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Anonymous. Empty Anonymous.

Post  taylorphernelia Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:35 am

Alrighty, I'm not sure if I really like this or not, but I do like the plot I was thinking of, and I just decided to post it because I'm insanely bored. But anyways, this might not be the entire chapter one, and it will probably get edited a lot by the end of tonight.

Chapter one;

Lavender Devall was not an idiot, and she was not about to let people think she was. She had known what she needed to do for a long time, but the thing was, Lavender just didn't have the guts to do it. But right now, the thought was so tempting. The gun sat still in her lap, he hand hovered over it threateningly, and her eyes were closed. Could she? Could she really do it? Lavender bit her lip, and looked down at the pen sitting in front of her.

The pen had been her motivation to do it. The pen had brought her such an unexplainable, incomprehensible joy, that filled every vein in her body, and she smiled. Smiled, for the first time in months, because it would all be over soon. The pen was now in her hands, gripped tightly, and so was the gun. It moved very slowly to her head, so slowly, she didn't even know she was doing it. She was only aware of the pen in her hands; it was all the mattered.

The trigger was being ever-so-lightly touched by her finger, and the smile on her face grew a bit heavier. She was still unaware; the only thing that she could hear was the roar of what seemed like warfare, that was happening directly below her, probably in the kitchen, and before she could even hear the end of it, the trigger had been pressed all the way down by her finger, and she fell to the floor with a limp thud- the smile still on her face.

No one had really heard her; as her parents were too busy throwing things at each other, and her brother was blasting music in his room. No one even thought to check on her, until three hours later, when dinner was ready. Zachary had been the one to go find her, ordered from his mom. He walked lazily, hunched over, to her room, and opened the door with a sneer. "Lavender din-" but he stopped talking when he saw the pool of blood on the floor. His mouth opened wide, prepared for a scream, but no noise came out, as if someone had ripped out his vocal cords. He couldn't move, either, just stood there, almost paralyzed, staring at the blood. Gulping, he managed to look away, and was then free to move; to run downstairs.

Though, Zachary hadn't seen his sister lying on the floor, the blood was enough to be convinced she had died, or at least been seriously hurt, and so he ran to his mom, still not finding his voice.

She just stared at him a little, shook her head, and directed him to the table. "Where's Lavender?" She mumbled a few seconds later, staring at the boy intently. "I told you to go get her, we're not eating without her, you know." Though, Mary's voice was quite threatening, and creepy, Zach didn't budge. His mouth wouldn't even open to explain, he just stared at the stairs, almost daring her to see for herself.

And it's exactly what she had done; she scooted away from the table, thrown her napkin angrily on it, and stomped her way upstairs, making a mental note to yell at Zach later for being so goddamn lazy. "I can't believe he won't just get his sister, for Christ's sake, it isn't that big of a job, I thought that maybe he could ha-" Her words got caught, just as his had, as she stared into the room. That isn't... Her mind tried convincing itself that it wasn't blood; that Lavender had simply spilled some juise onto the floor, but when she walked further inside, and stared at her daughters body, she couldn't keep that thought in her mind.

Unlike her son, however, Mary did scream. Loud, piercing, shrill scream, that echoed through the house, and even if music had been blasting, and two grown-adults had been throwing things at each other like they were three again, it would be heard. Mary's mind went blank from a moment, and she felt herself fall; right next to her daughter, in fact, and if she had still been there when Mary came to, she probably would have screamed and fainted again. Luckily for her, Jacob, her husband, came running up the stairs when he heard the ear-splitting scream, and had the brains to call the police (or maybe he just wasn't as shocked as the others were, and still had his head together).

There was a huge silence in the house as Lavender was taken away in the ambulance; even afterwards too. No one spoke as they sat around the television, and they all went to bed at an insanely early time, perhaps it was because they knew if they opened their mouth, the only thing they'd be able to say, was something about Lavender.

This rang true in the morning, as Zachary was getting ready for school. He picked up a piece of toast, looked up to his father with big eyes, and asked why she did it. Mary broke into a fit of hysterics, just at the sound of the name "Lavender", and Jacob never answered, he simple shooed Zachary away- told him to leave, the bus'd be there any second.

As he shushed Mary, and she finally settled down, she looked around, and couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Why had she done it? She was about to ask, too, when Jacob answered, saying he had no clue. "No one does, and there's no use obsessing over it... So just, move on. Alright Mary, move on?" He frowned at her blank stare, and headed off to another room, hoping to get some peace, just like his daughter had.
you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 336
Join date : 2010-11-29
Age : 27
Location : Californian Desert

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