. A bad feeling that I can't shake.

"Francis!" Chasity yelled when I answered my phone. "Yes Chasity?" I said as I sat up on the couch. "It's snowing! look out your window." She giggled. I stood up from the couch and walked over to the window right next to the front door. Snowflakes filled the view. Dancing in the sky and being blown to the ground. "I see it, Chas, It's beautiful." Just like the person that was on the other line. "Oh, Fran, I've got to go. Freddie's home." Chasity nodded. I could hear the voice in the background, and it was definately Freddie, the bastard that stole my friend away from me. "Okay, I'll talk to you later Chas." I wanted to stay on the phone with her, No I wanted to see her. Now. As I hung up the phone, I noticed that Freddie sounded pissed off about something, but when wasn't he mad?

Chasity texted me a few hours after we talked on the phone. Come and Find me, the text read. I smiled and sighed. Tell me where you are, So I can find you. I replied. She told me she was at the park. I smiled and remembered how we always used to go to the park. I slipped on my jacket and my shoes and walked out of the door. Once I made it to the park I seen her sitting on the bench, no jacket on at all. "Hey Chasity, aren't you cold?" I asked. "No, I'm fine, honestly." Chasity smiled. "You sure?" I asked. "Positive." Well then she must me positive then. "Why aren't you with Freddie?" I asked. "Well..." She choked on her words. "Well what?" I look down at her. "Well he hit me." Chasity looked down. "Wait, he hit you?" I looked her dead in the eyes. Right now, I was so close to leaving her and finding that bastard. He put his hands on her and I don't appreciate that. "Yes." She whispered. "When did this all start?" I asked. "Last year." She looked away from me. "Why didn't you tell me Chas, I could have stopped it." I sighed. "Because I love him, and he loves me." Chasity wiped the tears from her face. "Well that's a lovely way for him to express his love for you."

"You wouldn't know, you don't even have a girlfriend." Chasity looked up at me. That's because I've been wainting to spend my life with you, I thought. "Chas, this guy is no good, please listen to me." I put my hands on her shoulder. "I love you too much to watch you do this to yourself." I nodded. "What? Make a decision?" She was clearly not even listening. "Chas, I love you." I sounded as if I were pleading, and I was. "Francis please, I've got to get back home." She tore away from me. "Freddie is waiting." I rubbed my fingers along my forehead and sigh. "So he can beat on you again?!" I asked. I embrace her in a hug and I look down at her. "Please." I say as she pushes away from me. "I've got to go." And with that being said, she left.

"Damn it, she's gonna find out the hard way, I swear." I had it, I was sick of Freddie from the first sight of him. "He's got to go. Now." And I knew how to get rid of him. I walked to Chasity's house and knocked on the door. Guess who answered the door? Fantastic Mister Freddie. "What do you want?" He asked. "Chasity." I replied. "Why?" Freddie looked me up and down. "I mean she is my friend, why else would I want her?" He shrugged. "She can't see you right now." Freddie attempted to shut the door but I slapped my had on the door preventing that from happening. "Why, did I interrupt you in the process of beating her? What did she do this time?" I asked. "Shut your face, What happens in this house is none of your business." And that was the wrong answer. "Well Chasity is my friend, so technically that makes it my business now." I nodded. "And I dare you to do something about that." I felt a faint smile on my face but it dissapeared when I seen Chasity in the background, sitting on the floor. "Oh I'll definately do something about it." Freddie nodded. "What are you gonna do? Beat me?" I asked and pushed past him and walked over to Chasity. "Are you alright?" I kneeled down next to her. "Leave me alone Francis." I can't believe this. "What, so he can continue to do what he's doing? This fool can't even stay faithful, you know how many girls I've seen him kiss since you were at work? I wonder what else he did." I nodded. "Why are you watching him?" She asked. "I don't watch him, You know where I work and you know I walk past your house everyday." I sighed. "Look if you don't want this everyday life to stop, then I'll just leave, forever." I looked at htem both. "Please do." Freddie nodded.

"Shut up and stay out of this." Chasity stood up. "What?" Freddie looked at her. "You heard her Freddie." I nodded. "You shut up." Freddie said to me. "Make me, you bastard." Just after I said that I was on my knees and my hand on my jaw. That bitch hit me. "Oh nice." I stood up and returned the hit. "I'm not like her, I'll hit back." I stated. "Now leave her alone man." I demanded. "No, I love her." He nodded. "Stop your lying and leave." I said as I pushed him into the wall. "You've damaged her to the point where she can't even decide anymore."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 31
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My Love and More.  Empty Re: My Love and More.

Post  Abby Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:55 pm

hehe drama
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 18094
Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 26
Location : Behind You

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