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The Way The Wind Blows

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The Way The Wind Blows Empty The Way The Wind Blows

Post  Morgan Fri May 06, 2011 7:46 am

Its probably useless for me to post this on here as it seems to me that no one really hang out in this part of the site. This is something I started in my English class while we were in the computer lab working on our Poetry Project. I had finished and did this. Enjoy or die....
<3Love Mrs. Blondie


The Way The Wind Blows
By now the temperature had dropped at least ten degrees. It was freezing cold, deathly cold. I couldn’t stand it. My skin was edged with small little chill bumps, some not from the cold. Some where from the fear that anything could happen. Anything at this moment would happen and I couldn't stop it. There was nothing I could do. Nothing.

I was walking home on this Saturday night. I was all alone. The sky was cover in a think black blanket of darkness. There where no stars to brighten the sky. I was scared. As you can imagine a sixteen year old girl walking home in the dark alone would be scared. So scared she could literally jump out of her skin. Well that’s where I was. I jumped with every noise, a crunch of leaves, a snap of twigs, a small dog barking in the distance.

When I heard a car right behind me I started walking faster. That didn’t help. The car sped up to keep pace with me. I didn’t turn around. Why give them the pleasure of seeing who I was? Why would I let them take my identity and be one step closer to their goal. I walked faster pretending they weren't there. Nothing was helping. I could still hear them.

Then the night turned silent. The car had stopped, or I hoped it had taken a turn and stopped following me. I was paying attention and missed the sound of a car door shut. The was the last night I’d seen, well for a while.

A guy jumped from the car grabbing me and covering my mouth. “You yell you die!” He whispered loudly into my ear. All I could do was try to wiggle out of his grip. I wasn’t succeeding.

All I remembered after that was him throwing me into the car and holding me down as they sped away. I couldn’t do anything. When I saw a chance to break away he pulled a knife from his pocket. My small window to get away had just been slammed shut. I was more scared now then I had ever been. Why was this happening to me? Why? That’s the question I was answered, and answered soon.


Please Tell me what you like about this. What you didnt like. What I should Add. What I should fix or change. Im up to ideas. If you dont want your input view by anyone and everyone on this site you can PM me. I like to try to make my stories good for anyone to read. Thanks for reading if you took the time to read this.


After every chapter I post there will be and input question that I would love for my readers to answer. For this chapter there are two questions.
#1)What should the girls name be?
#2)Why would the guys grab her? Do they know her? Where are they taking her?
Make sure to answer these questions if you want to be part of this story making. <3
I love you guys! Thanks for reading
Love~~Neaveh <3
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
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The Way The Wind Blows Empty Re: The Way The Wind Blows

Post  Abby Sat May 07, 2011 8:08 am

1- Abby? (lol all I could think of was my name)

2- Rape, torture, maybe they're just sociopaths, or it was a dare? Yes they know her from a club, but they drugged her drink so she can't remember them? They're taking her to an abandon warehouse?

Hope I could help.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 26
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The Way The Wind Blows Empty Re: The Way The Wind Blows

Post  Morgan Sat May 07, 2011 8:30 am

Chapter Two-The Hide~OutFrom here on my mind was set. I was going to die. I was to young to die I don’t want to go yet. I’m scared to die. It’s my biggest fear

The car stopped. The guy grabbed my arm tighter pulling me out the car. All I could see as a building. I closed my eyes telling myself it was all a terrible nightmare.

The building they took me to was a barn. A barn in the middle of an empty field. This was the barn my best friend Jasmine was burned and hung.

I tried to pull away, but still I did not succeed, for I was still in the grasp of this mad man. I hadn’t looked at him. I was to scared to.

Before I could resist another hand grabbed me. I was pulled into the barn. One guy closed the door and cut on a light. I looked around. The inside looked like a small house. There was a bed and everything.

The hands released me. I turned around a saw who they where.

“Danny? Josh?” I stuttered. I looked at their faces again. No it couldn’t be them.

One on them nodded “Yes Gabbi. Its me Danny...” He whispered in shame. He stepped closer to me taking my hand. “Gabbi we are trying to help you. You have to stay here and never tell anyone where you are. If you love will do it.”

Danny was my boyfriend. All I could do was hug him tight sobbing.

He rubbed my back sympathetically. “Gabbi, this is our hide~out. And yours now too.”

Question timeeee!!!
Only one this time.
Why was Jasmine killed in the barn and why would Danny(Gabbi's Boyfriend) and Josh (Danny's brother) bring her to the place her bestfriend was killed to hide?
I dont know. You tell me (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 20652
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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