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This Really Sucks

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This Really Sucks Empty This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:34 pm

I'm so bored on here. I am doing like three rps on here but still, they are starting to die. I've already stopped posting on a few because it was just stupid and boring. I want an interesting rp with a good sized post. You don't have to put a paragraph for each character- even though that would be nice- but at least give me something to reply to. Seriously, when I get on this site now, I only reply to the rps that I have going on and then get off because it's boring! Please someone save me Exclamation

♡ Alicia ♡
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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:40 pm

oh my god exactly.
no offense to anyone, but everyone that's been joining my RPs lately have been like illiterate, or just have done something to annoy me with their profiles/posts, and it's just ridiculous, omg.
And no one ever really joins my RPs, so it's not a lot of people, but the majority of people on here post like one liner replies every single time, and it's just killing away any sense of literacy I've had before I joined this site.
Anyways, if you want to do a one on one with me, I'd be glad to, but I don't know if I can supply a plot or not. :p
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:45 pm

I know. Like if you look at the rps I'm doing right now, there are one lines posted by me because if I even try to write a good post, the other person won't give me a good reply. O_o I hate it. So, there isn't much to reply to. Gosh, and my brother (Zack) was being an idiot and did somethings... very stupud things... last weekend and got grounded. But he's finally back so I don't have to play a guy anymore :] Sure, I'll be happy to do a one on one with you since you are one of the most literate people, if not the most literate person, on here. And I can't even provide my own plot because I used them mulitple times on meez and people just ruin the whole idea for me by posting the dumbest things that don't even make sense. So, I'm giving up on my own plots for a while.

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:53 pm

I know exactly what you mean. When people reply with a one liner there's just absolutely nothing to reply to but a one liner. I hate more then anything when people reply with something like "she sat down." or, I don't know something like that. How is anyone supposed to reply to that? It's just....
Well, I don't really want to begin ranting because there'll be no end to it, but thank you! That really does mean a lot, I know two other people that are probably more literate then me, but they've stopped going on here, so for the time being...
I'll look through my plots then, is there any certain genre you'd prefer? I don't mind, maybe I'll write something new up for a change. I'm getting kind of sick of mine, too. I mean when you do nothing but re-post the same thing over and over, you just start to hate it.
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:59 pm

I know! It's like, I get kind of frusterated when people post things like that... it's like, well okay, that's great that she sat down... but the reply is going to be something like "He sat down next to her" or "He stood there awkwardly"... Really? What kind of rp is that? And I should stop too before it's too late and I can't stop myself from complaining and ranting. ~ So yeah.~ I like a variety of things, maybe some type of horror rp that isn't based on romance but instead based on the actual events that are 'scary' and has some romnace on the side. Which is optional of course, because I can totally do no romance. I've had enough of rp based romance to last me at least a year. xD

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:01 pm

Alright, that sounds great. I'm actually in the mood for something non-romance, anyways! I agree, when I first started role play, even up until when I joined this site, the only thing I did was romance, and it just... OVER-LOAD OF ROMANCE. xD
Alright, give me a few minutes; I'll look through my plots, and try to think of something new, as well.
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:03 pm

Alright that sounds great. Thank you so much Taylor!

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:11 pm

It's no problem!
It'll just be a few more minutes, I have three or so plots, but I want to find at least one more, and I can't seem to find it in my threads on meez. :/
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:14 pm

It's okay, it's worth the wait. Finally, a good rp with someone literate!

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:16 pm

The Regulators;
Based off the book The Regulators.

It's finally summer in Wentworth, Ohio, and everyone is happy about this.
Just a few weeks into summer, though, and things start.. Well.. Changing.

It all starts with the idling red van; everyone ignores it at first. It's just a stupid van, right? What harm could it bring to us? You see, the families in Wentworth, Ohio haven't had anything like this happen to them- barely any violence is brought upon them. Most people didn't even see the van, anyways.

Well, it starts moving. Slowly down the street, stopping at the EZ-stop, convenience store, and then, the bullets start flying.
Two people get shot.
Phone lines are going dead.
There's no help for them.

Another van- this time a blue one.
Same things happen.
More injured people.
No help.

Another van, another van, another van.
Six vans in total drive down that street, killing at least one person, though not always instantly.

The survivors have a worse fate coming to them, though.
They're now in Tak's court, and no one gets out of it alive.;
this one is really confusing, so if you haven't read the book and you want to know a bit more about it, feel free to ask. I always did love this RP but it never got very far.
Tori (for lack of a better name xD);
She was the most popular, the prettiest, the one every guy wanted and every girl wanted to be friends with. It seemed that she had everything she wanted; she was always smiling, always exceptionally happy...
Though, most liked her, there were a few... others, who hated her guts. When murders started to be announced on the news, you bet these people sprang to ridiculous conclusions; "It was her! It was Tori, it just had to be!" With no conclusive evidence, they stopped for a while. And then more people died, and they couldn't stand it any longer. They knew it was Tori, and they needed to stop her.;
I just re-wrote this really quickly because I couldn't find the original, but if it confuses you just ask.
Death Eaters (if you have no interest in Harry Potter, then just skip this one xD I'm a HP freakkkkkkk);
It is the end of the second wizarding war, and your leader, Lord Voldemort, has fallen. He is dead for the final time, and it's clear to everyone; even those who were his most loyal. You've suffered great losses, and now, you fear, you yourself are going to join them in the after-life.
Dolohov concocts a plan, though; a time-turner. You use it to go back in time, and plan to kill Potter, and anyone that gets in your way of doing it. However, time-turners are tricky devices, and if you get caught; if anyone sees who you truly are; your plan is ruined. Not only will you be forced in the time that you're in, until it is the present again (which would be... approximately seven or so years, maybe eight), the time-turner will blow up. Even if it hadn't, you wouldn't be able to go back to the present; it just doesn't work that way.
But, some of the death eaters that joined this trip are not loyal, and some want to kill you in order to save Potter. They fear the Dark Lord's return, just as much as you fear Azkaban.
Danger Days;
It's 2019, and after what appears to be a nuclear apocalypse, that none of us can remember, we- the survivors- form a small group called The Fabulous Killjoys. We're headed off to Battery City; It's rumored to have life, and be the safest place now that the Draculoids have appeared. We aren't sure if any of the rumors are true, but hey, who cares? We've got no other choice.

The only food we have is Power Pup- yes, that's right. Dog food, but we live on what we got, and after a while it doesn't taste that terrible. The only entertainment we have is the radio, which only has one station that is working, and we have reason to believe that it's being broadcasted from Battery City. Our only form of protection is our Ray Guns. Yes, we have masks that covers our eyes, but we're not big on costumes. Leather jackets, jeans, and converse will suffice for us. We have codenames, since some of us can't really remember our actual ones, and what's the point? We shouldn't get too close to each other- there's a chance that we'll die any second.
anyways, if any of them confuse you just ask me. I'm completely okay with any of them, but I have a lot more if you don't like them. It's fine, just tell me; I don't want to suck you into an RP that you're forced to do. It's happened to me before xD it isn't really good.

you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:24 pm

Personally, the Regualtors is my favorite. The Death Eaters one is also very good. So, let me jus make sure I understand; the Regulators is about being in 'Tak's court' and trying to escape or trying to overthrow the people who are trying to kill them. (?)
The Death Eaters one (I love Harry Potter!) is about Death Eaters goign back in time and trying to kill Harry Potter but there are some whoare trying to save him and kill ther killers. (?)

♡ Alicia ♡
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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:28 pm

Well, the regulators is going to start from the beginning, with the first shootings and such. Then, after all the vans pass... well it's kind of hard to explain. The street... transforms from a modern suburban street into a sort of desert area. The vans are still going through and shooting things, and after it "transforms" there's no way out. I don't know, it's really confusing. ><
There's this one kid, who's kind of the source of this, because Tak is possessing him, and so if he dies, which once everyone understands this, people will try to kill him, the street will go back to the way it was before "transforming"
I'm terrible at explaining, I'm sorry xD

And, yeah basically. In the story I'm making about that plot (I'm only RPing with it, because I don't know where to move on from the first chapter xD) The Malfoy's were the one who went purely to stop Dolohov and the others from killing Potter, they aren't necessarily trying to kill him, or any of the others at first, but if they need to, they will. Does that help you at all? xD
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:32 pm

Yes, it was confused after reading your explanations once. But the second time I got it. :] I'll do either one. Doesn't matter to me, they are both good.

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:35 pm

Hm, are you up for playing multiple characters? (at least three?)
We could, perhaps, do one, and then if it starts to die/get boring, we could start the other? I'm terrible with decisions. xD
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:40 pm

I'm bad with decisions too; but I can handle three characters.

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:41 pm

Alright, I think we'll do the regulators one, perhaps?
If that's fine with you.
Should I post the thread, or would you like to?
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:43 pm

Yeah, the Regulators one is fine. Can you post the thread please?

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:53 pm

Sorry for the wait, but I posted it.
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:56 pm

Kay thanks. I'm getting my profiles ready now.

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  taylorphernelia Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:28 am

I've decided I'm going to re-write the death eaters plot, and post it. Just wanted to tell you in case you wanted to join c:
you've got the hang of it.

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This Really Sucks Empty Re: This Really Sucks

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:57 am

Oh, okay, I'll check it out :]

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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