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Caught By The Wind.

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Caught By The Wind. Empty Caught By The Wind.

Post  Sauske. Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:54 am


I'm sorry about this. I only hope you will forgive me some day. But I can’t live in Arizona anymore. This is the beginning of my life. I wouldn’t be able to live here anymore with them knowing I’m some freaky bird kid mutant thing. You know? Glad you understand. I will see you again some day.

I folded the letter and put it on the nightstand. This was the last time I would ever see Phoenix, Arizona again as long as I lived. Unless something brought me back, I would never see that dump of a school again. This was good-bye.
Suddenly, there was an explosion. I don’t remember what happened after, my whole world just went black. The last thing I remember was blood running down my arm and a searing pain in my side.

Last edited by XxBloodyxCupcakesxX on Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2913
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 26
Location : Seeing Your Jazz Hands, Battery City, MCR World.

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Caught By The Wind. Empty Re: Caught By The Wind.

Post  Sauske. Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:54 am

Chapter One

It was June. Of course it was warm as it always was, especially this time of year. I was in the kitchen half-way listening to my mother ramble on about how irresponsible I was. I had heard the same speech yesterday when I had been sent home from school for the twelfth time that month. My mother had had enough. But it was just the beginning of the worst of my problems.
“…And this happens! How could this happen?” my mother had asked bringing me back to the real world and out of my thoughts.
“Mother, it wasn’t that bad! He only got a broken arm!” I argued. Though I knew this would just start my mother up all over again.
Here is what happened earlier that June afternoon:
I had had enough of Alex’s talk. I was just walking towards my locker when he just pushed me into a wall and his gang surrounded me.
“How long are you going to keep showing up here?” he asked, crystals hanging off of his voice.
“Look, it’s a hallway. I have to walk down here and-” I started but he cut me off, punching me right in the face. Biggest mistake of his life. I pushed him on the ground and started to punch him in the face repeatedly. A few moments later blood started gushing from his nose. But I didn’t care. I started to hit him with my English book and sat on his back pulling his arm towards me. I heard a satisfying crack come from his arm and I got off and brushed the wrinkles from my uniform skirt. I didn’t like wearing skirts, but I had to. Then the principal came rushing down the hall and I got to the nearest window and unfurled my black wings, that had been tucked in close to my spine so no one could see them. Then just as the principal came towards me, I jumped out of the window, my seven foot wings catching me with the wind. I have a fourteen foot wingspan.
“It wasn’t that bad.” I repeated coming back to reality.
“Yes it was!” my mother said practically growing horns from her forehead.
“You’re overreacting!” I said. I hated it when my mother was like this.
“No I’m not! You broke his arm!” She said, waving her arms wildly.
“No wonder the neighbors think we’re weird...” I thought.
I had had enough. I stood up and walked outside, unfurled my wings, and took off gracefully. “Good riddance.” I thought.

Last edited by XxBloodyxCupcakesxX on Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2913
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 26
Location : Seeing Your Jazz Hands, Battery City, MCR World.

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Caught By The Wind. Empty Re: Caught By The Wind.

Post  Sauske. Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:56 am

Chapter Two

I had been flying for over an hour. My wings were tired but at this point I didn’t really care. I was just glad that I could have some time to think without my mom screaming at me.
I landed in a huge tree near the state line of California. I was getting faster at my flying. I didn’t want to go back, but I had to.
“Ugh.” I said when it started to rain. Stupid weather. How long must I be forced to live in this wasteland?
“Well. Might as well go back home before it gets bad.” I took off and tried going as fast as I could go. I was in my front yard(and soaked) in about half an hour. I just flew up to my window and crawled through.
I didn’t have school the next day because of the little incident that had happened that day. Oh well. I didn’t have any friends anyways. Who cared if there were only three days left of school? Not me. I decided to get out my laptop and write in my blog. I was only known there. I was invisible anywhere else. I even made a font that looked exactly like my handwriting.

Welcome. You are visitor number: Broken.
Of: 1,481,953,582

Sup bloggers,
Natalie here. Alright so I’m kicked out of school again because of that stupid Alex guy. You know him from my previous blogs. So, this is just me out of total boredom. Why? Because my mom was yelling at me again at how irresponsible I am. Yeah. I guess you could say I was totally pissed. Still am. I left for about 3 and a half hours ago and I'm home, tired, and soaked now. Yipee.. Well, since I'm all pissed, tired, and wet, I'm gonna go. Don't wanna take all my teenage mutant anger out on you.
Fly on,

I closed my laptop and grabbed some shorts and a tank top and went into my bathroom and took a shower. Good thing I wasn't going to school the next day, because I was probably going to be all sick the next day.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2913
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 26
Location : Seeing Your Jazz Hands, Battery City, MCR World.

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Caught By The Wind. Empty Re: Caught By The Wind.

Post  Sauske. Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 am

//Hot damn! Sorry I haven't posted in so fucking long!! I'll try to post more, but I won't be able to this weekend, I'll be in Tennesse with my youthgroup at Winter Extreme, and won't be back until Sunday.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2913
Join date : 2010-09-21
Age : 26
Location : Seeing Your Jazz Hands, Battery City, MCR World.

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