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Time-turners and sheer luck.

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Time-turners and sheer luck. Empty Time-turners and sheer luck.

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:00 am

A/N; I do not own Harry Potter, or anything else that the brilliant mind of J.K. Rowling's has created. I do not to claim any of these things, except for the writing below, which is of my own. I also own a few of the characters, in which I have made up.

Chapter one; The ones that got away.

There was a loud crack as Dolohov appeared at the edge of the forest, he was alone, he was the first one there. He smiled satisfactorily, reminding him once again of his narrow escape from Hogwarts. It was very quickly that The Dark Lord had fallen, that the Dementors began to lose control; they realized that they had no one left to obey, and they took it as a sign to attack anyone they could find. If you weren't caught by one of the Order members (which most were too upset over casualties, they didn't even bother to scan the vicinity for death eaters), you got the pleasure of your soul being sucked right out of you, and suffering the Kiss.

He sat there in the darkness, starting to grow tired, where are the others? Surely, someone else had to have survived, right? He couldn't be the only one, no that was impossible....

Maybe they forget, he thought reassuringly, of the plan we had. Maybe they didn't listen, they didn't expect Lord Voldemort to fall, did they?

Dolohov was almost certain that they had not expected any of this, in all honesty, he did not either. He had his doubts along the way, about whether or not Potter would be a threat to the plan, and whether or not The Dark Lord was more powerful then him, but when push came to shove he believed in his master; he was a loyal servant to the wrong side, for a second time, and this time it would be worse. The consequences, after already claiming he had been imperiused the first time, would be more severe. Would the Dementors, perhaps, take care of them? Or maybe, something far worse, that he couldn't even imagine...

They had, all of the death eaters, had announced their loyalty to him with everyone watching. Everyone knew who they were, every single person knew it, and there was no escaping that fact. They would be caught, eventually, he was quite sure of that... So where was everyone? Did they not seek refuge in their, perhaps only, plan left?

Dolohov was about to decide that they had, they everyone had given up on the fight, when there was the sound of a distant crack. The same noise that had reverberated through-out the forest when he, himself, had arrived.

His head whipped in the direction of the noise, and out of the shadows appeared Lestrange. His face was grave, and pearly-white. Dolohov had a feeling it had something to do with Bellatrix's death, but he said nothing of it. Trying to comfort him would not work, and Lestrange would take it as an insult, would probably resort to a duel, and they could not suffer to lose another member of the faithful death eaters. They just couldn't.

“Your plan better be good,” was all Rodolphus had to say before storming past him. He looked after his slowly disappearing figure, and frowned, wondering where he was off to. Again, he remained silent, despite his curiosity.

It was clear that Rodolphus was re-considering things, with Bellatrix at his side he never had time to do this; she was quite intrigued and on-board for anything that Lord Voldemort threw their way, and he took this as encouragement, as motivation, and now that she was gone, there was nothing left. It was, as if, a thousand Dementors were constantly trailing him. Although, strangely enough, even his stay at Azkaban had not caused that... not it took the death of his wife to truly shake him into understanding.

At least Rodolphus came, he didn't have to; I'm quite surprised that he did... Shame, didn't he lose his brother in the war, too? Or is Rabastan still alive? Maybe he'll join us later on...

Before he could contemplate the arrival of anyone else, there was another distant crack and two more wizards appeared from the shadows; Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, both looking almost as pale as Rodolphus, stepped in front of him. Lucius looked around, a confused expression was plainly visible on his face.

“No one else?” He seemed slightly disappointed, but altogether Antonin was sure he wasn't surprised.

Clearing his throat, Dolohov shook his head. “Rodolphus wandered off somewhere in the forest... I decided not to chase after him, I'm sure he's mourning, still.”

Lucius nodded in understanding, however it was still plain to see that he wasn't very impressed with Antonin's ability to recruit people.

“I'm sure more are coming, though!” He added in quickly, a bit too enthusiastic, the doubt was clear in his voice, and not reassuring to either of the Malfoy's.

“Well,” Narcissa mumbled, looking around curiously. “While you wait for others, we'll look for Rodolphus.” and with that, her and her husband stalked off in the same direction Lestrange had gone to just a few minutes previously.

Antonin nodded, but he remained silent as he waited in the dark, hoping for someone else to apparate. He was desperate enough to wish for anyone, even that wretched filth Fenrir Greyback, but most unfortunately, no one did arrive. When Lucius, Narcissa, and Rodolphus reappeared, there was yet another crack and this time Yaxley appeared, his breathing was heavy and ragged, and he was bleeding from his side, but both of these things were over-looked in Dolohov's excitement of another person arriving.

Narcissa gasped softly, her eyes never leaving Yaxley's wound. She grabbed a bottle out of her pocket, and motioned him forward. In all honestly, Narcissa was not a very good healer, however Yaxley figured that it was better to try and do something to stop it, then do nothing. She ripped open Yaxley's shirt, her eyes taking in the wound as best they could, and then she allowed two drops from the Essence of Dittany bottle in her hand, to fall on the wound. Immediately, it ceased all bleeding, and eventually started to heal. With a flick of her wand, she fixed his shirt, and got rid of the blood on it. He nodded, said thank you, and then looked at Antonin with rage.

“It's your fault!” Yaxley screamed, completely outraged, “and yet, you stand here, and you do nothing – nothing to help me, and you did a good job of not helping anyone at Hogwarts either, you selfish piece of sc-”

Stop.” Rodolphus mumbled calmly, shooting a warning glance at Dolohov who had his hand inside his robes, obviously gripping his wand. “You,” he said, his attention still on Antonin, “are not going to fight, or duel anyone.” and once again, Dolohov was reminded of what he had done when Lestrange had arrived.. he hadn't talked because he didn't want a fight.. but Yaxley had just made him snap...

“And you,” he said, now turning around to glare at Yaxley, “will stop blaming people. It was no one's fault what happened, no one could've prevented it unless we went against The Dark Lord's orders, and that would've been quite impractical, for even if we had begun to, he would've stopped us.”

“But he-”

“Yes, I'm quite aware that Antonin was selfish, and decided to flee before the second battle began, but what does it matter now? That battle is over, and we lost.” Lestrange was somehow managing to stay strong, and was resisting the urge to agree open with Yaxley, for he knew that Dolohov would not take this very well, and the next fight might not be avoidable.

“But, Rodolphus,” There was a hint of pleading in Yaxley's voice now, he wasn't angry anymore, but extremely upset, “He left, while the rest of us fought our hearts out; it might've been him dead, and not dear Bellatrix, and not Rabastan. But him. Won't you at least admit that-”

“Drop it.” He said firmly, though when Bellatrix's name had been spoken he found himself shivering a little, and felt guilty, that it was his own fault his wife, and brother, were now laying dead in the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

Noticing the sorrow in Lestrange's eyes, Yaxley did as he was told, and stopped the argument; it was clear that he had lost someone, too, although he wasn't admitting who, and no one pursued this case. It wasn't as if that was very important, anyways.

“Well, now that you've gotten past the want to kill me,” Antonin started, glaring at Yaxley one more time, “I believe we should discuss why we are here, yes?” He managed to put on a smile, though everyone was aware that it was fake.

Narcissa spoke up at once, “Dolohov, I hope you aren't thinking that Voldemort will resurface; you say him, he was dead. Whatever was protecting him before is gone, there's no chance of it.” she could not honestly say that she wanted The Dark Lord to return to power, but it was much more reassuring to think that Dolohov believed this, instead of some other ludicrous plan of his, that would only end up in them getting caught.

“Oh, my dear Narcissa, no.” Antonin shook his head slightly, the smile still plastered on his face. “No one in their right mind would believe that he would return after that horrid defeat, but there is a way-”

“There isn't!” Yaxley said, shaking his head firmly. “There is no way he's coming back, do you hear yourself? You must be out of your mind if you think there's something we can do about it.”

Quite annoyed, though determined to keep his calm, Dolohov continued. “Ah, did I ever say anything about us bringing him back, Yaxley?” Antonin did not wait for an answer, although Yaxley did open his mouth to say something. “Of course I do not believe that, but I do believe there is a way for us to kill Potter, and for all of us, Voldemort included, to be powerful once again.”

Before anyone else could interrupt and call him crazy, Antonin pulled out a small golden necklace from his pocket, and smirked at everyone.

“You aren't really saying that we're going to-”

“Oh yes, Lucius, we are going to go back to Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts, and make sure that he never has the chance to beat defeat Voldemort. Once he gains the Sorcerer's Stone, with the help of Quirrel, we can't lose if he's dead! Do you see the brilliance? This cannot back fire, it's absolutely fool-proof!” Dolohov beamed at the small group huddled around him.

“You seem to have over-looked a few things, Antonin.” Rodolphus grabbed the necklace from him. “Do you remember what happens to people if someone catches them in a time they aren't supposed to be in? Do you not remember that you and I are supposed to be in Azkaban at the time of Potter's arrival at Hogwarts. Do you also understand, that it would not be necessarily 'normal' for Lucius and Narcissa to be parading around the school. And would you also agree, that it would be completely awkward, for our past selves to discover us? You know what happens then, and the plan will be ruined; I don't think I'm going to take that chance, it isn't worth it.”

“I have not over-looked any of that, Lestrange, I just think that we'll be able to over-come those slight down-falls, don't you all agree? Do you not deem yourselves capable of wearing your masks and robes, and hiding out for a few hours, and at the very most days; this won't take long, I assure you, and if it does, then well, at least Potter'll be dead, right?”

“You must also be forgetting then,” Narcissa piped up, “That we will be stuck in the past for seven years.” she blinked at Dolohov as if he were a total moron.

“Ah, but I've already researched this! If we do in fact complete our objective in which we needed to use this time-turner for, we will automatically be sent back into the future. Along the way, for our own little benefit, we will have full-knowledge of everything that had changed through-out the years.” Dolohov then turned back to Rodolphus, inspiration flowing out of him. “I thought you of all people would love this idea. Bellatrix and Rabastan would be back, doesn't that motivate you, at least slightly?”

Rodolphus would never admit it, but it did. The thought of having his wife back filled him with immense joy, and though the joy wasn't as great as it was for Bellatrix, having Rabastan back would also be quite lovely.

“Fine,” Lestrange muttered, deciding that if he gave in at least he wouldn't be pestered by Dolohov anymore. “I'm in.” He turned to look at the Malfoy's, hoping they wouldn't leave him alone with Dolohov, or even worse, with Dolohov and Yaxley.

Lucius contemplated this for a moment, whispered something in Narcissa's ear, and they both nodded slightly. “We'll go.” he said, his voice was soft, less intimidating and arrogant then it usually was.

Dolohov smiled, he could care less about what Yaxley had to say now, as long as he had three trust-worthy people behind him and his plan, he was satisfied.

“Well, I think you're all psychotic.” Yaxley mumbled, as he stormed away from the group. No one uttered anything to him as he disapparated with a loud crack.

“Can't say I'm sorry to see him go...” Antonin mumbled. He then turned to the people in front of him, clapping Lestrange, who was closest to him, on the back. “Shall we leave then?”

“Wait,” Narcissa mumbled, “We're leaving.. now? This very night? Without even saying goodbye to anyone..?”

“Draco will be fine, I assure you!” Dolohov insisted to not only Narcissa, but to Lucius as well who seemed to have froze at the thought of abandoning Draco for even a few hours, especially after what had just happened. “Besides, this shouldn't last too long, remember? I'm sure you'll be back before he even knows it.”

“And what if we aren't?” Narcissa snapped, wishing there was someone left to leave Draco with. With all the death eaters either in jail, or dead, there was no one; she couldn't think of any other wizard who she could trust, and she just wasn't fully on-board anymore.

“Then, we'll figure something out when that time comes, ple-”

“NO!” She shouted indignantly, glaring at Dolohov. “Lucius and I are going home to say goodbye, and to give the house-elves a few orders. We'll be back in a few minutes, maybe an hour. Just wait here!” she tugged on Lucius's hand and they too disapparated, only leaving behind the echoing sound of the all-too familiar crack.

“Well, I suppose we should all go home and gather some essentials, yes? It would be better then waiting here for them to return.. God knows how long they'll be..” Antonin hadn't even finished when Rodolphus began to walk away, he was clearly not the only one who wasn't enthusiastic about leaving.

There were two more cracks as Rodolphus, and then Antonin disapparated, and then the forest was completely deserted again.
you've got the hang of it.

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Time-turners and sheer luck. Empty Re: Time-turners and sheer luck.

Post  taylorphernelia Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:05 am

Welp, with nineteen views and zero replies, I'll take that as a THIS SUCKED.
Thanks guys, wow what the fuck, thanks.
you've got the hang of it.

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Time-turners and sheer luck. Empty Re: Time-turners and sheer luck.

Post  Fennec Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:06 pm

I loved it. You're a really good writer.
liek hay gurl

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Time-turners and sheer luck. Empty Re: Time-turners and sheer luck.

Post  taylorphernelia Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:23 am

Thanks, not sure if I'm continuing this though.
you've got the hang of it.

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